


"It's written in Warlock's diary", Meera answered him while smiling on my behalf.

"You already had the Warlock figured out right from the start", Cassandra said to me.

"The idiot even described his meeting with the previous Savior of Revelations in detail, admiring all the demon skulls in her demonic chamber. Isn't it obvious how to fool him", Sara added.

"So, that is where the idea about the trophy originated from?" Ratatouille asked.

"You can say that", I replied to him.


Our ship was approaching Castle Delirium and when we were expecting to disembark, our ship was struck by another familiar explosion.

"Damnit, its that bloody Warlock again", Chash told us.

"What is his problem this time?" I asked.

"He seems to be furious. Did he figure out your lies and came for revenge?" Melroy said and asked.

"I doubt he will figure it out. Let me go out and talk to him", I told them before leaving the ship to meet Warlock.

"Great Warlock of the Dark, why are you doing this to our ship? Didn't we have an agreement?" I asked Warlock.

"Traitorous cheat. Do you think I am so easily fooled?" Warlock questioned me angrily.

"I don't understand what caused your change of opinion about me?" I asked Warlock.

"At first, I almost believed your story but luckily, I am clever. I discovered your real identity. You are my traitorous servant slave who stole from my cave in my sleep", Warlock accused me suddenly.

"That is not true. I don't even know your slave", I protested to him.

"I do not recognize you in your magical disguise, but my pets do. They recognized your scent and told me so", Warlock told me as his eagles appeared behind him.

Not long after we left the Warlock, his eagles returned to him and told him about the trail of my scent, emanating from our ship. Before I could accuse the eagles of something to distract the Warlock, they whistled to him something.

"I wasn't sure before that you were the traitor who stole from me but now my eagles have confirmed it", Warlock told me after being informed by his eagles.

"I am the envoy from the Savior who came to help you", I protested to Warlock again.

But this time there was no parlaying. The hatch on our Hell Tank opened when a magical chain locked onto Warlock's neck, ankles and wrists all of a sudden.

"Golden Chains of Greed and Restrains"

"How dare you lock me?" Warlock asked us angrily.

"Are you sure your chain is enough to lock him up?" I asked Ratatouille.

"We are about to find out", he replied to me.

"You are bad people. This chain cannot trap me", Warlock told us angrily.

Suddenly, Ratatouille's golden chains broke and released the Warlock from its capture.

At the same time, the sword held behind Chash flew out to meet the warlock. Chash's Sword of Dominon enlarged into the size more than ten times its original before the sword smashed onto Warlock of Delirium.

As the sword struck Warlock, his left side was engulfed in fiery flame while his right side was frozen completely.

"Dominon of Fire and Ice"

While Chash's sword struck Warlock, several large mirrors were conjured around him. The mirrors exploded to release thousands of shards on the warlock.

"Mirrors of Envy"

Despite our attacks, Warlock of Delirium proved to be resilient. He took the beating well and his wounds regenerated quickly.

"The magic of the Deadly Sins. How have you arisen again?" Warlock asked suddenly in surprise and recognition.

Warlock recognized the magic of Ratatouille and Meera which were the magic of Greed and Envy of the Seven Deadly Sins of Revelations, the Anti-Saints.

"Traitor, we should have killed you in the last Revelations", Ratatouille told Warlock angrily.

"The Deadly Sins are not strong enough to defeat me and there are just two of you", Warlock told them.

"The light is coming up. We will be attacked by the clouds if we don't get to the Castle right now", Rinna warned us.

"Stop fooling around with the warlock, just rush to the castle. Daytime is upon us", Sara reminded us suddenly.

So, we quickly rushed toward Castle Delirium to escape from the warlock.

Lights began to shower from the sky of Delirium in a strange kind of sunrise. There was no sun in this world that illuminated the day.

Daylight just appeared when it was time for it to appear.

"We are dead, the day is almost out", Melroy said to us.

We were already at the gates of Delirium castle, but the day was upon us. There was no time to get inside the castle in time before the daytime clouds destroyed us.

However, I have a different opinion.

"On the contrary, daytime is exactly what I need", I told them to their puzzlement.

Suddenly, a frog appeared conjured before us. The frog wasn't conjured by the warlock though and neither was it a seed in the cloud nor looked anything like clouds.

This was a real frog or at least a creature or conjuration that looked like one.

"When did you learn my special magic?" Warlock of Delirium asked me angrily.

Although the form of my conjured frog was very different from Warlock's conjuration, he recognized the magic to be from the same source. My conjuration was a version of his spell.

"While you were asleep", I replied to him.

The frog leaped and jumped and absorbed all the lights from the surrounding. Soon, even the Delirium sunrise turned into an eclipse of sorts as the light was taken by my radiant frog.

"Eclipse of the Frog"

The conjured frog grew ever more radiant as it leisurely jumped toward the warlock.

"What in Delirium?" the Warlock of Delirium questioned me, but it was the frog who replied to him with a croak.


The frog exploded on the warlock to consume him entirely by the force and flame of the explosion.

"Quick get to the castle before daylight returns", Sara shouted to us as we sped toward Delirium Castle as quickly as we could before the sky returned with another sunrise.

Next chapter