
Abundant Pork

Their progress through the woods was slow, as the three male mages were dragging their feet, unwilling to go forward into battle, but not brave enough to say anything. That continued for about five minutes before Karl had enough of it.

"Look, if you don't want to go into combat, that's on you. You don't have to join our mission. But I'm not going to stand for dragging feet and dawdling. Either you get with the program or you stay behind." He insisted.

The men of the other group looked shocked and insulted, but Tori might not have noticed, as she was busy talking about magic missiles with Dana.

She did notice when the group came to a halt, while Karl waited for their answer. 

"As I said, it's up to you. If you don't want to be here, then don't be here. But screwing with the attack schedule so you can slack off isn't acceptable. You've got ten seconds to decide before I leave you behind."


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