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Leon used up 6 million MSP summoning twelve Shinobi with Kekkei Genkai And sacrificed them to the Kekkei Genkai Awakening

[Host has added twelve New abilities to the Kekkei Genkai Awakening]

Kekkei Genkai Awakening list:


Boil Release


Crystal Release

Explosion Release

Ice Release


Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai

Lava Release

Magnet Release

Scorch Release


Storm Release

With all the new Kekkei Genkai, he gained. Leon decided to give them to his most trusted Shinobi his Ambu Black Ups. He gave each one of them 1 Kekkei Genkai, Skyrocketing their fighting capabilities.

-Outside Stark industries-

Obadiah realized that he was running out of time, with the files copied by Pepper. He knew that It was a matter of time before he would be exposed, and couldn't wait for William and the other scientists, to recreate the Miniaturized Arc reactor.

Thinking of the miniaturized reactor on Tony's chest, Obadiah didn't hesitate to take it from him and immediately headed to Tony's Penthouse.

Pepper had shown Agent Coulson the evidence of Obadiah's crimes and requested the immediate arrest of Obadiah. After obtaining their help to arrest him, she took out her phone and called Tony.

"Tony? Tony, are you there? Hello?"

-Tony Stark's Penthouse-

Tony heard the ringing of his phone on the sofa and answered Pepper's call.

However, he suddenly felt a low hum in his ear, and his body stiffened, unable to move

Obadiah appeared behind him with a familiar device. Taking Tony's phone from his hand, he closed it and placed it aside before propping Tony on the sofa.

"Breathe. Easy, easy...You remember this one, right?..."

"It's a shame the government didn't approve it. There's so many applications for causing short-term paralysis."

Obadiah walked around the sofa and moved in front of Tony.

"Tony... When I ordered the hit on you, I worried that I was killing the golden goose."

After speaking, Obadiah reached into a box and took out a device that could remove the arc reactor from Tony's chest.

"But, you see, it was just fate that you survived that."

Using the device on Tony's chest he pulls out the arc reactor from Starks chest.

"You had one last golden egg to give... Do you really think that just because you have an idea, it belongs to you?"

Having removed the arc reactor, Obadiah held it up in front of Tony.

"Your father, he helped give us the atomic bomb. Now, what kind of world would it be today if he was as selfish as you?"

With one final pull, Obadiah ripped it out The wires that were still holding it to Tony's chest. Holding the Arc Reactor, he marveled at it.

"Oh, it's beautiful... Tony, this is your Ninth Symphony... What a masterpiece. Look at that. This is your legacy... A new generation of weapons with this at its heart..."

"Weapons that will help steer the world back on course, put the balance of power in our hands... The right hands... I wish you could've seen my prototype. It's not as... Well, not as conservative as yours."

"Too bad you had to involve Pepper in this. I would have preferred that she lived."

Obadiah didn't waste any more time, picking up the box he left Tony to his fate.

-Outside Stark industries-

Hearing Tony's phone suddenly go silent and then being hung up. Pepper immediately thought of the worst that could've happened to Tony. Worrying about his shelf and unsure of his state, Pepper thought of who to turn to for help.

She immediately remembered Leon, who had brought Tony back without a scratch. Retrieving the number she had saved on her phone, Pepper made a call to him.

Listening to the regular ringing ringtone (Say that three times fast) on the other end of the phone, Pepper became anxious

"Answer quickly, please, answer!"

-New York City Hellfire Club-

At this moment, Leon was adding more powers to his Kekkei Genkai Awakening list. From dangerous mutants and powered criminal individuals, whom he paid $1 billion to the Hellfire Club.

Hearing his phone ringing, Leon quickly picked it up.

"This is Leon Uzimaki speaking. How may I help you?"

"Leon, it's Pepper... I think something happened to Tony In his penthouse. When I called him he answered, but then it went silent and the call suddenly ended. I'm afraid something might have happened to Tony, which is why I'm calling you. to see if you can check up on him."

"Don't worry, pepper. I left one of my top ninjas, protecting him."

As Leon answered the phone, there were voices of someone screaming in the background.

"No, please. Nooooooooooo!"

-Outside Stark industries-

Pepper was gonna question Leon about the screams, but suddenly, Akino appeared next to her and spoke near the phone.

"Actually, Leon sama. Mr. Stark told me to Prioritize guarding Miss Pott's over his own safety."

Pepper naturally responded with.

"Is that a Fucking talking dog"

"It appears so Miss Potts. but I'm more interested in, is why he's wearing a jacket and sunglasses?"

Question Agent Coulson. While everyone else was freaking out about the Fucking talking dog

"Oh, I was not expecting this! But fine, the milk has already been spilled, what can I do? Akino, stay guarding Miss Potts and eliminate any dangers to her well-being. I'll go see if Tony is still alive and kicking."

With that Leon ended his call, leaving everyone looking at Akino as he stood still watching everyone with his sunglasses.

-New York City Hellfire Club-

Having ended his call Leon looks at the Hellfire Club member.

"I'm sorry, Shaw, but I need to leave. It's an emergency. Will pick this up later on. Oh, and if you can bring me any more useful powered individuals, you know, good for the money."

"Mr Leon, as long as he can provide the money, the Hellfire Club services will always be open to you."

Said Sebastian Shaw.

-Tony Starks Penthouse-

Opening on a Timedoor Leon arrives at Tony's garage/workshop, as Dummy hands Stark Pepper's gift. Which is his old arc reactor encased in a glass box.

"Good boy."

Said Tony for once, to Dummy.

"You still alive there Stark?"

Getting a nod from Tony. Leon walked towards Dummy, took the arc reactor, and started placing it, inside Stark's chest.

"You know, I got the strangest call a minute ago, Tony. Apparently, you sent the guard that I placed on you, to guard someone else. Instead of calling me and hiring another guard?"

With a hard yank, Leon installed the arc reactor, in Tony's chest. Making sure he felt it, as he screamed in pain.


Finally, he feeling better, Tony picked himself up and asked Leon

"Sorry Leon I wasn't thinking at the moment, but where's Pepper?"

"She's fine. She's with Akino. Though I don't know about the agents if they're about to arrest Obadiah. Akino is going to prioritize guarding Pepper."

"That's not going to be enough."

Shouted Tony.

"Tony, Akino can probably give Captain America a run for his money."

"Tony, he's Jonin Rank and the leader of his pack. The only issue he has is that he doesn't like to communicate with others."

-Stark Industries-

The Ravenna Stark Industries. Pepper accompanied by Colson and his agents made it to Section 16.

"Section 16. Section 16. There it is. My key's not working. It's not opening the door."

Pepper tried multiple times to use her key card to open the door, but it was refusing to let her in. At this time, one of Coulson's subordinates was going to give him an explosive, to open the door, but was stopped by Akino.

"Agent Coulson, please put the explosive away, could probably endanger Miss Potts. I'll deal with this door."

"Wind Release: Flying Swallow!"

With a Kunai in his mouth, Akino slashed the door multiple times, cutting it into large pieces. Surprising and shocking everyone, by the capabilities of the ninja dog

"Oh, wow! What was that?"

Asked Pepper.

"That Miss Potts was Ninjutsu."

Explained to Akino

"Can you explain why you just performed Mr Akino?"

Asked Agent Coulson.

"No! Village secret!"

-Tony Starks Penthouse-

By the time Tony took to put on his Mark 3 Armor on, Leon had brought Ravy over.

"Wooooh! That's the coolest thing I've ever seen! Leon get me one!"

Shouted Revy full of excitement.

"Not bad, huh? Maybe later on I can make you one... Let's do it!"

Said Tony.

Before Tony left he called Rhody

"You need me to do anything Tony?

"Yeah, Keep the skies clear."

 Asked Stark.

"OK bud, I'll see what I can do.

Tony burst through the hole in the ceiling that he made with the Mark II.

"How do you think the Mark One chest piece is going to hold up?"

Tony asked JARVIS.

"The suit's at 48% power and falling, sir. That chest piece was never designed for sustained flight."


-Stark Industries-

At Stark Industries, Pepper, under the protection of Akino with Coulson and his four other SHIELD agents were infiltrating Section 16. At this time, Obadiah had already donned his Iron Monger and spotted Pepper Potts.

After passing through a dark area they arrived at the center of the lab. Without warning the Iron Monger suddenly appeared behind them with a bang!


 Seeing that the situation turned upsidedown, Akino pull Pepper immediately outside.


Pepper shouted in fear at the massive size robot and by being dragged outside by Akino.


Meanwhile, several agents opened fire with their pistols at Obadiah's armor.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 


None of the shots from the pistols cause any damage to Obadiah armor, verly leaving a scratch. Piloting the Iron Monger, Obadiah struck each agent, killing them each with on hit. 

With Akino's help, Pepper was already taken out of Section 16 outside of Stark Industries. She immediately dialed Tony's number, wanting to inform him of the situation. Luckily, he answered her call.

"Keep me posted. Pepper!"

Asked Tony

"Tony! Tony, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. How are..."

"Obadiah, he's gone insane!"

"I know. Listen, you'd better get out of there."

"He built a suit."

"Get out of there right now!"

 Stane: Where do you think you're going? Your services are no longer required."

Iron Monger, emerged from the ground of Section 16, it soon stood in front of Pepper. Obadiah aimed the massive gatling gun on his arm at her. Before he could fire he was tackled by Akino, throwing the Iron Monger to the streets outside.



Tony arrived at Mach 2 speed and shocked seeing Akino knocked the Iron Monger out of the industrial onto the streets outside.

Name: Leon Uzumaki/Leon Petrov

Kekkei Genkai: Uzumaki, Wood Release, Dust Release, Lava Release 

Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Lighting, Yang

Chakra level: Sage of Six Paths

Chakra Control: Rank EX

Taijutsu: Power Rank S, Technique Rank S

Shurikenjutsu: Rank A

Kenjutsu: Rank A

Fuinjutsu: Rank S

Genjutsu: Rank C

Ninjutsu: Rank S


+Naruto Ashura mode, Sage of Six Paths, Rank A

+Yamato, Jonin, Rank A

+Onoki, Kage, Rank S Ninja

+Harold Finch, Rank S Mechanical Engineering and Rank S Computer Science

Divinity: 15%

[Take over or destroy SHIELD] [Ultra rare reward]

[Take out or beat Iron Man] [Super rare reward] 

[Take out or beat Obadiah Staine] [Super rare reward]

[Take out or beat Coulson] [Super rare reward] 

[Take out or beat main support Happy, Pepper, Rhodey and J.A.R.V.I.S.] [Super rare reward]

[Take out or beat five Lesser Antagonist] [Rare reward] [Complete]

[Take out or beat 50 unnamed characters] [Rare reward]

[Take over or destroy HYDRA] [Ultra rare reward]

Cash: $3,803,230,000

MSP: 212,700,000

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