
A Dark Night

Who they were Kruxe didn't know, whether they weer the good guys and had actually wanetd to mil hiom for information that coulg help in good cause, Kruxe didnlt know, wheter they had families waiting at hom for them or were just people happy to be free of their oppressor, Kruxe didn't know or care to know.

When Kruxe captors got pissed by his ninchallnt attude towards their several questions, they had deiced to go a bit violent with him and show him who was in charge and in that moment the boy decided it wouldn't hurt to add a few bodies to the countless he was soon to end.

With a grunt, Kruxe spread his arms, brakign himself frre of the chain that been sued to bind his body and the iorn coffin which he had placed in.

The second the young haeir landed on the ground his figure fazed out of exiatent to the eyes of everyone around him and then deoressions began appearing on everyone;s chest and they silently dropped to the ground.

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