
Guard Patrol

Karl pulled Thor to a stop as the warrior, who was carrying two narrow blades across his back, ran in their direction.

"Merchant. Did you encounter the undead during the overnight hours? We were informed they should be near here."

Karl nodded and gestured behind him. 

"They were drawn to a depression over there, and we fought them for most of the night. There are no more around, but I wouldn't hang around here for long. They're likely to come back at midnight. The Beast Nation told me about those phenomenons." Karl explained.

The Turtle man nodded in understanding, then gestured behind them.

"Were there others with you?"

Karl nodded. "We were camped by that big stone over there, then we heard the sound of battle over here. Once I realized we were both surrounded by the undead, we moved to help them defend their camp. 


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