
Career Paths

The helicopter lifted off and turned toward the east, flying high over the treetops, and roughly following a river.

"It's beautiful from up here." Dana spoke into the microphone, nearly drowned out by the noise of the helicopter.

"It's like nothing you'll get to see on the ground. You two did good down there. I don't know what the Academy originally sent you to do, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't for the Goblins. I checked while we waited, and the other teams of students all went to take out a handful of magical beasts and then called for a ride home the first afternoon." The team leader informed them, now that there were no more curious ears around to overhear them.

"I thought that might be it. There was a group of wild Irontusk Boars near the town. That was a nice light start to the day, and at first, we thought that might have been it, but then we realized that all the houses were empty, and they hadn't just brought everyone inside to wait." Karl agreed.


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