
Reading Dwarf

Karl gently straightened the two blades and passed them to the clerics, who looked overjoyed to have such an interesting pair of test samples in their hands.

"We could test how much energy can be passed through them, but that would be destructive testing. What I am more interested in is the fact that one of the two really is stronger than the other, despite having the same active rune.

Perhaps it's the intent behind them, proving the superiority of this method on human tools. Or perhaps there is some more profound meaning that I have missed with my incomplete translations." Karl explained, then moved on to the next page of the manuscript.

The details there were about how to enhance Elven steel for durability, as even the Dwarves recognized that it had a very fine edge. Their words about the things that Elves did with trees were far less polite than the insults they had hurled at the humans' craftsmanship, and Karl did his best not to laugh as he read it.


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