
Chapter 17

"You seem to be enjoying yourself Atlas," Saeko looks me over with an amused grin

"Saeko. Everyone wants to look good. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar,"

I shrug off her antics. I've never been one to care what other people think of me. The real kind. Of course the fakes ones exist too. Calling themselves nonchalant but when the time comes to walk the talk, they cower in fear.

We are in the Autoshop we passed earlier I'm the day. I am picking out outfits. I've always loved shopping. It might be seen as a girly activity but that's only because you don't have the money to get what you want. Poverty is the number on enemy of the people alongside themselves.

"That's a nice jacket. Oh I'll take that as well. Come here,"

It's over for the zombie bros, all their bitches gonna want me. Especially with some of the jackets I wanted to pick but decided not to since they were very loud. Damn shame. Sike! The drip is eternal. I can look good in base. I ain't leaving shit. I just wish I had greater inventory space.

Also, shouldn't I get my next level reward, how high was it again? Two hundred, three? Ah who cares. I just wanna see what I'll get next. What a great method to keep me playing. Hiding the rewards behind mystery boxes, not knowing whether they'll be good or not. Is this the essence of gacha?

"Hey girl. Do you come here often?" I ask Saeko while I'm sitting on a bike. Hands gloved. Shades obviously. Leather jacket, leather pants, black boots and pretty privilege. I hate this world. Let me take a moment to mourn the deaths of so many goth girls. I will avenge you all.

"Not really. Being a third year student and the leader of the kendo club along with my duties as Busujima. I didn't have much time,"

Damn it Saeko. My lousy attempts were foiled in the making. She's genuinely answering my question. I guess it's time for serious talk.

"Do you ever wish things were different?"

"…no I'm quite comfortable with how things are,"

Hmm? My bullshit detector is going crazy. There's more to this story but having read the importance of subtext. I will save it for another time.


Luckily the zombies outside prevent the conversation from going further by conveniently moaning when it's convenient. I would hate to have one sided feelings right about now. This seems like the type of world that would purposefully drag that shit out till you're either dead or cucked or both.

Me personally, I wouldn't let that shit slide. I find out the girl I like, who I've been busting my ass for is taking it from another man? Hell no! I would get all the zombies and I mean all. Blow that shit the fuck up. We all dying that night.

I would even drag that shit out, see how they like it. Tie them up butt naked. Bleeding out of course, can't be a third rate villain. Don't want them getting saved. Maybe cut a limb for good measure then hit up the zombies like



"It's me,"


"Pull up,"

"Aight. Uuh,"

Boom. That'll teach them, because you can't tell me they don't know what they're doing. Taking advantage of you like that. Shame on them. Anyway we should move on.

"Let's check out the back,"

"Lead the way,"

Hello amphibious vehicle. Pleasure to meet you. My name is Atlas. Your new master.

"Check this out," I spread my hands to the OP vehicle in front of me.

"I have no idea what that is?" typical women. I definitely knew about the amphibious vehicle way before they showed it in the anime. Definitely.

"This is an amphibious vehicle. Used to traverse all kinds of terrain, including Off-road and even lakes and oceans,"

She gives me the look. The one where the girl you're talking to isn't really listening to what you're saying and doesn't really care to. Focus Saeko. This isn't me being a nerd. It's for survival.

"Which means that the zombies won't be able to follow us across bodies of water,"

There we go. Now she's listening. Even contemplating the options such a powerful tool unlocks for us. I knew you had it in you.

"Which means we can carry even more clothes,"

"Pff- you really love clothes don't you,"

"I also love other things as well,"

"Oh? Such as?"

"Strong ad beautiful women,"

I take out the instruction manual of the car and speed read through leaving Saeko to restart. I then proceed to through it out cause it didn't teach me anything I already didn't know. Hell I know more. That is one powerful feeling let me tell you.

"You're done?" Saeko gives me a quizzical look

"Yeah. The book was pretty basic actually, didn't really have what I needed. We'll be fine though. I can drive it at least,"

"That's good,"

"We should take advantage of the extra carry weight we have because of the car. Get more clothes,"

"I'll take that under consideration,"

So you're being cheeky.

"Just so we're clear. Do not come to me when you're clothes get ruined,"

She laughs, "I'm sure I'll be fine,"

A few minutes later

"Is this you taking revenge on me for not listening," Saeko asks as the is trying to wring her wet clothes that are sticking to her body. Man am I glad I'm in this world. Look at that body.

"I have no idea what you're talking about,"

I say innocently. Truly few men are as good as I am. I am as innocent as the day I was born.

She glares daggers at me then sees my eyes. Oh shit I've been caught ogling. Superior senses you've failed me.

"Are you sure that's the only reason you got me wet?" she asks coyly.

"Of course not," I shoot back not even trying to hide my lustful gaze.

Scoundrel mode activate. Can't catch me lacking. Saeko is taken aback by my bold claim and blushes at my teasing that was supposed to be her teasing. One zero Atlas.

We reach a suitable resting spot for Saeko to change. Wow. I'm really bored and I threw my phone away. Outstanding move. Guess I'll bug Saeko.

"Aren't you going to turn?"

"Do you want me to?

That's not very gentlemanly of you," gentle what now? Who's that? Never heard of him.

"I know, but I don't think I can help myself when you're in front of me looking like that,"

"Looking like what?"


"Thank you… but… we can't… I can't,"

"Ok," I say and turn my back to her. Forcing things is a sure bet way of losing more than you bargained for.

After she changes I turn to her.

"Hey Saeko, I just remembered. There's a shrine around this parts. How would you like an upgrade to your stick?"

"its not a stick it's a bokken," she retorts.

"Same difference," I say.

"No actually-

"Do you want a sword or not?" I am not interested in whatever she has to say.


"Good. Let's go get you one,"

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine. I prefer guns anyway," duh. Who wouldn't? Some sword psycho. Oh wait…

"I've noticed," I bet you did. Apparently girls are just as horny as guys if not more.


At this point no words were exchanged. There was a depressive aura around us. Well around her. I'm golden. As usual.

"Come on let's go. I wanna get there before sundown,"

By this time tomorrow. Things will change.
