
chapter 60

Chapter 47 Contradiction

    "Five monsters are moving in the desert, and the speed seems to be exaggerated. From the appearance, they look a bit like wolves, with blazing eyes and protruding lower jaws, but their outlines are constantly changing, as if all the evil in the universe is always there. Just like reshaping them, they continue to make their destructive power more terrifying."

    For some reason, facing the monsters kneeling in front of them, Klein thought of a line of description he had read when he read the Cthulhu Mythos in junior high school.

    The hound of Tindaros, a monster born to chase and judge sinners who defied time... Klein suddenly felt terrified. After all, he was also a visitor from another world who traveled through time and space and did not belong here.

    They, they call me master?

    It took two or three seconds for Klein to react and seriously think about the meaning of Monster Hound's two words.

    It seemed to recognize me as someone else, its owner...

    It said, "I" have become younger...

    The thick, viscous, almost solid mist was almost stagnant. Klein stretched out his hand to skim the surface of the mist, and sure enough he felt something like gray. The cold feeling above the fog and the special spiritual throbbing.

    This confirmed his suspicion.

    The owner of this group of hounds is an "acquaintance" of his.

    Their master is the "god of mystery".

    It seems that the fog filled in that strange space is more useful than I thought... Klein noticed that the hounds emerged from the gray fog.

    Does this mean that in addition to the various specialties it shoulders, Gray Mist is also the lair of hounds and the hub of time and space?

    Based on the above speculation, Klein made a decision.

    "I am not your master."

    "You are our master from beginning to end." The leading hound buried his head lower, "Fulgrim's dogs were born with Origin Castle and are only loyal to the master of Origin Castle. "

    Fulgrim's Hounds? " Source Castle?

    They were obviously two unfamiliar terms, but they aroused a sense of familiarity in Klein, even if he didn't know where this sense of familiarity came from.

    Fulgrim's Dogs is the name of this group of hounds... Source Castle refers to the mysterious space above the gray mist?

    Inspiration ripped through Klein's brain like lightning, tearing open the truth that had been hidden from him for so long.

    This truth was something Zaratul never told him, "Secret" tried every means to hide it from him, and Russell never mentioned it.

    If Fulgrim's Dog had never been instructed by "Mystery" and showed such an attitude, it does mean that he has become the true master of Origin Castle above the gray mist.

    But what is the "mystery" about?

    Could it be that since there is a new owner of Source Castle, the original owner can still rely on it and control the authority?

    Klein probed.

    "The 'Lord of Mysteries' is your master, and I am just his favored one." "We are loyal

    to the 'Lord of Mysteries', and you are our only master." The leader of Fulgrim's dog was surprised as to what his "master" was. It said such words that were difficult to understand and seemed to it to be self-contradictory, "You are our master."

    It hesitated for a moment, raised its head slightly, and the color of its flame-burning eyes became darker.

    "You have become younger, but you also seem to have lost a lot...you have lost your authority and memory."

    What does it mean to have lost authority and memory, and what is it about me becoming younger? This determined attitude completely confused Klein.

    Fulgrim's Dog's statement is completely different from Zaratul's. Unless they collude in advance, one of the two must be lying.

    If it was the former, it was probably because he was contaminated with the aura of Origin Castle and was favored by the "Mystery", so this group of hounds loyal to the "God of Mystery" recognized the wrong person. But what if it was the latter?

    The "God of Mystery" has really lost control of Origin Castle. Even if he showed omnipotence above the gray mist, he only relied on his past personality and remaining power to support his appearance, pretend to be gods and ghosts, and completely It was to mislead me to the wrong path while I still didn't understand the nature of Sefirah Castle, and finally become a prop or carrier to help Him return to reality.

    Both are possible, but Klein is now more willing to believe that the first one is true.

    So what if he now nominally controls Origin Castle?

    The previous Lord of Source Castle had a deadly feud with the Seven Gods of the Northern Continent. The True God, who is known for his treacherous and changeable nature, would believe that He is truly dead and will not return with the help of another container.

    Even if Klein went to the church of the Night Goddess now and let the true god who is best at hiding understand his inner thoughts, it would be difficult for the Night Goddess to win his trust.

    What's more, after experiencing the great smog, all the major kingdoms and churches recognized him as a descendant of the true Creator, the newly cultivated representative of the "God of Mystery" on the earth.

    Well, with this title, anything he says may be regarded as a conspiracy carefully planned by the "God of Mystery" and the true Creator.

    Even if the "God of Mystery" is really lying to me, I will still pretend to be fake...

    Thinking of this, Klein once again firmly denied the judgment of Fulgrim's Dog.

    "You have made a mistake. I am not the 'God of Mysteries.'"


    The leader of Fulgrim's dogs exchanged glances with the silent companions around them, and both saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

    Master, what's wrong?

    As the guardians of Origin Castle, every time the master convenes a gathering in the palace, they are invisible witnesses. How could they mistake the figure sitting at the top, even though every gathering makes them naturally have a desire to surrender? There are always two figures.

    But the master has often done this in the past, and not once or twice. He likes to play this kind of one-man show in front of outsiders to complete those wonderful dramas for his own entertainment.

    Maybe this time is also the master's script, and he split into two selves?

    The Dogs of Fulgrim exchanged opinions quickly with their eyes, and those who could not speak quickly reached a consensus, and pushed the question back to the only complete "ancient scholar" in the group - one of them personally trained by the owner A leader raised two thousand years ago.

    This is a young master. According to the language habits of primates living in reality today, he should be called Young Master.

    No, it's too nondescript... The leader of Fulgrim's Dogs quickly dismissed the flash of inspiration in his mind and insisted.

    "No matter what you think now, you are our master."

    Immediately afterwards, all Fulgrim's dogs took a step back in order and saluted again.

    "We are your messengers, your hounds, the keepers of the doors of your palace, your servants, born to serve your will." "

    Your will is our will, even in death. It cannot be changed."

    "You mean, I can order you to do anything?" Klein suddenly asked.

    He seemed to give in.

    I can't explain it clearly anyway, so it's better to accept the status quo and look at it step by step.

    "Of course."

    The long-lost order made Fulgrim's dogs excited.

    They wagged their tails without even noticing, looking forward to the next order.

    Looking at this scene, Klein's mood was extremely complicated.

    On the good side, he has gained a group of powerful followers, but on the bad side, who knows what price he will pay for the courtesy and preferential treatment he receives now in the future.

    With complicated thoughts, Klein took out the letter that he had written long ago and would send to Emlyn White just waiting for the signing to be sent to the courier. He looked left and right, and finally stuffed it into the mouth of a Fulgrim dog. inside.

    "Well, this is the first task, go and deliver a letter for me."

    Fulgrim's Dog almost jumped up with excitement after receiving the letter. Although he tried hard to control his emotions, he was still trembling slightly.

    "You know how to deliver a message, right?"

    Klein added worriedly out of confidence in the consistent style of the subordinates of the "God of Mystery".


    Fulgrim's dog barked with the letter in its mouth, and then got back into the fog just like when it came, and the figure immediately disappeared.

    And the remaining ones also left one after another, and in the end only the leader who could speak human language was left.

    "How should I summon you in the future?" Klein looked at the room that had returned to normal and was no longer filled with gray fog, and found Georgia who had just disappeared in the corner.

    The tall hound squatted on the ground, thought carefully, then grabbed the air with his front paws as big as a normal canine skull, and pulled out a piccolo that was only as long as his index finger.

    It imitates human movements and holds Piccolo up with its claws.

    "You just need to blow it."

    This is a historical projection, but since the master needs it, it will maintain the existence of this historical projection until the master issues a contrary order.

    As the oath says, Fulgrim's dogs are the most loyal servants of the "Lord of Mysteries".


    Daniz didn't know how much time had passed. There was no clock in the hotel's living room. He was hung in the air by spider silk and could only stare at the door in a daze.

    Finally, there was a clang, and the door bolt behind him made a sound. Daniz, who had been in a daze until his consciousness was blurred, suddenly woke up, swayed his body hard, pulled the thread in the air, turned it around, and twisted it behind his back.

    "Are you done with your work?"

    Klein pondered for a moment, then snapped his fingers. The spider threads binding Daniz were instantly ignited by the flames, and within a moment it burned down to the point where the ashes did not fall down.

    As an "arsonist", Daniz felt only a little sultry when bathing in the flames, and even the clothes on his body did not leave any traces in the burning.

    "Contact your captain, we will meet up with her."

    Daniz smiled cautiously:

    "One of our most commonly used contact points in Bayam was destroyed by Ludwell's accomplices, and the other contact point is on Blue Mountain Island. On the other side, near the aboriginal gathering place."

    "By the way, the Church of Storms has been very strict in checking recently. The captain definitely doesn't want the 'Golden Dream' to dock at a nearby private port. We may have to leave the offshore of the Rossed Islands before we can land in a certain place. Meet the captain on a small island."

    Will it waste too much time?

    It will take at least a few days to go back and forth like this. The members of the "Spiritual Religion" who were blocked by me may have already passed the news to Ludwell. The longer it takes, the more vigilant he will be. The more fully.

    He had no intention of informing Mr. Azik before taking Ludwell.

    At least until I pry out the secrets of the "Spiritual Religion" from Ludwell's mind, give an explanation to the Islands branch, and clarify the true intentions of the "Spiritual Religion"... Although he thought a lot, Klein did not speak and remained With a stern attitude, he put on his coat, followed by Georgia, who was usually transparent, walked out of the luxurious suite and walked to the hotel's own restaurant.

    When his back disappeared from sight and disappeared around the corner of the stairs, Daniz retracted into the room, clenched his fist, and waved twice.

    "Great, great!"

    "You'll be free soon!"

    When he returns to the "Golden Dream" and loses the value of being a guide to Herman, he can ask the captain to lift the ship that he and Giorgia took away. The connection of that drop of blood completely got rid of Hermann's shadow.

    Without any delay, he put on his peaked cap, came to the street, and went straight to a place called "Seaweed Bar". He felt that the air outside was so sweet and so comfortable.

    Daniz walked into the door of the "Seaweed Bar" without much disguise.

    This is a place where local gangs gather. Well-known pirates often appear there. It has also established cooperative relationships with many pirate groups and occasionally helps convey news.

    However, Daniz did not come here to borrow the telegraph machine. He wanted to buy some spiritual materials, complete a simple ritual, and get two black ship tickets by the way.

    There is no way, as a big pirate with a bounty of up to three thousand pounds, Daniz's head is enough to drive most profit-seeking adventurers and fellow pirates crazy.

    This is a huge sum of money!

    After entering the bar, Daniz glanced around to confirm that there were no pirates that were obviously stronger than him. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and directly found Denil, who was selling black ship tickets.

    "Do me a favor."

    His sudden appearance almost choked Delni, the black ticket seller who was drinking alone.

    "Damn it, 'Flame'!"

    "You're actually still alive?"

    "What do you mean I'm still alive?" Daniz frowned unhappily with his burnt-yellow eyebrows.

    Delny instinctively looked both ways and lowered his voice.

    "Weren't you beaten to death by the subordinates of 'Admiral Hell'?"

    "Everyone saw it at that time. You failed to come out of the contact station, and the whole bar was blown up to the sky."

    It turns out that this is what was said outside . of? Daniz nodded hesitantly.

    No wonder he just walked all the way and didn't find his wanted poster on the wall of the bar.

    "Don't worry about that. I'm not standing in front of you right now. I'm not dead." Daniz got down to business. "Find me two tickets to leave Bayam and go to a nearby island. Anywhere." "

    Aren't you afraid that I will tell the 'Admiral of Hell' that you are still alive? UU read www.uukanshu.net"

    When talking about business, Delny raised the corners of his mouth slightly and made a half-true joke.

    In response, Daniz first squeezed his brows closer, and then suddenly smiled mysteriously.

    "You all know that I'm pretty strong, but I can't escape from the siege alone."

    Delni glanced at him meaningfully, nodded heavily, turned around, took out his satchel, and flipped through the unprinted ticket prepared in advance on the spot. .

    After some selection, Delni took out two tickets with poor paper quality and gave them to Daniz.

    "To Geragos, the boat tomorrow afternoon will still be at the same price."

    Geragos, there happens to be a contact point there... Daniz gave the money neatly, handed over four one-pound banknotes, and smiled lowly. Said:

    "The extra money is the hush money."

    ps: Please recommend me and give me monthly tickets.

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Chapter 48 Earl

    Warm sunshine, thin clouds, blue sky, and a chilly breeze. The hybrid boat sailed smoothly on the gentle waves and was about to pass the arc where the clouds intersect with the sea.

    Klein was sitting in the cabin, reviewing his actions in the morning, glancing out of the side window from time to time - many sailors and passengers on the same boat were also vigilantly paying attention to the wind direction. A retro three-masted ship The pirate ship is traveling parallel to the passenger ship.

    Daniz, who also discovered the traces of the "Blue Avenger", didn't pay much attention to it. He knew that the captain of the ghost ship could not threaten Gehrman and his party, so he paced back and forth, obviously concerned about what happened a few hours ago. I still have lingering fears about the matter.

    If it weren't for the help provided by the organization behind Gehrman, they would probably have been killed at the port by the "Punishers" who had received the information and ambushed the ship early!

    The son-of-a-bitch Delni charged him twice as much as the boat ticket, then turned around and sold the information to others, without even the most basic business ethics.

    But fortunately, Gehrman used some means to learn about the deployment of the "Punisher" in advance. I didn't really have a conflict with the reckless men of the Church of Storms, and the bounty will not increase... Daniz is very sad Clearly, without matching strength, an excessively high bounty will only lead to more deaths.

    In fact, he roughly understood what Gehrman had in mind when he put himself in danger.

    This crazy adventurer just wants to confirm whether the associates of the "Admiral of Hell" who previously hunted Daniz are still hiding in Bayam's corner, or have left to fight with Ludwell before officially hunting the "Admiral of Hell". Meet up and report the sudden changes.


    You are very strong, but I am still a sick person... Daniz turned his head angrily, looking at the adventurer who was sitting upright and sleeping, and suddenly his eyesight went dark.

    Touched by inspiration, Klein also opened his eyes and looked outside.

    In the distance from the passenger ship, a huge dark sailing ship appeared at some point. It was nearly a hundred meters long, with high sails and a cannon on the side.

    It has not yet come close to here, and its driving direction is also staggered, but it still makes the surrounding area seem to be trapped in the shadow created by the black sun.

    Daniz showed a complex expression of admiration and fear, yearning and disgust, hissed, and whispered in a dreamy voice:

    "The Black Emperor..."


    The huge black sailboat did not appear because of the appearance of it in the world. Resistance gives up moving forward.

    It drove through large areas of shadow, and the scene on the deck gradually became clearer. The sailors who were cleaning the deck or bragging against the side of the ship all drew their swords and guns under the urgent command of the second officer, the "Viscount of Fear". Some of them were aimed at the passenger ship, and most of them moved to the left side of the ship, waiting for the "Blue Avenger" hanging alone near the skyline.

    Near the cabin, a giant-like man two to three meters tall stood up slowly from an equally huge mottled stone chair.

    His dark red eyes locked on the deck of the ancient ghost ship in the distance, staring at a shadow that shrunk to a tiny point due to the distance, but which was menacing but undiminished.

    In the vision of this "Crazy Mage", the tiny "Blue Avenger" is galloping on the complex shadow vortex. Another person with the same sequence as him is pressed in the middle of the vortex, stirring the real world with illusory quality. The reality completely blocked his instinctive influence on the ghost ship, not to mention that in addition to the shadow of chaos, there was another gray-white cold fog that was condensing.

    That ghost ship... was indeed a member of the Secret Order... "King of the Five Seas" Nast Solomon recognized the pirate ship in front of him as belonging to the last pirate conference. He caught up with his second mate and provided him with " The "Wind Blessed One" with the "Arbiter" path characteristic.

    Now that the other party appears here intact, does it mean that Bernadette, who was following the ghost ship and trying to find more clues, has failed?

    Nast Solomon's hand that was slightly open in the air suddenly fell, and the entire ship began to turn. After an unknown amount of time, the shadow covering the sea finally disappeared, and the sun remained as bright as before.


    The pirates on the deck shouted in surprise. They were low-level and didn't even have a chance to discover the abnormality on the "Blue Avenger". They only saw the captain and the leader of the small-scale pirate ship looking at each other for a moment, and then He canceled his plan to plunder and took the initiative to avoid it.

    Wearing an Intis-style shirt with intricate patterns on the cuffs and neckline, and a dark red captain's uniform, "Viscount Dread" Bird Mustang stared nervously near the cabin, noticing the old-fashioned and majestic face of the "King of the Five Seas" There was an imperceptible tension in his lower body, and he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

    Unlike other unsophisticated pirates, he had never seen such an expression on His Excellency the Earl's face.

    Even when meeting the other four kings of the sea, the earl never felt nervous.

    The second officer put away the monocular in his hand and was about to walk to the cabin to ask for the next order.

    Suddenly, his vision blurred and he realized that everyone on the deck, including him, had been moved to the front of the deck at some point. Only Nast Solomon, the "King of the Five Seas", was left in the back half of the deck. , looking at each other silently with a man wearing a weird long coat.

    It was a long black dress with different details on the left and right sides. Silver silk threads were embellished with the details of the dress. Under the fabric bouquet decorated on the left chest, a coat of arms with complicated floral elements was half hidden, and the "door" could be vaguely seen. pattern.

    Tristan, who has blond hair and blue eyes, disdains wearing a mask.

    He faced Nast Solomon with his original appearance and examined this young man who was said to have inherited the bloodline of His Majesty Solomon and claimed to be the "King of the Five Seas".

    His eyes passed over the hard and profound face lines and the broad, slightly wrinkled forehead, and finally stopped at the two deep black eyes with dark red eyes. After a while, the corners of Tristan's mouth slowly raised, and he spoke with an elder's expression. Mouth said.

    "Not bad, more like the emperor's heir than Bernadette."

    The sea wind outside the cabin was salty and damp, and Nast could hear the sarcasm in the person's mouth.

    This demigod who didn't know the specific sequence and looked like both an "apprentice" and a "divineer" interrupted his attempt to enter the cabin, confusing the distance and moving to the throne.

    There is an antechamber built in the style of the Fourth Age, which is more in line with his status as a descendant of the emperor.

    Moreover... the person who came seemed to be a descendant of a certain Fourth Age noble... Nast narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

    "I've never seen you, Mr. Secret Order."

    Tristan sneered, pulled a chair out of the air with his palm, and sat in front of Nast.

    "I don't belong to the Secret Order."

    "I don't belong to the Aurora Order now."

    "But I used to belong to the 'War Red' and was considered a lieutenant."

    Nast's eyes widened slightly, enough to make the spirit's trembling voice echo. On deck.

    "Which family are you descended from?"

    "Eugen, after His Majesty Solomon restored the empire, my father received the title of earl." Tristan replied unaffected, inadvertently straightening his back and revealing the coat of arms belonging to the Eugen family on his chest. "Before the War of the Four Emperors, I replaced my late father as the commander of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment of the Empire's Bumillo Division in the Amanda Mountains, and in the presence of His Majesty the Emperor, I became the second Count Eugen."

    " You should call me Your Excellency, Nast Solomon."

    This was the real meaning of his specially changing clothes to see Nast Solomon!

    To deal with the kid who dreams of rejuvenating the country, you must use the tactics he is most familiar with, and then completely destroy his alienation and let him recognize the reality.

    Compared with the earl personally named by the "Black Emperor" Solomon, even though the title of earl Bai Feng also came from the same emperor, Nast Solomon felt shameless.

    He admires and admires Emperor Russell, and sincerely believes that Russell, who calls himself "Caesar", is the most suitable human being for the position of "Black Emperor". However, Russell's status in his heart has never surpassed that of the one who has been gone for thousands of years. His ancestor, Solomon I, once ruled the entire continent.

    Facing "Count Eugen" who was deliberately putting pressure on him, the dark red in Nast's eyes jumped and he said instead.

    "You took refuge with Orsono I of Trunsoest, and it was you who stopped Bernadette?"

    "You took refuge? Are you kidding me?" Tristan immediately smiled and said, "I just followed my beliefs. In the Southern Continent, in the imperial era, the emperor was not the only legitimate belief in the empire. Loyalty and piety have always been two different things in the eyes of the emperor." "

    As for Bernadette... I didn't stop her, I just conveyed her a message. An elder gave her advice, and the child is quite sensible and has reached cooperation with us on some things. Think about it, she will take action."

    Nast raised his hand and stroked his short black beard. The already tall figure seemed to swell a little more, making the entire captain's room feel dense and dark.

    After a few seconds, he stared at Tristan and said,

    "Is she still dreaming about the return of Emperor Russell?"

    Tristan nodded unequivocally.


    Tristan did not agree with this evaluation.

    "For people like her, even if there is only a little hope, they are not willing to let it go." "

    After the emperor's second death, not everyone will change the family immediately. Many elders of the empire are still looking forward to the emperor. Can return through the order he left behind, until they and the emperor's order are destroyed." "

    Compared with your talk of establishing a kingdom belonging to pirates in the future and becoming a prince or even an emperor, I think Bernadette's Sweet dreams are more promising."

    Faced with Tristan's sarcasm, Nast did not get angry. On the contrary, he nodded gently and actually agreed with Tristan's evaluation.

    "What kind of deal have you made with Bernadette?"

    "You have to change your faith first, can you accept it?" Tristan's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth raised again, "This is also the reason why she hasn't made any move yet. She can only wait for her Only if she changes her belief will we accept the terms negotiated with her."

    Nast raised his head and looked at the subordinates who were isolated on the other side of the deck from a distance, Nast's eyes were complicated.

    Finally, the majestic demigod lowered his head.

    "Let's talk about the conditions first."

    Tristan sneered again, as if he had anticipated the result.

    He stood up and dropped a piece of paper with the messenger summoning spell written on it, and his figure gradually became transparent.

    "Friedrich Zaratul asked me to tell you that His Highness Medici is not as good-tempered as Russell. He doesn't like to wait for others, and prefers to take the initiative." The

    long words with a bit of ridicule were caught by the sea breeze. After the last echo, the sailors at the front of the deck returned to their original positions. Only the note lying quietly on the ground indicated that the "Black Emperor" had welcomed a visitor.

    Nast sat on a tall stone chair, looked down at the note on the ground, and finally stretched out his hand.


    Klein raised his head, and the huge black sailboat was no longer in his sight. The "Blue Avenger" in the distance also disappeared, leaving only the gentle wind and calm waves, the sky high and the sea vast.

    "Why did he come here suddenly? Didn't he say he was still in the Sea of ​​Mist some time ago?" Daniz frowned and muttered to himself in confusion, "It can't be that he also believed the rumor of the 'Death Treasure', right?"

    How is that possible ? ...Klein glanced at Daniz.

    It is rumored that the "Black Emperor" can sail in the spirit world, and it is very slow to travel across the entire ocean in a few days... As for appearing nearby... Klein is somewhat suspicious of Tristan hiding on the "Blue Avenger". The demigod did something.

    After all, he has not used the "Black Emperor" card recently, and it is blocked by the gray fog, and there is no way to talk about the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics.

    Klein withdrew his gaze and sat down again, as if nothing had happened.

    The straight-line distance from Bayam to Dirinius, the new destination they chose after discovering that the "Punisher" was squatting, was actually not long, but the safe enough channel was winding and back and forth, and the passenger ship did not enter until dusk. port.

    Then, Klein changed his appearance, used his fake identity certificate to buy two tickets for the nearest time, set off again before dark, and arrived at Danitz in the dim light of the morning. He made an agreement with "Vice Admiral Iceberg" in the telegram Griggs Island.

    Under Daniz's guidance, they did not enter the city, but took a detour to a private port, took a simple fishing boat, and headed to the outer sea. UU Reading www.uuknshu.net

    Nearly two hours later, Klein finally saw a dozens of meters long, clean and tidy sailboat that reflected golden color in the sunlight.

    There is no doubt that it is the "Golden Dream", the vehicle of "Vice Admiral Iceberg" Edwina Edwards.

    Looking up, Klein on the boat spotted the figure he was looking for on the side of the boat.

    The female pirate general has a high nose, thin lips, and a pair of light blue eyes that look like clear spring water. Her long brown hair was parted in the middle, tied in a simple but delicate knot at the back of her head, and then flowed down smoothly.

    She wore a pair of dark trousers and leather boots. In addition to her intellectual beauty, she had a lot of sassiness, so that she would not be out of tune with the surrounding environment.

    Compared with "Lieutenant General Disease" Tracy, his style is completely different, and it is also different from Bulatov... Klein suddenly looked forward to meeting several other pirate generals.

    He boarded the ship, nodded gently, and smiled politely towards Edwina.

    "Good morning, Madam Captain."

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Chapter 49 Strange Teacher

    "Good morning, Madam Captain."

    "Good morning, Mr. Hermann." Edwina responded with a smile.

    She turned around and motioned for Klein to follow her, away from the other pirates on the ship who were curious about the new visitor, and walked straight towards the cabin where the captain's cabin was buried.


    Jordanson, the third officer of the "Golden Dream", looked at Herman and his female attendants warily. Without hiding his worry and distrust, he called out to Edwina, intending to follow.

    "Mr. Herman and I are discussing some issues." Edwina replied succinctly.

    With such a person of unknown origin? Yodson looked around, trying to get support from his companions and dissuade the captain from taking risks.

    However, neither the first mate Blue Walls nor Danitz, who had just returned to the ship, seemed to support his plan.

    The former was stroking his monocle as if he was thinking about something, while the latter carefully closed his mouth. Although he usually couldn't stand the playboy who had openly expressed his love to the captain, he shook his head as a hint.

    "You guys...well, okay." The helpless Yodson sighed.

    This good-looking man with blond hair and darker roots did not understand his companion's decision, but he chose to respect the captain. Although he did not dissuade him, he stood at the edge of the area closest to the cabin as allowed by the captain to prevent accidents. happen.

    Controlling the thread of the spirit body, Klein left Georgia outside the cabin, and went to the captain's cabin with Edwina alone.

    There are a large number of books placed here. The individually divided bookcases are connected to each other and surround each other. They are placed end to end in a circular shape in the square room, extending straight upward until touching the top of the room.

    This knowledge library composed of forty-two bookcases, together with the ladder of the holy book of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" that declares the road to the ultimate, the omniscient heaven hidden at the end of knowledge, the road to self-sublimation of living beings, symbolizes the essence of knowledge learning. The towers were so similar that Klein had to suspect that the furnishings in the study were a reflection of the pious faith of Edwina, the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" believer, and the passion for pursuing knowledge itself.

    Klein did not shy away from suspicion and generously browsed the books and collections in the room from top to bottom. At first glance, he saw the huge black iron keys placed randomly on the wooden table.

    "Is this the key to the legendary 'Death Treasure'?"

    "After subsequent research, I concluded that this key belongs to the giant, not the God of Death, or the phoenix claimed to have the power of death in earlier legends." Ai Devenna seemed cold, but she explained her research results in detail, unlike other scholars who were stingy. "Ludwell's attitude is very confusing, but he has never seen the actual key. I believe it more than making judgments." If there is a mistake, he is more likely to be misled."


    This is not necessarily the case... Klein noticed that the pattern on the huge key was ancient and integrated. It was not very similar to the conventional academic summary of the giant's style, but it was similar to the Silver City that "The Sun" occasionally displayed at tarot meetings. The style is almost identical.

    Therefore, Klein deduced that the key was more likely to come from the era when the Creator ruled the earth in the Third Age.

    "The 'Spiritual Order' sent other members to help Ludwell, and they attach great importance to this key." Klein reminded.

    Edwina nodded slightly.

    "Danitz mentioned this to me in the telegram, but I think the Spiritual Order and Ludwell are still most likely to be misled." "

    In recent years, they have become more and more keen to find people under the rule of Death . The legacy of the Balam Empire, whether on sea or land, the wealthy merchants and nobles of Loen and Intis, including the royal family, many of them are fond of the artworks from the Balam Empire era, and often instruct the colonial army to search for relevant Object."

    "This aroused the stress of the Balam people, especially when the Balam Emperor's crown was taken away by King George III of Loen. George III declared to inherit the Balam Crown and became the protector of West Balam of Loen, and After claiming that the past Bailang territory would eventually be restored, the descendants of Bailang's upper class fell into an upsurge to oppose as long as the people of the northern continent wanted it, and most of these people were related to the 'Spiritual Religion'." "It's

    very special and A sharp point of view, which I didn't know... After hearing Edwina's opinion, Klein felt refreshed.

    Previously, he only considered mystery and secrecy, but ignored some elements of reality.

    However, Edwina's reasoning did not convince him, it just gave him a new direction.

    After all, when he knew that the "Pale Queen" herself also expressed approval for Ludwell's actions, he could no longer believe that Ludwell's act of robbing the "Death Treasure Key" was purely personal.

    The titles of the Fourth Age nobles are often linked to the extraordinary sequence. Mr. Azik, who is in the second sequence, can only be called the "Death Archon". Before the death of the God of Death, the only emperor of Balam was Salinger, the God of Death... ...

    From the perspective of the title, it is inferred that the current "Pale Queen" of the Royal Faction is very likely to be an angel. She may be of equal stature to Mr. Azik, or she may be a more powerful Sequence One...

    Such a being , His deeds and every move cannot be underestimated... However, he cannot be too rigid to avoid falling into the trap of empirical dogmatism... Klein resisted the urge to rub his temples and answered slowly.

    "Only Ludwell himself knows the specific reason."

    This was his original goal of coming to "Vice Admiral Iceberg" Edwina - to hunt "Admiral Hell".

    When the key topic is mentioned, the more relaxed academic discussion suddenly breaks down, revealing the cold reality.

    Edwina retracted her gaze from the collection, pulled out a wooden stick commonly seen in the hands of teachers from the wooden table, and pointed at the nautical chart hanging on the surface of a certain bookcase.

    "This is the current location of Ludwell."

    Looking in the direction he pointed, Klein saw a line of text on the blue paint that symbolized the sea. It was an island in the eastern part of the Sunia Sea, Roen Toscat, the easternmost colonial island of the kingdom.

    "Ludwell is obsessed with exploring the ruins of the God War that contain many secrets, and has been wandering in this area all year round," Edwina explained, "You rescued Daniz from the 'Spiritual Order', but there is a member If Ludwell ran away, he would probably alert Ludwell."

    "Once Ludwell thinks that a hunting alliance against him has been established, he will most likely go into the ruins of the God War to take refuge, where the risk to him who often comes and goes is not too great. "

    But for those of us who have never been there, especially me, the risk will be difficult to measure... After all, he is also the divine envoy of the Aurora Society. Even if he has not read the corresponding reports and information, Klein has read the Holy Scriptures of the True Creator. Of course he knows that God Which divine war did the war relics originate from, and which god died.

    Compared with other righteous gods, the Holy Scriptures of the True Creator have less water and more real things.

    If the priest who wrote the holy book was not exaggerating, then the end of the Suniya Sea, which was probably connected to the land abandoned by the gods, still carries a large amount of blood shed when the Creator of the Glorious Era died.

    That is the highest concentration of divine blood!

    The Holy Emblem of the Sun behind the Tingenchanis Gate can completely purify Megoos, who is comparable to a demigod, with just one drop of blood. It can evaporate Klein's brain through divination alone and protected by gray mist.

    One can imagine how dangerous the ruins of the God War would be.

    Seeing Gehrman's sudden silence, Edwina took the initiative to add.

    "You can find an experienced navigator."

    As she said this, she unabashedly glanced at the "Creeping Hunger" worn on Klein's left hand.

    Did you guess my identity? Klein looked directly into Edwina's eyes and did not look away.

    The first moment he came into contact with Daniz, he had anticipated the current outcome and made corresponding preparations. His identity as the divine envoy of the Aurora Society brought him not only trouble, but also a clear deterrent.

    There should be many navigators in the Aurora Society who have experience in exploring the ruins of the God War. After all, they send pilgrims to the land abandoned by the gods every few years... Klein doesn't want to find another unfamiliar and unfamiliar person before taking action. It is very likely that you will get help from people whose thoughts are different from your own.

    Tristan spent the entire fifth era and was a demigod at the end of the fourth era. He may have had corresponding experiences, but this is my trump card... After thinking about it, Klein asked.

    "Ivan Bulatov, he has been active in the 'Sea of ​​White Whale' all year round."

    "'Vice Admiral Dusk'?" Speaking of the followers of the God of War, Edwina frowned rarely, in a less direct way. He objected to Klein's proposal, "I have never heard of any rumors that he has explored the ruins of the God War."

    That's right, the Feysac people firmly believe that they are descendants of giants, and this key is a relic of giants. It is not appropriate to confess... ...Klein did not persist and said vaguely.

    "There will be a suitable navigator."

    "Then there is only one question left, how to locate Ludwell's current location."

    Perhaps we can use the characteristics of the Death Path and the special characteristics of the spiritual world... Klein replied calmly.

    "I have a way, but I need a quiet room."

    He felt increasingly powerless from fate.

    Coincidences are everywhere.

    Having just signed up Fulgrim's Dog as a messenger, it's hard not to think about it when he encounters a problem like this.

    After thinking about it, Edwina agreed to his conditions, immediately led him to a separate room, and gave him the right to act freely.

    As "Vice Admiral Iceberg" left the room and the door was closed tightly, Klein first arranged the spirit wall.

    He took out the copper whistle he carried with him and at the same time removed the sealed object on his body.

    The spiritual pressure that escaped from the mutual restraint of various sealed objects left the body, and Klein breathed a sigh of relief at the relief he had not experienced for a long time.

    He brought the copper whistle to his mouth and blew loudly.

    Illusive white bones gush out of the floor like a spring, and a nearly four-meter-long half-skeleton heads to the ceiling, curling up and extending its palms to him.

    "There is no letter this time." Klein looked up at the Bone Messenger and said, "I have something to ask Mr. Azik face to face, and it has something to do with the God of Death." The

    taboo name was like a key, opening the Bone Messenger's soul that was stagnant due to death. Wisdom, the eyes made of pale flames jumped suddenly, and the huge white bone body collapsed in an instant. Before Klein could adapt to the spiritual fluctuations caused by the arrival of the messenger, another stronger impact directly aroused his nerves.

    Looking along the waves of spirituality, Azik Eggers, who is of medium height, has black hair and brown skin, and is dressed in an ancient wizard's robe, has already appeared in the room.

    Klein's familiar brown eyes revealed an unfamiliar cold light, like a cold-blooded animal that had just emerged from hibernation, full of irritability.

    "Klein?" The university lecturer locked his eyes on his student and tried his best to smile.

    "...Mr. Azik."

    Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar teacher, Klein was momentarily dazed.

    He quickly brushed away his useless emotions and worries, and repeated the serious matter to the teacher.

    After listening to several questions raised by Klein, Azik lowered his chin slightly and scanned the room a few times, then seemed to have passed through the isolation of the wall panels and locked directly in two directions.

    One is the mysterious key stored in the study, and the other, judging from Klein's impressions on the way here, may be the captain's cabin of "Vice Admiral Iceberg".

    "A very exquisite secret technique, the power of the 'prophet'." Azik muttered casually and pondered, "That key does not belong to the God of Death. It is a creation of a giant. I don't know its specific use."

    "You guys . Are you going to the ruins of the God War to track down the 'gatekeeper'?" He turned around and asked.

    "We lack an experienced guide." Klein nodded.

    "I'm sorry, Klein, you may be disappointed." It was difficult for Azik to express such a delicate emotion as apology on his waxy face. "I don't know much about it. Even the me in the past, because of the North Because of the mainland gods, they rarely go to the seas further away from the current violent overseas seas."

    This... Klein suddenly remembered that before the "Pale Disaster", the God of Death and his entourage rarely left Balam.

    "But I don't think this is a big problem." Azik changed the topic, "The hidden dangers in the ruins of the God War are far more than you think. They are just a 'gatekeeper'. Ludwell can only explore on the periphery at most. , even the corresponding demigods will easily see secrets that they should not see due to lack of experience, die in the ruins, and will not go deep into it rashly. This is also the reason why there are rich resources in the ruins of the God War, but the churches of the gods have no claim. The reason for mining."

    Walking slowly around the room, Azik turned his head sideways, as if he wanted to get back to the state of lecturing in class.

    "I can help you determine Ludwell's location, and then you take away his body and spirit and let him be your marionette. I will dig out the secrets hidden in his spirit and find out what's behind it to instruct him, or I hope to use it. People who do what he does, especially those from the 'Spiritual Religion Group'." "As

    for his pirates and the treasures on the ships, you and your allies can dispose of them as you like. Of course, if you want to get Everything, I will help you."

    On the verge of reviving divinity and trying to reach a balance with humanity, the "Death Archon" who struggled to attempt this feat showed goodwill to the students with what he considered a "humane" attitude. Although his attempt was completely wrong, even the student's eyes widened in shock, and he could not understand the student's current mood.

    Klein opened his eyes wide and stared at his teacher, not daring to look away for a moment.

    He couldn't believe that these words would come out of Azik's mouth one day.

    You, are you still Mr. Azik? Klein really wanted to ask this.

    But after considering all kinds of things and swallowing the bitterness rising from his stomach, he could only force a somewhat pitiful smile and cover up the inappropriate part of the topic.


    "Let's talk about it..."

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Chapter 50 Pollution is always silent

    Klein opened the door and found "Vice Admiral Iceberg" Edwina Edwards standing at the end of the corridor, apparently waiting for a while.

    "Did you get help?" Edwina asked.

    Before Gehrman Sparrow boarded the ship, she initiated a long-term ritual arranged in the captain's cabin, using special spiritual secrets to attract the attention of a "prophet".

    With the support of the "prophet", Luca Brewster, she temporarily gained a perspective beyond reality, and was able to "overlook" the ship beneath her in a ghost-like state.

    However, when she actually connected to the secret technique and cast her gaze, the room where Herman was located was only hazy and white. Even if she tried to read it, she could only obtain messy data in disordered fragments instead of intuitive knowledge. It was like layer after layer. The meaningless dead things set up a barrier outside the room, consciously blocking Edwina.

    "It's time to sail." Klein did not answer the question directly. "How many days will it take to get from here to Tuscat?"

    Although she is not a professional "navigator", Edwina still gave the answer after a brief two-second calculation. A more precise answer.

    "Four days."

    This is already an achievement that can only be achieved by the "Golden Dream" moving at full speed.

    Too slow... With his control of the fine facial muscles, Klein could hide his dissatisfaction well under his eyebrows.

    According to the current speed, even if we can reach Toscat in four days, it will be difficult to catch up with the "Black Tulip".

    Ludwell was not a motionless target. On the contrary, four days later, he must have known that the "Aurora Society" I symbolized intended to intervene in the fight for the ownership of the "Death Treasure Key" and would not wait for the apostle of the true Creator to come to his door.

    No matter which faction within the "Spiritual Religion", they attach great importance to Ludwell's actions at sea. In the worst case scenario, what awaits us in the "Sea of ​​White Whale" will be a half-man from the "Spiritual Religion" god.

    High-sequence members of the "God of Death" path have the ability to travel through the spirit world. They can summon the undead army from the "little underworld" they contain, and they can also escape with special help... Unfortunately, we also have the same ability...

    Klein turned sideways The body, in Edwina's eyes, seemed to be thinking about the next cooperation.

    Because of the angle, she failed to notice that Klein's gaze was communicating with a figure standing in an unobtrusive shadow in the corridor.

    Azik Eggers took the student's look for help and blinked as if to say.

    "As long as you want, I can take this ship to travel through the spirit world right now."

    Of course, Klein understood the teacher's eyes, but he failed to give the answer immediately, and instead fell into hesitation.

    Do you want to expose Mr. Azik's existence now?

    Behind "Vice Admiral Iceberg" is the church of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom", a god who claims to symbolize omniscience.

    Seeking direct help from Mr. Azik will certainly make the whole thing easier. No matter what kind of support the "Spiritual Religion Group" sends, they will never expect that an angel from this path is waiting for them.

    But... what to do next?

    The crew of the "Golden Dream" will all witness the return of the "Death Archon". In Mr. Azik's current state, is it necessary to kill them all to keep the secret, just like George III executed the father of "Magician"'s friend?

    Even if Mr. Azik kills them, can he really hide the truth about his memory recovery?

    With his tail lip slightly open, Klein instinctively wanted to refuse, but suddenly he heard another voice in his head, mixed with sarcastic reprimands.

    What, Zhou Mingrui, you can't make a decision and are so indecisive that you think about it over and over again?

    You are really hypocritical. You clearly have the unique conditions that others cannot ask for, but you are still hesitating, just to make excuses for your little "conscience"...

    How do you say that, oh, yes, you hypocritical little one. Bourgeois thought, this is

    who you are... Alarm bells went off in Klein's head.

    Under the surprised gazes of Edwina and Azik, he suddenly turned around and looked at the direction from which the voice came, his back.

    The walls were made of dark brown wooden boards, and the air was filled with the smell of sea breeze and incense. Klein carefully looked at everything and couldn't find anything unusual.

    Although he didn't know the reason, Klein knew that the bewitchment did not originate from elsewhere.

    That was the voice he was most familiar with, the voice he couldn't be more familiar with, that was his voice!

    What on earth is going on... Klein slowly turned his neck and saw Edwina with her palm on her waist. As long as he showed a more radical move, the pirate captain would definitely use force without hesitation.

    It was obvious that Edwina couldn't hear the sound.

    Coincidentally, just when Klein had just figured out the situation, the sarcastic voice appeared again, sticking to the back of Klein's head and blowing into his ears.

    Think about it carefully, since you became the envoy of the true Creator, have you made any real achievements with this identity?

    Being ostracized by your colleagues and being misunderstood by others, your poor "conscience" has not only made you more painful and made your life in this strange world more torturous, it has not brought you any benefits...

    Still remember Zaratul's words ?

    You want to save the natives of the Rossed Islands, so you would rather temporarily put aside the task given to you by the "God of Mystery", send the wrong signal to Zaratul, and avoid thinking about the consequences of offending a god...

    I didn't... ...Klein instinctively wanted to argue, but another voice in his head didn't give him a chance and quickly covered up his little argument.

    Yes, yes, you haven't thought about it... Hey, you have divine grace. Of course you can't die, but what about the natives you want to help?

    When Mr. Moretti is blamed by the gods, gets a scolding and a pat on the butt and leaves, who will think about their fate?

    Your structure is too small compared to the gods. Haven't you also come into contact with a true god? Look at other people's consciousness. It doesn't matter if it's tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands. As long as the other side of the scale is heavy enough, this It's all a price you can pay!

    What are you suspecting?

    As you enjoy the gaze of the true Creator and the "God of Mysteries", is it possible for someone to unknowingly tamper with your spirit and split your consciousness?

    If others can't do it, can't those two people do it?

    After being ridiculed by that voice for a long time, Klein was no longer as flustered as he was at first. He also asked with sarcasm, but the only response was a contemptuous smile.

    This time he heard the source of the sound clearly.

    Not caring about sending any meaningful signal to Azik who was hiding in the shadows and might show up at any time, Klein first took off the windbreaker on his chest, and sure enough he saw the shrunken "blood moon" on his left chest.

    The blood-colored rubies were so rich that they seemed likely to turn into real blood and flow down at any time. Even the silver branches wrapping the gems were separated from their original color and were assimilated by the color of blood.

    Unknowingly, scarlet lines spread all over Klein's upper body, clinging from his chest to his collarbone and about to spread to his neck.

    He obviously removed the sealed object from his body temporarily before meeting Mr. Azik, so he would not accumulate a lot of negative emotions in a short period of time. Now is not a night dominated by the blood moon. What is going on?

    "Sealed object of the 'Devil' path?" Edwina's question called back Klein's attention.

    He pulled off the "Poison Wine Brooch" and the lines covering his upper body quickly faded away, and the voices in his head no longer existed.

    "Was it its negative effect just now?" Edwina asked again.

    "No," Klein shook his head slightly, "it's different from the negative effects."

    Klein paid attention to Mr. Azik who was hiding in the shadows, and found that the teacher did not show concern or other emotions as he imagined, but instead Quite indifferently, he looked at the changes that had just happened to Klein indifferently. Even now when he saw Klein's glance passing by, he just nodded slightly.

    Perhaps the accident just now was not even considered an "incident" in the eyes of the resurrected "Death Archon". Even if Klein did not discover it immediately, it would not affect his life safety.

    After calming down, he remembered that the lady in front of him was not only a pirate, but also a learned scholar.

    "Influencing the user's emotions and trying to instigate and distort the user's will. Is this normal among the sealed objects of the 'devil' pathway?"

    Klein did not dare to wear the "poison wine" directly anymore. He held the brooch in his hand and showed it Show it to Edwina.

    "The raw material of this sealed object comes directly from the 'Devil', or is it a member of the 'Blood Worship Cult'?"

    Edwina asked as she watched the blood red on the gem gradually fade.

    "It used to belong to the 'Rose School'."

    Upon hearing this answer, Edwina's expression suddenly became serious.

    "Wasn't the contamination removed during the production process?"

    Klein was unsure, but thinking of Mr. A's usual style, he shook his head in denial.

    "It has been purified."

    "That means the original owner of the characteristic has been exposed to deep-level pollution, but that kind of pollution is generally very subtle and will not break out casually." The topic became more and more academic, and Edwina unconsciously used Using a professional word like 'characteristic' that is not popular in ordinary communication between extraordinary people, "The 'Mother Tree of Desire' believed in by the 'Rose School' is the most powerful of the known evil gods. He is sometimes called As a 'primordial moon', it will show incomprehensible weirdness in the blood moon environment, and will also spread pollution unknowingly, subtly changing a certain existence." "

    Existence?" Klein grabbed Edwin Weird pronoun used by Na.

    "The pollution of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' does not distinguish between living or dead things."

    As she said that, Edwina looked at the brooch in Klein's hand.

    "If your brooch contains that kind of pollution, a situation like today will indeed occur, with negative effects erupting without precautions, and even affecting you personally." It turns out that it

    is just pollution... After hearing the satisfactory answer, Klein remained silent He breathed a sigh of relief.

    He nodded.

    "Thank you for sharing."

    With his right hand, he drew messy yet orderly lines on his chest. Klein first praised the blessing of the "God of Mystery" for allowing hidden dangers to be exposed before the battle instead of during the battle, and then made a gesture. With a gesture that was difficult to understand, he slightly bowed to Edwina.

    "Ma'am, I think we can set off."

    Before Edwina could understand the meaning of her words, Azik in the shadow reacted first.

    The entire "Golden Dream" suddenly trembled violently, and the exclamations of Daniz and other crew members on the front deck penetrated through the door panels and reached Edwina's ears.

    The pirate general, who was always known for his quietness, ignored the etiquette he usually adhered to. He glanced at Klein one last time and trotted out of the corridor.

    Klein nodded slightly towards Azik in the shadow, and then took steps, following behind Edwina.

    When the two of them ran onto the deck and saw the sea and sky outside, it was no longer the original scenery waiting for them.

    The huge bronze door stood against the norm on the sea. Countless seawater poured in along the two open doors. The biting coldness mixed with the mist and filled half of the sea.

    Different from the several scenes where Klein had seen the "Gate of the Underworld" come to reality before, inside this extremely huge bronze door, there were no arms with bloody skin, no greasy tentacles with teeth, one by one. The green and black vines with baby faces, and all the stereotypes that are almost bound to the "gatekeeper" did not appear this time. Only the empty blackness remained, as if it would swallow everything, and the "Golden Dream" was the food it longed for.

    Most of the golden work of art ship was stuck in the door. The pirates on the ship were panicked and confused. A few who could not accept this change had already run to the edge of the ship's side and wanted to jump off the ship.

    Fortunately, the first officer of the "Golden Dream" stopped their behavior which was tantamount to suicide in time.

    Reassured by the captain's no choice, several pirates with status on the ship ran around to ensure that no crew member would be injured or lose their life in the process of entering the gate.

    As for Edwina Edwards herself, she stared blankly up at the huge door and asked in a small voice that only Klein could hear.

    "You are carrying a level 1 sealed object of the 'Death' path?"

    She suddenly understood what Sen Bai was who helped Gehrman conceal the secrets in the room.

    "No." Klein denied, "This is the help of the navigator."

    In a few seconds, the bronze gate had completely swallowed the dozens of meters long "Golden Dream" and disappeared silently into the sea.

    The world inside the door was different from what the pirates imagined. They did not go to the underworld, which symbolizes death. Rich color blocks appeared in every corner of their field of vision, and countless weird spiritual creatures were swimming nearby, but they could not get close. Because a layer of pale mist enveloped the "Golden Dream" to act as a protective layer.

    "So this is what the spirit world is really like."

    Edwina's sigh was not too big or too small, just enough for everyone on the front deck to hear.

    "This is the spirit world?"

    "The spirit world!"

    "What is that?"

    "Shit, the captain taught it in class..."

    The pirates expressed various sighs or doubts one after another, and Klein took back the gun that was placed above his head. The gaze of a spirit world creature that was slowly moving away turned its head and looked at Edwina.

    "We will arrive directly near Toscat. According to the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics, the next time the 'Gate to the Underworld' appears in reality, it is likely to attract Ludwell. UU Reading www.uukankshu.net"

    From Rossed to Tosted Carter, in addition to the leap in distance, also has to face drastic changes in climate.

    The time has entered mid-November. If you are not prepared in advance, the cruel natural environment of the "Sea of ​​White Whale" will be enough to freeze the few pirates wearing thin clothing on the ship into snowmen the moment they leave the spiritual world.

    Edwina quickly understood what Klein meant, suppressed the complexity in her eyes, and nodded obediently.

    "I will warn them."

    It took less than five minutes for the pirates to change into the winter coats in the closet, and their voyage to the spiritual world had come to an end.

    The bronze door suspended in the void of the spiritual world appeared out of thin air and slowly unfolded. The excessively white sunlight penetrated the cracks in the door and struck everyone's eyeballs. In addition to the discomfort accompanied by pain, it also brought another "surprise".

    It was a sailboat, equally huge, mainly black in color with a hint of green, and a dark tulip in full bloom was painted on the pale main sail.

    It is the flagship of the "Hell Admiral", the "Black Tulip".

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