
Volume 0 (43): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 43 : Realizing the differences Part 2.

With the unexpected firing of a Mathirn Yellow Amber Plasma Torpedo, and the subsequent elimination of a litmus grey moth of the Formickrean that was commanding the nearby swarm, the ongoing battle has a sudden shift of events with the chaos resultant of the infighting between the different insectile creatures invading the Skårdiån Galaxy.

The Preëmtor formation swiftly take advantage of this course of events with the superior speed and firepower of their Fighter Ships, chasing the Formickrean to pierce them with Orange Prio Plasma ammunition of Grade 6 Tier 1 that burn down each creature that dares to cross in their path.

The Greekyan in exchange, give coverage with multiple and constat bursts of rounds fired from the railguns of their Corvettes and Fighter Ships, dealing with the most numerous of the Formickrean, the scorpion shape variant.

With the current development of this fight, is pretty evident that is near its end, the observers 136 Standard Light Years away that are inside the Soft Touch Mathirn Vessel, continue seeing the pinkish intermittent anomaly from were the Formickrean finally stop coming out and some of them even get back into it.

The outcome was already decided but the accelerate results are welcomed, which provokes Bethzave to talk with displeasure and even disgust in her voice ‡—Those cowards of Swambell'Forge!, they hadn't participate in the fight, they did not even deign to appear as espectators and dare to demand a meeting just for execute another of their tricks, who do you think it was the oblivious victim Mother?.

Her Daughter question is quite perceptive, she clarely wants to catch Marshack attention, and what better way to achieve it, than to show off her willingness to learn and be oriented by someone more experienced and knowledgeable than her so she improves for her future duties.

Esveth reply to her descendant ‡—It doesn't matter Cute Bethzave, we think and act on a different scale, Swambell'Forge approach is to gather weak Species and assimilate Civilizations into their territories, taking advantage of their advance technology and numerous troops to get away with their plotting.

»‡—That tendency doesn't function with those that exceed them on one of those two areas, and the three Species reunited in this Observation Room, surpass them by a large margin, and that is being extremely condescending towards them.

Cla'ryon adds to the statement ‡—However, some of their integrants are well respected and backed up by other Species above their current stage of Evolution or technological capabilities, that is why most of the time, they don't get admonished or challenged by others, because reputation is important, that is the reason why Swambell'Forge reject the Lakyr and Kaylr, differently to this Species, they expanded by "Judging" the conquered space by "Freeing" them from "Oppression", not simply killing and taking away what belonged to others because that gives a bad connotation.

The Mathirn Empress remarks one more fact about their disposition ‡—Which is why we don't participate openly on the battle, this fight is below us, we interced because it was necessary in order to preserve more lives, not like it matters to us, but our reputation still remains, being aware of the threat and acting upon the circumstances.

‡—You are going to know more about this in Öfthênjör Åcademy; The Tsarina comments without forgetting the most relevant »‡—But first, you need to graduate from the Barloen College, are you ready to depart?.

Bethzave nods enthusiastically and Cla'ryon turns towards Marshack »‡—Bverxkka, can you depart with her and my daughter?, so you stay with them in the same residence.

‡—As you desire Cla'ryon; The Apex reply with a tint of amusement, is evident that both Sovereigns wants her daughters to get closer to him, even if he is actually interested on the mothers.

‡—Could you depart before tomorrow?; Asked Esveth, the promptness feels rushed which Marshack doesn't let to slip ‡—I have no inconvenient, so, who of you is going to tell me, why the celerity of this decision?.

Cla'ryon state with seriousness, devoid of any of her usual teasing on her now severe tone of voice ‡—The incoming participation of Esveth and Myself on the Summit of Transexistential Domains, It is carried out every 150 Standard Years, and for exceptional our daughters are, it is not enough for them, or us, to ensure their safety.

Norraine quickly understand ‡—Both of you want to have a plausible excuse for not assisting with your descendants to this Summit while keeping Reiker and "Us" in general, as a hidden weapon and unknown variable just in case the interactions with others doesn't go well …

‡—Is as you said Duchess Delené; Esveth confess with grievance in her tone »‡—I don't want another death Daughter or my close intimate friend to suffer the same pain as me, it is mandatory for every Participant of the Summit to present their descendants while they reach enough age to mate, replicate or produce offspring …

Cla'ryon posture is as menacing as her voice turns colder than her Ice Blue Crio Plasma Zohar ‡—Being irrelevant if they are truly fit for their work as parents, therefore adults in their own rights.

Esveth signals the Tsarina to regain her composture while the former remarks with displeasure ‡—This leads to unfitting rulers reclaiming rights over unprepared descendants, being lured or threatened by those with enough power to take whatever they want.

Cla'ryon calms herself a lot looking at Marshack with expectancy ‡—Barloen College is the location most close to be a safe haven after Öfthênjör Åcademy, "I" want you to protect all the descendants present on the College, at least as far as murders, kidnappings, rapes or extortions are concerned, because this usually carries consequences fot the "Honor" of the Species, such as an Intergalactic war, which is not good but manageable, a Transgalactic war is a calamity that you pray to withstand even if you prepare yourself for it, however, a Transexistential war is not different than a conflict between Empiric Astral Entities that rose down our plane of existence, deforming everything as well tainting everywhere with the repercussions.

Marshack's thoughts are accelerated by the Quelizt to reach an acceptable conclusion on this regard ‡—I understand; The Apex acknowledge the overall connotation realizing his paranoid attitude was actually on point, probably, at least, or that is what he thinks »‡—If an attack is carried out during my stay in the Barloen College, "I" will take charge of the situation and deal with it as my prowess allow me, and if the worst ends up happening, you have my full support, it doesn't matter the context or the opponent, so keep being the wonderful Sovereigns you are, and be sure, that together, we can face the rest of the Existence and still defeating all of them.

Marshack seriousness and conviction reverberates in the Observation Room, spiking up the interest of the Empress and the Tsarina even more.

They are aware of Marshack's base capabilities due to the information gathered and provided by the Prinean.

However, both Sovereigns are absolutely oblivious of the real warfare prowess of the Apex, as well as the current mediocre capacity of the Hûrngöth to wage war in case of need it, of course, mediocre is in their own perspective and not on an Existential Scale.

After all, the focus of the Hûrngöth Civilization is to restore or establish a more suitable environment for their peers, still, they combat development is astonishing, not because they have advance technology, if not due to their unparallel Evolution, which doesn't had stoped since the Barriers collapse after Kern's City fragmented Hûlfhednär.

With more understanding over the situation, and due to the already accepted decision from part of her Future Husband, Norraine's attitude changes, she has expressed her preoccupations, but even if Marshack would have rejected the petition, the aftermath or even the conflict can reach them, that is the actual dread of a Transexistential war, because it is not realistic to deal with the aberrations from outside the Existence after you survived the event …

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