
The Two Most Important Men In My Life

Charles puffed out his chest with pride, running over to retrieve the plane. "Yeah! I'm going to make it go even farther next time!" he declared as he got ready for another attempt.

Maybe it was the lovely sound of Charles's laughter as he played that didn't allow her mind to wonder about the circumstances surrounding Wendy's mother's sudden disappearance. And as she watched him playing so happily without a single care in the world, her heart warmed inexplicably. She prayed he would remain this way forever.

She was brought back to reality when she heard the door open and Caden's voice sounded from the doorway as he announced, "Hey, I'm heading out, but I'll be back for dinner. Don't have too much fun without me!"

Grace glanced toward the door and called back, "Alright, Caden! Drive safe…  And thanks for everything today.

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