
CH: 37 Mr. Lupin and Ms. Lisa

Anton's room is situated in the southeast and serves as the master bedroom of the house.

The bedroom is spacious, with a bathroom that is not overly large but sufficient for bathing, and a closet that is similar in size to the bedroom.

Anton doesn't have a lot of clothes, so the large wardrobe in the bedroom is more than enough.

The room has been transformed into a study.

The bookshelves are filled with a variety of materials.

After months of studying and researching, Anton's collection of handwritten parchments is nearly on par with those of the old wizards.

A large hand-drawn drawing is displayed on the wall.

Fiennes commenced a fresh round of lessons, expressing, "I previously explained the fundamentals of potions to you. Now, let us embark on a novel course brimming with mysteries."

He proudly gestured with his arm and declard, "A potion lore course known solely to Fiennes in the entire realm."

Fiennes, the name of the old man, filled Anton with eager anticipation.

"The ingredients required for the 'Oculus' potion are quite costly. Otherwise, I would have you consume the potion and heed my lecture." He expressed.

He gestured towards the hand-drawn illustrations and continued, "During my treatment, I have imbibed Lupin on numerous occasions and witnessed mystical apparitions within the body of a werewolf. So, do potions also encompass magical apparitions?"

"Some indeed!" Fiennes responded, his demeanor shrouded in mystery. "These magical apparitions are ever-changing. For instance, the leech depicted appears in a stable state when it is alive."

"However, when we crush it, it metamorphoses into something entirely different. What's most fascinating is that the emotions coursing through your heart while crushing it will influence its properties." He added.

Anton swiftly grasped the concept and exclaimed, "This is akin to the process of casting a spell!"

"Exactly," Fiennes chuckled. "The leech extracts the essence of fortune from the potion, and it may seem as though we are merely infusing the leech with luck. However, during this process, if the individual controlling it harbors malevolent thoughts and extreme malice, the leech will unleash unforeseen perils."

"Preparing potions," Fiennes remarked, "Is akin to casting spells."

"So, my young apprentice," He inquired, "Do you recall the initial lesson I imparted to you? The bedrock of our spellcasting."

Anton's eyes gleamed with excitement as he replied, "A sorcerer is akin to a deity, and a sorcerer's will commands all."

Fiennes solemnly nodded, his gaze fixed upon Anton, and he uttered with utmost gravity, "This is also the foundation of Fiennes's potion theory."

"Teacher," Anton exclaimed, admiration evident in his voice, "you are truly a prodigy!"

"Hahaha..." Fiennes let out a hearty laugh.


The magical pattern on the door illuminated, silently creating a small opening.

The large snake slithered through the gap, swallowing the letter and making its way out.

It's twelve-foot (3.6-meter) body continuously crawled along the ground, its agile tail delicately lifting the doorknob of the next room, revealing another opening.

The snake entered the room.

The snake entered the room.

Inside, there was a massive high bed, and lying on it was a sturdy yet small figure - the goblin Pedro.

The snake stared at the goblin for a long while before turning away.

It continued to crawl forward and opened yet another door.

This room exuded a warm ambiance and a subtle fragrance. On the dressing table by the window, there was a glass bottle adorned with an angel motif, with a bouquet of fresh flowers placed inside.

The room was unoccupied, except for an open suitcase on the floor.

The snake swam over and inserted its head into the suitcase.

The capacity of the box is incredibly vast, resembling a colossal mechanical factory within. A petite figure operates a massive gantry crane, maneuvering a gigantic mechanical structure above the machinery.

Next, the girl dons dragon leather gloves, retrieves an oversized wrench from the shelf, ascends the eight-meter-high rack, and utilizes her physical strength to tightly fasten the large nuts.

Sweat trickles down the tips of her black hair, and the girl wipes it away, leaving a greasy mark on her face.

Her expression is intensely focused and earnest.

It's as if the snake's head is suspended in midair, peering at her with unwavering concentration and seriousness.


In the early morning, everyone appeared exceptionally motivated.

Lupin meticulously styled his hair with hair gel in front of the mirror and applied a touch of moisturizing cream to his face.

Then, he spritzed a delicate amount of cologne onto his physique, seized a finely crafted cashmere wool coat from the rack, and donned it.

Lupin gazed at his reflection in the mirror, experiencing a sense of unfamiliarity.

This individual...

So unfamiliar.

But, as Anton mentioned, it doesn't seem unfavorable.

He offered a faint smile and spoke to his reflection, "New life, new beginnings, isn't that right?"

He made a silly face at himself, grinned mischievously, approached the grand oak table across from the bed, turned off the television series, carefully extracted the disc from the DVD player, and placed it within a special plastic case.

Then, he retrieved an exquisite alloy walking stick with a lion-shaped head from the corner, straightened his posture, held his head high, and departed the room with the graceful demeanor he had cultivated alongside Anton and Anna.

He exited through the rear door of the building, arrived at the first-floor lobby, ascended the stairs, and reached their company's office.

Chada Information Consulting Company.

In the corners, there is a row of partially partitioned spaces, each occupied by an employee with multiple phones in front of them.

These information collectors are constantly making and receiving calls, diligently recording information, and some even manage two calls simultaneously.

The two female colleagues diligently bring the documents they set aside to the desk for storage and organization, assigning them to the information processors stationed at the desk in the middle of the hall.

Everyone is engrossed in their tasks.

Upon spotting Lupin, individuals quickly greet him and then proceed with their documents in hand.

Clearly, the company is in full swing, commencing its workday.

These individuals are the cream of the crop, carefully selected from various backgrounds by the company. They merely require a leader who can instill hope in them, and their potential will flourish boundlessly.

Anton is correct; in reality, there aren't many tasks Lupin needs to personally handle.

For instance, when faced with a challenge, he should respond with grace, composure, and a smile, rather than succumbing to panic and anxiety.

Instead, gather everyone for a meeting and allow them to collectively discuss and find solutions themselves.

'I just need to select the most successful plan among them,' he mused internally.

'Quite straightforward, wouldn't you agree?' He reassured himself, nodding to the individuals he passed by and offering a warm smile.

Eventually, he reached his manager's office.

However, shortly after he settled into his seat, there came a knock on the wooden door of the office, and when he glanced up, he spotted the troublesome Lisa standing there.

Lupin's body immediately tensed.

Anton had mentioned that this woman was the sole witch in the company. Yesterday, she had deliberately tested him during the full moon night, even going so far as to contact the Auror's from the Ministry of Magic.

His hand clenched tightly around the armrest of the chair, battling the urge to flee.

Smile, just keep smiling.

"Good morning, Miss Lisa," He greeted with a composed tone.

The young and stunning woman delicately set a cup of steaming, fragrant coffee on the table and regarded him with a hint of leniency. "Good morning, Mr. Lupin."

She nervously intertwined her pale fingers. "There was a minor incident yesterday..."

Lupin took a deep breath. Filling his lungs with resolve.

With grace, he rested his hand on the table, supporting his cheek, and spoke with a smile, "It's alright, just continue to work hard."


He flawlessly mimicked Anton's posture and voice, and he succeeded!

As expected, this highly skilled elite within the company breathed a sigh of relief, turned on her heel, and resumed her work.

'Yes, Anton analyzed it that way,' Lupin acknowledged.

However, an unforeseen turn of events seemed to have transpired.

Instead of departing, Lisa adorned a sweet smile, revealing her endearing little incisors and a slight dimple on one side.

"Then, Mr. Lupin, would you care to join me for a meal tonight?" Lisa proposed.

"What?" Lupin exclaimed, taken aback by the sudden and unexpected invitation.

"Can't you?" Lisa's golden locks swayed in the breeze, and a misty allure shimmered in her jewel-like blue-green eyes. Those eyes seemed to implore, 'Are you truly unwilling to forgive me?'

Oh no, how could Lupin, a seasoned otaku of ten thousand years, contend with such a skilled player? Suddenly, a wave of panic washed over him.

"Me...?" Lupin's voice trailed off, his words barely audible.

Lisa blinked, her long lashes fluttering. "Very well then, we're finished here." she stated with a hint of finality.

With a graceful pivot on her heel, Lisa turned and began to make her departure, leaving Lupin standing there, stunned and speechless.

Lupin remained speechless, still grappling for words. "I...I..." he stammered, his voice filled with a mix of confusion and disbelief.

'What should i do? Anton, where are you?' He silently pleaded, seeking guidance from his trusted confidant.
