
Dangers To The East

Remi wasn't sure why the Minotaurs kept equating the Lizardmen with Naga. They were entirely different species. The lizardmen weren't even aquatic like the Crocolisk species were. All they had in common was scales. 

Karl took note of the old man's attitude on the other species before asking more questions. 

"Have there been any recent troubles with the nomadic Orcs or Demons?"

The farmer shook his head. "The demons all went west, intending to claim a city for themselves. I haven't seen any sign of them in months. The Orcs passed by here just a week or two ago, but they were in a good mood. We had a short fight, and then they traded us some steel in exchange for food."

Karl chuckled. "Yeah, that sounds like them. As long as they're not on a warpath, we should be alright, then."


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