
Bad Navigators

With the meeting finished, the group was escorted back to the main building by one of the younger students, who had a bit of wisdom to share with them.

"Breakfast is a half hour before full dawn. So, as soon as it starts to get light outside, the bells will ring, and everyone will be up and beginning their day. I don't know when you will be picked up to return to your Academy, but if they're sending you on the train, it's about an hour after dawn, as it arrives just after breakfast." The boy informed them.

"So what you're saying is 'don't stay up too late'?" Karl asked.

"Exactly. Many of us have considered sleeping in when we don't have morning chores, but those bells make it impossible. A few of you might manage, but we're all so well conditioned now that it is impossible." The boy explained.

One of the warriors smiled at the younger boy. "Were they afraid that we wouldn't be able to find our way back? The building is right there." 


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