Tessa held out her hand for the books and quickly flipped the first one open. Her eyes shone red as they transformed to the slotted eyes of a Dragon, and an oppressive feeling filled the air. That would be [Terrorize] working for her, but no matter how she tried, the [Brutality] book would not open for her.
The next to try was Lotus, who had high hopes as a Nature Priestess who really loved animals. But no matter what she tried, including putting Remi on her shoulders, she couldn't get either book to open for her.
The same went for Doug, who was unable to get either of the spells to work. But the moment that the Druid touched them in Owlbear form, he instantly enlarged and keened a proud cry that was eerily similar to Hawk.
[He says, 'fuck yes, it worked.'] Hawk relayed.
[Tell him congratulations.] Karl instructed, and Hawk screeched a reply that startled the Druid.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: