
Begin The Search

Jodi was the stereotypical blonde, handsome ladies man, while Anise was a short but muscular ginger woman, and both were among the military half of the Bureau of Elite Development agents. That seemed to be a deliberate choice by Daniel as he led them all to a military vehicle which was far better suited to off-road use than the car that they had taken from the Academy.

"How long will it take us to get there?" Karl asked as they got in the truck.

"Not long, we're close to the region that we want to start the search in, so we will drive a few hours and stop at a way station for the night. It would be better to search for the targets when we're all fresh and rested. Mistakes happen in the dark, and I despise writing incident reports." Daniel replied with a teasing smile.

They didn't wait for any long goodbyes, they just headed out and followed the highway south, intending to make their destination in time for dinner. 


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