
Chapter 245: Resolved

The office fell silent as Dave Scolari paced back and forth, his brow furrowed in deep thought. He was pondering over Kara Fess's words, weighing the importance of the two projects. One was a super-epic project filled with his countless hopes, while the other was just a second-tier superhero...

He had full confidence in his project, firmly believing that once it started shooting, it would surely surpass "Gladiator" and become a blockbuster.

On the other hand, the script and plan submitted by Kara Fess seemed like a minor affair. Superhero movies without sufficient investment were best left untouched, especially with the large scale involved in this one. After production, it could potentially be rated R, inevitably losing the largest audience for this genre – teenagers.

Moreover, Murphy Stanton as a director for a superhero movie? That was a joke. A director with such a distinct Cult style was a disaster for superhero films.

Considering this, the "Deadpool" project might not be successful, even had a high chance of failure. Kara Fess, after all, was a newcomer in the industry, teaming up with a niche director like Murphy Stanton. They thought they could take his position? It was laughable.

As one of the big six in Hollywood, 20th Century Fox was not a small company like Fox Searchlight or Miramax. To stand firm in such a company required blockbuster productions!

In just a few minutes, Dave Scolari made his decision.

"For the development of the company, there's no need for confrontation!" Compared to Kara Fess, Dave Scolari seemed righteous, "I'll greenlight the 'Deadpool' project."

Kara Fess smiled at him, "I won't interfere with your 'Kingdom of Heaven' project anymore."

With that, the negotiation was essentially over. Dave Scolari nodded at Kara Fess and left her office.

Once the office door closed, Kara Fess, sitting in the boss chair, let out a sigh of relief. Reaching this point, she had used all her methods and tactics. Otherwise, how could a deputy of a department force the head to this extent?

Regardless, she had achieved her goal, securing a pass for "Deadpool" and possibly pushing Dave Scolari entirely into "Kingdom of Heaven".

Would "Kingdom of Heaven" turn out as expected? She believed in Murphy's analysis and trusted her judgment derived from various data.

For a woman, securing a high position in one of Hollywood's big six was not easy, let alone progressing further.

She pressed the intercom on her desk, asking her secretary not to let anyone disturb her for a while. Then, she picked up the phone and dialed Murphy's number. It rang for a long time before someone answered.

"It's me, Kara," she complained into the phone, "What are you doing? Why did it take so long to answer?"

"I was driving, just passing through an intersection," Murphy's voice came from the receiver, "I'm on my way to the international airport."

"The airport?" Kara Fess suddenly remembered, "Is Gal returning?"

"Yes, her plane lands in an hour."

Hearing this, Kara Fess decided to keep it brief, "I have good news, I've almost handled Dave Scolari."

On the road to the airport, as traffic increased, Murphy said, "Hold on a moment."

He found a suitable place to park on the roadside. After parking, he spoke into the phone again, "This is the second-best news I've heard in the past few days."

"What's the first?" Kara Fess asked over the phone.

Murphy shrugged, "Of course, it's Gal coming back."

Despite at least three calls a day, Murphy had worried that Gal Gadot, after returning to Israel, might change her mind and continue staying there. He was also concerned that family pressure might alter her decision.

A few times when they spoke, Gal seemed hesitant. Murphy even gave her a satellite phone with video capability, relieved she finally decided to return.

"Alright, I won't bother you any longer," Kara Fess's voice came through the phone again. "Handling Dave Scolari is just the first step; I still need to convince the company's executives. There's a lot of work waiting for me."

"Kara," Murphy reminded her, "Don't forget to inform Bill and CAA."

He knew that handling Dave Scolari was just removing the biggest obstacle. Even with the push from Kara Fess and CAA, it would still take time for the project to get a green light from 20th Century Fox.

Like with "Sin City," the project's rights were firmly in the hands of 20th Century Fox. Without their approval, the project couldn't proceed.

After hanging up, Murphy started the car and continued towards Los Angeles International Airport.

Arriving at the airport, he put on a baseball cap, checked the time, and went to the arrival gate. No one noticed him; since "Sin City" ended its North American promotion, Murphy's life had gradually quieted down, the tabloid news about the stars being much more valuable than his.

After a short wait, his phone rang. It was a text from Gal Gadot.

"I'm off the plane, coming out soon."

The airport was huge, and it took time to arrive. After about ten minutes, people began to exit the gate. Murphy stood at the forefront of the crowd, frequently looking inside. As the crowd thinned, he finally saw a familiar figure.

Gal Gadot, in casual light-colored clothes with neatly combed hair, pushed two huge suitcases towards him. Seeing Murphy, she raised an arm and waved.

Her tall stature drew attention, but Gal's eyes were fixed on Murphy. As soon as she exited, she dropped the luggage cart and nearly leaped into Murphy's arms.

Murphy hugged Gal tightly, kissing her cheek.

"I've been thinking about you every day," Gal buried her face in his chest, "wishing I could fly over."

"Me too," Murphy kissed her earlobe.

Though the crowd had dwindled, it wasn't a place for long conversations. Murphy patted her back, "Let's talk somewhere else."

"Okay," Gal nodded.

They reached the railing near the exit, where Murphy took the suitcases off the cart, dragging them towards the parking lot. Gal carried the remaining backpack, following him, her bright eyes never leaving Murphy, as if making up for the days she hadn't seen him.

"Do you know, dear," Murphy said as they walked, "when you called, saying your mom didn't approve of you coming to Los Angeles, I almost panicked. I wanted to rush over and bring you back from Israel."

"Why didn't I notice you were worried on the video call?" Gal teased.

She felt sweet thinking about Murphy's anxious appearance; he indeed cared for her deeply.

Murphy pointed to his face, "You know I don't show it, even if I'm worried."

Gal knew this well; Murphy wasn't one to openly display emotions.

"You're thoughtful," Gal teased, pretending to be stern, "I didn't come all the way from Israel for nothing."

Reaching the car, Murphy unlocked the Cadillac, placed the suitcases in the trunk, and put Gal's backpack in the back seat. They got into the car, and Murphy closed the door, rolling up the tinted windows.

Then, turning to Gal, he was about to speak when she eagerly leaned in, apparently unable to wait any longer.

Murphy felt her arms wrap tightly around his neck. Holding her delicate face, he deeply looked into her eyes and leaned down to kiss her soft lips, feeling Gal's passionate response.

Like all couples reunited after a long separation, they needed more than words and spirit to express and release their pent-up feelings of longing.

Murphy's hand reached Gal's waist, touching the metallic belt buckle. Gal's hand had already slipped under his T-shirt...

Realizing Murphy was unbuckling her belt, Gal suddenly woke to the fact they were in a parking lot!

She bit his shoulder fiercely, "Not here, let's go home!"

The pain on his shoulder and her words reminded Murphy too. He kissed her forehead forcefully, "As you wish."

After straightening the clothes Gal had ruffled, Murphy started the car, leaving the parking lot and driving towards Santa Monica with much greater speed than before. The two in the car didn't speak, exchanging frequent glances, as if seeing the burning flames in each other's eyes.

Finally, they arrived in the Santa Monica Valley area, entering the garage connected to the house. As Murphy parked and lowered the garage door, he no longer had any reservations. Unbuckling, he turned and pinned Gal in the passenger seat.

It seemed they had waited too long, and Gal lowered the seatback to passionately respond.

The garage became a battlefield.


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