
Now Let’s Begin

Like an obedient dog, Dimitri immediately went quiet.

"Tell me, Adeline, what do you want me to do to him? Shall I kill him or let him live? I'll do whatever you want. You just have to say the words." Caesar was looking up at Adeline, his pupils filled with the utmost sincerity.

Adeline took a deep breath, her lips arching into a smile. "No, not yet." She shook her head. "We ought to go slowly, Caesar. Have you forgotten? A quick death is a blessing. We can't give him or the old man that."

Caesar grinned. "So, what would you like to do?"

"Hmmm…" Adeline thoughtfully began to tap her polished nail on her lips. A slow and vicious smile emerged on her face, her eyes narrowing hatefully. "Oh, there is one thing I'd love to do."

"Would you ask your men to hold him for me?"

Caesar didn't know what it was she intended to do, but he nodded. "Yuri, Nikolai."

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