


The Lich King of Trogdol kingdom and his descendants were bad people.

They would sacrifice the lives of their own people to pursue powerful dark magic that bestowed on them immortality. Killing the Lich King wasn't enough. We need to eliminate his entire line from history.

"You will not be able to kill me in our sacred ground", Kolgane shouted to me as he started to grow bigger in a magic transformation.


Bony armor protruded from Kolgane's body as he grew larger. Soon, he transformed into a skeletal monster that towered over us, the Skeleton King.

This would become an epic fight.

Magical mirrors appeared around the Skeleton King before exploding into thousands of shards to strike him. Then a powerful fiery sword fell on him to smash him to the ground.

"Mirrors of Envy" "Sword of Brimstone"

But the Skeleton King was little harmed by the shards or the fiery sword. Meera and Cassandra's conjurations couldn't harm the Skeleton King at all.

Suddenly, a powerful wind hammered on the Skeleton King, forcing him to bend his knees.

"Tornado Hammer"

Sara's powerful spell could force the Skeleton King to kneel, but it wasn't strong enough to break his bones.

"Hahaha, you cannot destroy me in my sacred grove", Skeleton King shouted to us and laughed.

"What are we going to do now?" Ratatouille asked me.

Even Chash slammed his powerful sword of Dominon on the Skeleton King, but it failed to break him. The Skeleton King was indestructible.

I've fought with the Skeleton King before and know a little about his magic. So long as his connection to the graveyard under him was established, his body was virtually indestructible.

"We must break the Skeleton King's connection to the bone magic in the ground", I said to my friends.

"You cannot break my nexus with the bones of my ancestors this time", Skeleton King replied to me as suddenly, bones sprouted out from his leg which sunk into the ground.

"The Skeleton is pinning himself to the ground, how do we break his connection?" Cassandra asked me.

Suddenly, large bones sprouted out from the ground that rose into the air. The bones were like rib cages that reached my friends before closing on them like a cage.

They were brought to the ground and trapped there by the cage.

"Ivory Ribs of Force"

Chash, Cassandra and Meera were trapped by several rib cages that targeted them and they were unable to break free from it.

"Now it's time for you, Bully", Kolgane shouted to me as magical ribs came out of the ground toward me.

The bones clasped their ribs to trap me before pulling me into the ground.

"Are your malevolent done clearing the bone magic yet, this monster is too strong for us", Chash asked me.

The only way to reduce the power of the Skeleton King was to eliminate the source of his magic, the endless bone magic in the ground. My Malevolent were sent into the ground to take as much magic from the bones as possible but they weren't quick enough.

"It is pointless. I don't know what magic you are using to steal the magic of our ancestors, but it is useless, our ancestors' bone magic is endless in this sacred grove", Skeleton King told me furiously.

No wonder it took a long time for my Malevolent Slaves to take all the bone magic in this burial ground, the magic of bones was immense here.

"Hurry up, do something", Cassandra hurried me.

"Master, use the Sword of Malevolence. It is the only magic that can take all the bone magic from this burial ground", Meera told me and advised.

I have a powerful magic that could kill the Skeleton King, my Sword of Malevolence. But I was reluctant to call its power because it would increase the speed of recovery of the Dark Angel.

"Don't you have another bloody magic?" Sara shouted to me.

Sara escaped from the Skeleton King's Ivory cages because she could teleport and also turn invisible. But despite that her magic was also useless against the Skeleton King.

Suddenly, I thought about something.

There was one magic that I could use in this situation besides the Sword of Malevolence.

"You forced me to do this, Skeleton King", I said to the Skeleton King as I appeared before him.

"Why are you here? Who is that in the cage?" he asked me.

"That is only my body double", I replied to him.


[Before the Bully's trip to Melling city]

"What are you telling me, your ancestors have a sacred grove here in the mountains of Melling?" Emily asked Kolgane as she inspected the sacred grove.

"Yes, it is a closely guarded secret of our family. All the bones of our ancestors and their enemies were brought here into the grove to preserve their bone magic", Kolgane replied to her.

"Can you awaken your Skeleton magic here in this grove?" Queen Emerald asked him.

"Yes, this is the best place to awaken my Skeleton magic. Once awakened, my power will become invincible at least in this sacred grove", Kolgane told them.

"What is the point of being invincible in this grove, it is not like you can draw the Bully to come here", Darklord said to them and asked.

"I have a plan", Kolgane told them.

"What kind of plan?" The Queen asked him.

"The Bully has been asking around about the Temple of Dragons", Kolgane told them.

"And?" Emily asked.

"The Temple of Dragons is situated not far from this sacred grove", Kolgane said to them.

"The Temple of Dragons, yes. We've sent many expeditions there to claim the remnants of the dragons of old's magic there and failed. The dragons are too vicious, I will not have a chance even if I go there myself", Darklord told them.

"If the Bully wants to enter the Temple of Dragon just let him. Hopefully he will get himself killed in there", Emerald told them.

"That is what I have in mind. I have a map to the Temple of Dragons that I would leave for the Bully to find", Kolgane said to them.

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