
Feathered Folly

It took a lot of time and energy to have Aurelius change the duration of Phoebe's punishment. If it were not for the intervention of Kiki and Min-Min the father-daughter pair would have remained distant and angry at one another for the rest of time. So after having a long heart to heat and lecture Phoebe and Aurelius reconciled. 

That's not to say that Phoebe didn't receive any punishment for her actions, she was grounded for a month her training schedule was doubled, and she was required to write a long letter of apology. All in all, it was a big learning moment for both parties, Aurelius learned that he needed to be stricter when it came to Phoebe's discipline, and Phoebe learned that her guardians know much more than her and only have her best interest at heart so she must listen to them.

Besides all the new basic combat training Phoebe was required to learn, to ensure her safety, she and Aurelius were surprised to learn of a skill not registered under her status window. The incident in question occurred when Phoebe was lounging peacefully in the backyard, under supervision of course, after completing all her chores, homework, and training exercises for the day. Aurelius at this point had left the fox servants to watch over her as he planned to use this free time to make more progress analyzing the barrier. With Aurelius gone a couple of birds began to land near and around Phoebe, something that at first freaked her out but after some time she began to enjoy. The birds were extremely docile towards her, funnily enough, they were acting more like dogs than birds. 

A small bluebird hopped happily into Phoebe's open palm and acted incredibly coquettishly, rubbing its head against her hand. The birds noticing that Phoebe wasn't bothered by these actions became more fearless in their pursuit and playfulness towards Phoebe. Without much warning Phoebe became the hottest landing site for all nearby birds, they rested on her head, arms, and legs. 

When Kiki and Min-Min noticed this they immediately ran over to her to stop the bird flock. Noticing the approach of the foxes many of the birds skittishly jumped and flew away from Phoebe but several remained, observing Kiki and Min-Min with extreme vigilance and prejudice. 

"My lady, are you ok? Don't panic we will free you from these pests soon!" Kiki said as she attempted to shoo the birds around Phoebe. 

"Don't worry they aren't going to hurt me. They just want to play!" Phoebe responded as she attempted to calm both the birds and the foxes. 

"Even if they aren't going to harm you, you must remove yourself from them immediately. These vermin could be carrying a large multitude of diseases." Min-Min hissed as a large elegant crow began to antagonize him. 

The crow in question hearing that squawked angrily as it flapped its wings angrily towards Min-Min. The other birds soon followed suit and formed a protective formation around Phoebe as they angrily squawked. Not to be outdone Min-Min and Kiki hissed and growled at the bird, completely lowering themselves onto their front paws. 

"Princess do not worry we will protect you from this voracious beast. Men on my mark charge!" The raven announced flying up in the air before landing on top of Phoebe's head, Kiki and Min-Min didn't acknowledge or respond to the bird's provocation as they couldn't understand the bird's language. 

"Wait everyone please stop!" Phoebe asked trying to calm all the agitated parties but none heard her reasonable pleas. 


The birds following this command immediately charged forward and began to angrily peak and attack Min-Min and Kiki, who in turn started whacking the birds. It was a scene of comical violence as neither side was backing down from the fight. Every time Phoebe moved in to attempt to break up the fight one of the warriors from either side would take a moment to attend to her and shepherd her away from the battle. No one was listening to Phoebe's pleas and it was beginning to frustrate the young girl. 


[The Constellation, Ethereal Avian of Fiery Skies, is confused at the carnage in front of him and demands that it end hench forth]

A wave of intense heat, authority, and power emanated from Aurelius' spectral form, he had just returned moments ago after sensing the deep frustration and panic from Phoebe, fearing that something was wrong with her he stopped conducting experiments on the barrier to check on her. Feeling the intense power emanating off of Aurelius many of the birds lowered their bodies down to the ground as though they were bowing, the two foxes also matched the birds and bowed hastily before their master. Only one figure was struggling against this display of power, the elegant crow looked as though it were in pain as it fought against Aurelius' might and in its refusal to bend the metaphorical knee. Aurelius laughed at this and directed more power and energy towards the creature which only caused the crow to further strain to remain upright as he stood in between Phoebe. 

"Dad please stop your hurting it!" Phoebe cried as she scooped up the hapless creature into her arms as she gently petted it. 

"Do not worry princess the king is just testing my worthiness to be a part of your retinue. Do not worry for I, Valens will never falter!" Valens the crow squawked slightly in pain in an attempt to reassure the girl. 

Valens once more faced Aurelius down in a stare-down as the constellation continued to raise his energy. Just when it seemed as though Valens would crumble and likely perish Aurelius stopped applying pressure to the bird. Valens hopped up excitedly and once more perched on the top of Phoebe's head. 

"Princess I have succeeded! I am the first to be acknowledged by the king, I will dedicate my life and service to you, dear princess." Valens boasted proudly displaying his feathers in a grand gesture, Phoebe laughed at this. 

As Phoebe was picking herself up to go inside saying her goodbyes to all the birds, except for Valens who refused to leave her side, she turned to her father and asked a question. "Dad why can I understand birds and why does Valens call me princess and you king?" 


[The Constellation, Ethereal Avian of Fiery Skies, responds that you can understand and command all birds due to being kin with the king of the avian kind.]

Phoebe nodded her head in understanding, currently she had no idea how useful this ability would be, it would only be later in life when she would come to fully understand its full potential.

Wow, this took forever to write but honestly, I was feeling very burnt out and I struggled to write. Hopefully, I feel better later and I can continue writing.

Sable_Sparrowcreators' thoughts