
Chapter 492 – You gave me your hair?

Grant and London were equally mesmerized by the sight of Denver. "Is this the surprise you talked about?" London asked Grant, looking at the cousins who now looked like identical twins.


Denver went over and sat beside Paris. "You were sleeping so peacefully, so I went out to get you some surprise."


Paris kept staring at him with wide eyes, not knowing which of the hairstyles she liked better, the long or short.


"You cut your hair to surprise me?" She asked, her voice almost a whisper.


"Don't you like it?" Denver asked. Paris pursed her lips together. She had no idea for how long she slept.


"You look stunning, but I've always loved your long hair," she said honestly. Denver smiled and said,


"Then close your eyes."


Paris was confused but obeyed, feeling her body being adjusted to a sitting position as she felt movement on her head.


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