

I make my way into the faculty room with Kikyo who still hasn't managed to say a word. A lot is probably going through her head right now but I don't have time to comfort her. I set her down on the floor and snap my finger at her.

"hey hey look at me, we don't have time, I need you to do as I say if you want to live to see another day, do you understand me?" she slowly nods her head. She's scared.

"a lot of people are going to fill these halls soon and most of them are going to die. If you don't want to join them I would suggest you lie down here and wait. Don't be a hero. Eventually someone is bound to think of coming here for the bus keys. Hold on to them until then. Trust no one but yourself and wait. Be patient. You need time to adjust to the situation anyway. If I don't make it back in time. Go with whoever comes in here. If they were smart enough to think to come here you'll have a greater chance of survival with them,"

She nods her head again and crouches on the floor, hugging her knees. Damn that's hard to watch. I give her arms one last squeeze

"it's going to be okay, if you listen to me you're going to be okay," I'll make sure of it. I leave and them run towards the kendo clubroom. i need me a bokken right about now. My body does me wonders by getting me to places quicker but I can't afford to get overconfident. Numbers can and will overwhelm. Being overconfident is a death sentence, being overly cautious is best.

I make it to the clubroom and grab myself a bokken. I don't want to linger here for too long as this place is about to be more chaotic than early 2000s black Friday. I climb up the nearby stairs. Thank God they're are multiple floors. I make it to the top floor and find myself a classroom. The teacher looks less than pleased at my interruption. I don't care. I walk to the back of the class and position myself at the window. The teacher is yapping but I ignore him. He's about to walk over to him when the school speaker goes off.

What follows after the speaker's death is known as the calm before the storm. It seems to drag on forever in my mind. So I entertain myself.

"it's zombies, run,"

My words let the flood gates open. Lockers, chairs and people are thrown all over the place and yes I am serious, what with others shoving the person in front of them for being slower than them. The teacher of all people being the main culprit. Goodness this is hilarious. I almost can't hold my laugh in. I'm not a psychopath really, I so feel for the ones who are going to lose their lives especially if they have conditions and stuff, having asthma in the apocalypse must suck. And now it's not funny anymore.

I'm not going to help them though, that's on them. We won't have enough space on the humvee if I go around playing saint, saving every pretty face I see. Long term plans. Almost everyone has left the class by now save for a few stragglers. I don't even exist in their heads right now. Good.

Now begins my lifelong dream of killing zombies, lifelong since what ten fifteen minutes ago. Why couldn't I just be wrong? I really started the apocalypse like a newbie didn't I? I don't even have the books with me. Ugh so frustrating. I didn't even keep snacks in my inventory! Wow that was a stupid decision. What is wrong with me? From now on I reject you procrastination. We are through. Damn you.

Realizing that complaining isn't going to make things better, I start to make a quick plan for the future. Now I'm thinking short term. I survey the room while thanking God that I at least enjoyed myself one last time. Just imagine having a bad day yesterday, losing everything then as you're thinking life can't possibly get any worse. This shit happens. At least I was watching cat videos yesterday, I got distracted.

I see locker behind me, one of them is bound to have a chemistry textbook. Couldn't I have found this yesterday? Man I made some pretty lousy decisions, didn't I? luckily I am favoured, I find one and consume it ASAP. I get a notification in my head about a number, my balance. Remember when I said nothing was free in this world? Well it just got real. I am incapable of claiming any outposts or upgrading them as well as crafting an armory or solar panels until I pay off my body, how much does it cost you may ask? 1000 points.

In addition the inventory costs 500. I have to kill 1500 zombies by myself I might add before I can live a soft life. Man this is just bull…

With my bokken in hand I go around whacking zombie in the face. Smashing heads in. I am royally pissed right now, my mood has hit rock bottom. I was considering beating myself up about it but I decide against it, it isn't my fault. It's the damn zombies. If they didn't show up earlier, I would have been prepared, not adequately but to an extent where I was satisfied. I almost lost Kikyo, who I might lost anyway should she decide to go against my word. If it comes to that then so be it, I'll have done all that I could have done and I wouldn't feel much regret because at the end of the day people make their own decisions.

The zombies don't pose a threat. They're weak and slow. I am fast and strong. They don't stand a chance against me. I'm careful not to let them surround me. I'm glad I took those sparring matches with Saeko, now I feel more confident. Stop that. Be cautious. I clear the top floor. It's quite easy as they're weren't many of them to begin with most of them are probably on the first floor. I want to go to the chemistry lab and see if I can fashion myself a bomb. Don't even ask how I know I just do. I got the system for a reason. I let it do its thin and I do mine.

Problem number one. We never had chemistry and I in my infinite wisdom never scoped out the school, stupid, I know but I digress. Now I'm running around like a headless chicken, scratch that a headless deadly chicken, dancing through these zombies like it's nobody's business. While making sure that each and every room is empty. I don't want a surprise attack.

Man I wish I had a knife or something. Can I find a kitchen knife here? Guess who had a kitchen knife at home but didn't think to bring it? I always do this! Stop that! Who am I kidding? It's over for me. I'll die sooner or later due to my lax nature and you want to know the worst part? I don't think I can change. I don't want to change because even though it's never easy. I somehow weasel myself out if it. Perhaps something happened in my past and now I'm afraid t give it my all in things that matter. This isn't the time to unpack! Damn it! Focus!.

The thing with zombies is that they just keep coming. I've killed tens by now but they still keep coming. They don't need sleep or food nor do they get tired, I do. I have a massive stamina reserve but it isn't infinite. I need to find a way to hypnotize myself to keep fighting for extended periods of time. Life and death might just be differentiated by a quick foot.
