
Whistle While You Work

Again, as they had yesterday, the Hill Giants created barriers of Earth Magic as they retreated, and left the human defenders to be tended to by the clerics.

The actual losses on the human side were very low, though the number of wounded was straining the abilities of the healers assigned to some of the sections of the line. On Karl's end, it was light, but just beside them, there had been a few Hill Giants who managed to break the pike line and get into the mages before they were taken out. 

They were doing their best to take down the shields over the line, as without that, the boulder artillery would devastate the students, but the line had managed to prevent enough of them from getting through to accomplish their goal.

It would surely be the topic of their next few lessons, as that was the worst possible outcome for the defenders, but the students near Karl were in high spirits, still buoyed by the lingering effect of [Inspiration].


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