
Chapter 294: The Heavenly Emperor of Filial Rewrites the Investiture of the Gods [Silver Bonus for “梦幻0绝恋”]

Before entering the Map of Mountains and Rivers, Ji Changsheng quietly pulled his mother aside for a private conversation.

"Mom, I killed someone before, and I have reduced his bones to dust and ashes, with his soul residing in my Ten Thousand People Umbrella, obsessively attached. Can you help me bring him back to life?"

Of course, the person Ji Changsheng was referring to was "Brother Hate" Jian Gongyou.

To this day, "Brother Hate's" strength had been thoroughly surpassed by Ji Changsheng, so the voice saying "I hate" could now be completely suppressed by Ji Changsheng.

However, Ji Changsheng missed it.

It wasn't that he missed the voice of "Brother Hate."

Rather, he increasingly felt that "Brother Hate" was a rare talent.

Such talent was truly a pity to waste in death.

The people currently under Ji Changsheng, such as the Master, were utterly useless compared to "Brother Hate."

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