
Chapter 10 : Ability Demonstration!

"In West, the professor noticed that his X-gene fluctuations were highly active, with signs of further enhancement in his abilities."

"His mental state remains stable, prompting the professor to reclassify his potential as Alpha, making him eligible for consideration as a reserve member of the X-Men."

"Ultimately, whether he joins the X-Men depends on his own desires."

In the conference room, Scott, sporting his signature glasses, spoke in a hushed tone, "I propose allowing him to participate in today's practical combat session."

Upon hearing this, Anna (Rogue) hesitated, "Is it not too soon? He's only been at the school for a little over a week."

Iceman nodded in agreement, "I share the same concern."

Despite their objections, Storm Orolo interjected with folded arms, "Given his approval from the professor, I see no reason to delay."

The assembled X-Men were seasoned warriors, some even doubling as instructors at the school, hence Scott valued their opinions.

However, Professor X had sanctioned Carl's accelerated training, prompting Scott to assert solemnly, "I understand your apprehensions. But the professor sensed impending unrest, though its source eludes us. We must hasten our preparations; they may prove crucial in the face of future turmoil."

With Scott aligning with Professor X's directive, Anna and the others relented.


Later that afternoon, Carl entered the underground training room to find six senior students awaiting him.

These seniors were among the most adept mutants at the school, possessing strong wills and mastery over their abilities.

Among them was Shadowcat Kitty, with Carl being the youngest.

At the forefront stood a large ring, with Cyclops Scott, Storm Orolo, and Iceman Bobby positioned atop it.

Addressing the group, Scott spoke softly, "As mutants, we must learn to harness our powers effectively. Regardless of our abilities—be they energy manipulation, psychic prowess, or physical augmentation—our bodies surpass those of ordinary humans."

"It's imperative to acquire combat skills, hone our abilities, and gain invaluable combat experience; essential prerequisites for joining the X-Men."

"Today, Orolo, Bobby, and I will spar with you, aiding in your development and familiarization with your powers. It's also an opportunity for you to bond with your fellow mutants."

"Among those present, some may become future members of the X-Men, perhaps even becoming combat partners at that time," said Cyclops.

"All right, let's begin. Peter, you're up first," Storm added.

Peter, known as Colossus, stepped forward. He was a sturdy, determined young man with the ability to transform his entire body into steel.

Currently, Colossus was already a member of the X-Men, though not yet a teacher; he remained a senior mutant student.

The arena was vast, spanning hundreds of square meters. The underground training room was even more astonishingly spacious, defying imagination with its subterranean expanse.

As Colossus entered the ring, Cyclops and Storm stepped aside, leaving Bobby Drake, also known as Iceman, in the center.

Iceman, in his twenties, looked at Colossus with a grin. "Peter, my old friend, let's get started."

Colossus nodded solemnly. "Agreed."

With those words, his body radiated a silver-black metallic sheen, including his clothing, transforming into a steel form composed entirely of special steel elements.


Colossus, now in his steel form, stomped forcefully, causing cracks to form in the solid ground. With a thunderous roar, he charged towards Iceman, his momentum akin to that of a charging tank.

In that moment, Iceman Bobby Drake extended his hand to the ground, and in an instant, a chilling blue frost erupted, freezing the surrounding water molecules.

The frost spread rapidly along the ground, forming a thick blue ice wall between the two combatants.

Colossus collided with the sudden ice wall.


The ice wall shattered under the immense force of the impact.

However, before Colossus could react, three more ice walls rose behind him. Simultaneously, Bobby manipulated the ice beneath his feet, gliding away with remarkable agility.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Colossus smashed through the ice walls once more.

But even as Colossus continued his assault, Iceman, now over twenty meters away, waved his hand, conjuring a hockey puck-sized chunk of ice in front of him.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

With a piercing whistle, the ice projectiles shot forth like cannonballs, tearing through the air with formidable force, heading straight for Colossus.

Boom boom boom!

The hockey pucks were unyieldingly hard, carrying frigid air that inflicted formidable damage upon impact, causing Colossus to stagger backward under the relentless assault.

But only to retreat.

As he transformed into his steel form, Colossus became an indomitable force, impervious to both offense and brute strength. The icy projectiles bombarded him like tank shells, leaving nothing more than faint white marks.

Carl watched in awe at such a display of power.

In contrast to the simplicity and brute force portrayed in the movies, the current clash between Colossus and Iceman showcased a refined mastery over their abilities, culminating in a spectacle of raw power upon the collision of their respective skills.

It was truly astonishing.

Iceman, in particular, seemed like an ice sorcerer, effortlessly conjuring various ice-based attacks at will. From ice hockey projectiles to icy chains and walls, his repertoire far surpassed the mere ability to freeze or block as depicted in the films.

Similarly, Colossus exhibited both strength and agility, resembling a formidable steel tank with impenetrable defenses.

With each footstep, the ground trembled, and each swing of his arm unleashed a powerful force that shattered the ice barriers with ease.

He rampaged forward, seemingly unfazed by Iceman's relentless assaults.


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