
White Dream 2.0

After three hours of glowing like a lightbulb in Zeno's office as she underwent the evolution, White Dream finally stopped glowing as the light faded away, revealing the evolved White Dream in her new appearance for the world to see.

The original black blindfold on her face is now gone, exposing the face of a beautiful woman with icy blue eyes, long white hair, and plump red lips. Her red shoulder cape has transformed into a normal cape on both of her shoulders, and her futuristic bodysuit has become more sexy with her generous cleavage and midriff exposure. Her robotic limbs also become more streamlined and humanlike.

"Oh, you're done?"

Seeing that the evolution had ended, Zeno quickly got up from the couch while putting his HMT that he was playing with while waiting for her away in his pants' pocket, and then he walked towards his beautiful Stand with a smirk, eager to explore around White Dream's upgraded body. He's kind of hoping that he can finally undress his Stand for his naughty purpose.

As he got close to White Dream, he immediately looked at her unhidden face and curvy form with curiosity. Her face is as beautiful as he thought, and her red lips are still sexy, just like he remembers them to be.

"Nothing changes... that's good."

Zeno feels relief that his favorite red lips are still the same. He then reached out his hand towards her cheek, wanting to touch her skin.


But then something unexpected happens as White Dream suddenly moves on her own without Zeno's order; she flies forward towards him as she hugs him with both of her arms wrapping around his neck. Zeno was surprised by the sudden turn of events, hugging her back subconsciously. Zeno feels her large breasts pressing on him as he stares into her blue eyes with some bewilderment while White Dream, with her eyes unblinking, locks gazes with him; their lips almost touch from how close they are to one another.

"Now that's interesting..."

Zeno muttered with realization as he saw the glint of intelligence in her blue eyes. White Dream seems to have developed a self-awareness and now can operate independently without his order. Zeno is not worried too much about it since she will still be obedient to him as per her nature of a Stand that is born from his soul.

"Well, can you speak now?"

Zeno asked White Dream curiously as he slowly ran his hands down along her back to her butt while White Dream blinked her eyes and tilted her head slightly after hearing his question.


White Dream says with a pleasant, soft, whispering voice, and then she kisses Zeno on his lips with her own. Zeno smiles as he accepts her kiss while his hands finally arrive at her butt. He then gropes her butt before he is pleasantly surprised with how her bodysuit has become more elastic and thinner somehow, as he can almost feel her big, firm cheeks directly through the bodysuit in his hands.

"Chuchu... chuchuchupa...!"

The two of them spent a couple of minutes making out with each other before White Dream separated her red lips from him with a little blush on her cheeks and her tongue licking her lips while Zeno stared at her departing lips with his desire reignited.

"My apologies; I have to dematerialize for a while since my new body needs some time to adjust itself."

White Dream said before she kissed him again, like she was saying goodbye, and then disappeared away, leaving Zeno alone in the room with his bubbling lust that has no outlet.

"Why, you little..."

Zeno grumbling with a wry smile, not expecting that his Stand would suddenly leave him hanging. He sighed and resigned himself to the couch as he plopped his body down on it.

And then the information about his evolved Stand starts to appear in his mind, which he expected to happen after his Stand dematerialized herself.

First, White Dream's power to charge her attack with her rifle is increased to 20% per second, and the base attack power is now comparable to a Tomahawk missile with high-explosive warhead.

Second, White Dream now has an additional weapon, a pair of submachine guns that shoot Touki energy bullets just like her large rifle but with lower base attack power that is comparable to an anti-material rifle round. Her submachine guns also have a special power that can multiply the attack power of every shot by 1% after she hits the enemy in under ten seconds. That means she can stack attack power infinitely as long as she hits the target, even if the target is not the same one.

Third, White Dream is becoming more sentient, meaning that she can now operate independently with her own judgment, but she would still prioritize Zeno order above everything else.

Fourth, White Dream can now go into full stealth mode, and only those with spiritual sight can perceive her in this mode, just like normal Stands in Jojo.

Fifth, White Dream can now communicate with Zeno mentally and verbally; she can even share both her vision and hearing with him.

Sixth, White Dream's physical and spiritual capabilities are the same as Zeno's. That means she can be only as strong as he is in his base form without the external enhancements.

"That's pretty good..."

Zeno hummed with satisfaction after going through his Stand's upgrade. His Stand is now becoming more powerful, and she surely will help him out a lot when he eventually faces the enemy that he can't damage effectively with his current energy output.

"I will talk to her more when she is done with her adjustment and see if I can do something about her bodysuit..."

Zeno mumbles to himself with a smirk as he still has his priorities straight even now. He almost can't wait to see what is underneath the White Dream's bodysuit. He then chuckled with a wry smile, feeling himself becoming quite a pervert.


The next morning in the dining room of the Zavior household, everyone is currently presenting at the very long table in the center of the room as they are waiting for breakfast while talking with one another merrily. It is a tradition at this point that the residents of the palace will have breakfast together, except the Geborgs, of course.

"Heh~ so you can speak now?"

Himiko, who was sitting next to White Dream, observed her closely while touching her robotic hand in wonder, as White Dream's existence is always a thing of fascination to her, and Himiko is quite curious about her evolution and her changes.

"Yes, I can."

White Dream responded bluntly as she glanced at Himiko with her icy blue eyes. Many girls had talked to her when they found out about her evolution.

"Mmm~ We will have to work on your tone a little more, won't we?"

Himiko smiling wryly at White Dream's way of speaking. She feels like she has to teach this spirit woman how to be a girl. Maybe this will be a good experience for herself; if she has a baby girl in the future, Himiko thought.

"Is that necessary?"

The confused White Dream tilted her head slightly and asked Himiko about the necessity for her to change the way of her speaking as Himiko nodded her head.

"Of course! I'm sure that Zeno-san would be happy if you spoke more softly and..."

Himiko started putting out many reasons to convince White Dream, but the beautiful Stand is already convinced at the part where Zeno will be happy with her.

"I see."

White Dream nodded her head in acceptance while imagining Zeno praising her; she can't help but feel warm and eager to be praised by him for reasons that she doesn't understand.

Meanwhile, at the head of the table where Zeno sits

"What is it, Kuroka?"

Zeno asked as he glanced down at the black cat who just jumped up on his lap while he was waiting for his food with a rising eyebrow.

"Nyaa~! Nya-nya-nyaao~! Nyanya~!"

Kuroka meowing with a desperate expression on her feline face, there's even some tear in her eyes as she stands on her hind legs while clinging to his chest. It seems like Kuroka is reaching her limit of being a pet cat and trying to beg Zeno for mercy.

"I see, I see..."

He nodded his head like he understood her random cat meowing while feeling amused by her desperation; Zeno decided to play a prank on her.

"Very well, I will find you a cat boyfriend so you don't get lonely."


Zeno jokes with a smirk, and to no one's surprise, Kuroka gets angry and tries to claw him, but the collar prevents her from doing that, so she can only polish his shirt with her paws cutely.

"Kya~! Ehehe~!"

Ziah, who is sitting in her baby chair beside the two of them, giggles at them as she finds the scene amusing.

"Alright, alright, don't cry."

Zeno finally stopped teasing Kuroka as he saw the Nekoshou start crying for real. He hugged the cat gently and comforted her by patting her back. Kuroka feels like this is her chance, quickly looking up at him with a hopeful expression.


The other girls that pay attention to the two of them feel amazed that the silly black cat can pull off puppy dog eyes.

"I will lift your restrictions after this, and we can talk in my office later."

Zeno patted her head as he promised to listen to her as an actual human being, or rather, a Youkai-Devil hybrid being? Well, it's not matter.


Kuroka released a sigh of relief as Zeno was finally willing to talk to her and no longer ignoring her like she was just a normal stray cat he picked up randomly in the park.

"Everyone, breakfast is ready!"

Then Leila walked into the dining room with food together with Marian and Rurari as they began serving everyone at the table before they were the last ones to sit at the table, and then everyone began to eat while baby Ziah was pouting with the Jumbo milk bottle in her little hands as she eyed the food on her Papa's plate.


On the other hand, Kuroka's hopeful expression dimmed a bit as cat food was served in her bowl under the table.

Another chapter done! I wonder if I can end this volume in the 90th chapter. I also posted a new image of White Dream and her equipment in the comment section.

I was tempted to write an e-book short story and put it out on Amazon to see if it would sell. If it sells, I don't think I could concentrate on this fanfic alone lol.

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