
Auxiliary Chapter

Soo.. I never really thought of publishing after a few days since i posted the 1st chapter as i got busy with my academics. This coming summer, i may try to set aside some of my time creating a back story of the characters I'd like to portray but i wouldn't really be focusing on this too much but rather spend my time as a reader as I'll always do.

I always feel better if i just read things out than making stuff nowadays as for my college course i need to read a lot of books (look for this course – Bachelor of Arts in English Language, it needs a lot of books to be read) aside from this webnovel. I don't even know why i chose this course in the first place, but I'm about to be a 2nd year student anyway, so I'll look for possible jobs i can take on, in correlation to my course or just make this as my foundation to look for other possible jobs in the future (3 academical years) after i graduate.

Anyway, about the story i would add in, can you guys help me pitch in some ideas? As that was the last chapter i made before i got too busy on my homework and reports on my school and can only set a bit of my time reading other fanfics here. It would be a big help guys.

Good day to you all!

Seriously, why am i even doing this? Prolly just inspired by my professor on my major's class as he published 4 books already.

Kevin_Vosscreators' thoughts
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