
The Cute Titans' Resolve

The bases of the Cute Titans, Abyssal Conquerors, and Celestial Guardians had now arrived in the final battle world. The terrain was diverse and strategic, with mountains, forests, and open plains. Each faction's base was placed not too far from the others, a clear indication that they were meant to immediately engage in war.

In the camp of the Abyssal Conquerors, Kaelithus stood with a commanding presence, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the horizon. Turning to Rowan, who was equipped with the formidable Nether Grit Set, he issued his orders. "Rowan, take the army and destroy the Cute Titans first."

Rowan, taken aback, looked at Kaelithus with a mix of confusion and pride. "But why me? I am the second strongest in our faction. Why waste my strength on a puny faction like the Cute Titans?"
