

After spndign several months training and engagsign in death sentcnicn battles, Kruxe was no longer a new bies to battle and at this pint he had already developed some battle inctincts and sowithout even knowing when, just as Kruxe fetl something was very wrong he jumped backward, and it was only then that he realized what had happened and how fucked he was.

"Hehe, stupid boy, I got to give you a thumbs uo for your acting and skills, for a second they had me on my toes thinking I was fightign a fellow seekr,s but then you decied ti attack me in close range and that is where you fucked up.

I don't know how your managing tp have an energy signature or what energy it is your using, but the truth of the world never changes, a non seekrs stand no chance against a seekers."

Kruxe listed to what Varz had to say and then he looked doen at his stump on his shoulder

"My arm" Kruxe muttered still in shock at what had happened unble to believe it was reality.

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