
Testing Thor

Their first stop was the warrior training grounds, where the Academy had a wide variety of training implements, including test weapons with impact sensors on them to more accurately gauge the force put into attacks.

That was part of how they tested the defences of the warrior classes, and that was how they would test Thor's improvements today.

Rita addressed Thor directly. "Alright, we will be using a training sword with a damage metre on it. I will be swinging it, and my strength is at the Ascended level. The first tests will be just against your scales, without skills, to test your basic durability." 

Thor nodded his understanding, then puffed up his chest to show his readiness.

The strange sight brought a number of the warriors over, along with the professor, who had his clipboard at the ready, so he could record the numeric results of Thor's tests.

"I hope you don't have performance anxiety." Alice joked as Rita prepared to begin the testing.


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