
273 Long Yuyao Side Story (7)_2

Yang Mengchen smiled and nodded, her precious son's safe return being more important than anything else.

Surrounded by her six children, she made her way to the living room. Yang Mengchen first ordered her beloved son to wash up, then instructed Mo Mei to inform Long Xuanmo, and asked Lv Luo to have the kitchen prepare lunch.

Long Yuyao returned to the living room where his father sat beside his mother, looking at him with concern and pride. Long Yuyao bowed respectfully and then took his place to the right of his father. As he looked around at his warm and harmonious family, he felt moved, thinking to himself, "There's no place like home."

Hearing his mother's inquiry, Long Yuyao slowly recounted his experiences over the past three years. He glossed over the dangerous parts lightly, instead focusing on the lengthy ocean voyage, vast wilderness, towering mountains, busy skies, the customs of different regions, and particularly amusing encounters along the way.

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