
All the best, then.

The girl's unexpected question momentarily pulled me out of my chaotic thoughts. "Enjoying the club?" she asked again, her voice barely audible over the deafening music. Her breath was a mix of alcohol and something sweetly exotic.

I tried to smile, but my eyes involuntarily searched the crowd for Pierce. The girl noticed my distraction and gently grasped my hand. Startled, I looked at her, but she simply nodded for me to look down. Between her legs, under her skirt, I saw something completely unexpected – two penises. Shocked, I quickly withdrew my hand as she laughed, a sound that somehow blended seamlessly into the club's cacophony.

Standing up, feeling out of place and somewhat embarrassed, I navigated through the gyrating crowd. Nobody paid me any attention, which was a relief, but when I glanced back, I noticed the bartender and the girl watching me together. My face flushed red with a mix of embarrassment and confusion.
