
Chapter 20 : Vanessa raised her hand)

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They are all really nice, actually. As a matter of fact, how about I go through all of them. It would make for a funny story if they change over time.

Alright, to start off with… Irina's super nice. I think because she's in my class, she thought it was her job to be my first friend, and to show me everything. She's really fun to hang around, and honestly, her bubbly personality kind of rubs off on you after a while. When we have free time, we sometimes watch anime together. We both have a love of rom-coms, so that kind of works out. Only downside to all of this is that Irina is super close with me, even at school. I swear, every time she talks to me, I can feel the stares of everyone else in the room boring into me from all sides. It's unnerving.

Xenovia is an enigma, and that's even without her insane poker face. I've sort of figured out at this point that Xenovia must have been under care of the church for a while, because… well, there just seems to be a few fundamental things that she doesn't quite understand: sheltered would be one word for it, I suppose. She doesn't have the best situational awareness as others, and I've realized that underneath her cold exterior, she's actually pretty socially awkward. Maybe that's why she usually rejects any plans we try to make with her, and instead just wants to train. I mean, without a doubt, training and fighting are when Xenovia is most in her element. Guess that's another reason why I started training with her: it's the only way to possibly get closer to her. Otherwise, she'd just shut me down every time I tried to engage with her.

Ezekiel's... interesting. He's a chuunibyou, through and through, and despite what anime would tell us, a chuunibyou is a lot more awkward to hang out with than you would think. I mean, at school, even when he has to leave behind his sword and cape, he still talks in a way that's… well, I wouldn't quite call it 'dignified', it'll do for lack of a better word. Regardless, honestly, he's actually a pretty chill guy. He also enjoys a lot of the same things that I do, so that's always a plus.

Ethan is in the grade below us, and the only thing I'll say is holy shit, he's fast. Apparently, he's one of the best track and field players at the school. The more you know, huh? He's hyperactive, and dude, he plays a mean Sol Badguy. I play games with him pretty often, usually it's Accent Core, but we play other things. He's sort of like a little brother I never had, I guess.

Vanessa is also in the grade below me, and apparently she and Ethan have known each other for practically their entire lives, and as a result, they are super close to each other. I don't know if it's just a platonic friendship, or if there's something more there, but hey, time will tell, I guess. In more than one way, Vanessa reminds me the most of Lisa. They both are in the same class actually. It's both sad and a little heartwarming everytime Vanessa let's me know how Lisa's doing.

If Ethan and Vanessa are like little siblings, then Jafar is the big brother to all of us. He's older than us by a few years, guys twenty-two, yet he still gets along with all of us super well. For obvious reasons, he doesn't attend classes like us. He's insanely easy to get along with, there's just some kind of calming aura to him. Comparing him to Irina, who's aura makes everyone bright and happy, Jafar's instead just makes you feel more relaxed, like when you're around him, you feel like you can be 100% yourself, and life just becomes a little easier to live, you know? I look up to him a lot, it just seems like he's got a lot figured out already, and to be honest… I sort of envy how he's so at-peace with everything around him.

Vin set down his pen as he stretched his back, absent-mindedly gazing at the time on his phone, 11:42. Yeah, he should probably get some sleep. Gingerly peeling the leather coat and uniform off his sore and bruised body, depositing them in the laundry chute situated on the wall across his room. Too drained to even bother, Vin flopped face-down in bed naked, and passed out the moment his head hit the pillow.

Vin's morning was like all the others so far, bowl of cereal in hand, walking with the slightest limp in his step from a particularly brutal stretch of sparring that Xenovia had forced him into the night before, Vin found his usual seat on the couch, and began to shovel the food into his mouth with little to no thought. The flavors had begun to blend together into a bland, flavorless mass on his tongue. Maybe that was a concussion talking, he didn't know.

It was only when Griselda finally arrived to address the group that Vin realized that this was, in-fact, not going to be a normal day of practice and training.

Griselda clapped her hands, a signal that caused all eyes in the room to shift over to her.

"Good morning everyone. Today, we'll only be doing warm-up exercises, we have a proper mission to go on today, a stray devil has been reported a ways away from here. We've been selected to respond, so prepare yourselves."

Vin raised an eyebrow, stray devils? What, like a stray kitten? He'd gotten the cliff's notes from Griselda over the last few weeks, devils, angels, fallen, they all don't like each other, sometimes they do bad things, we go stop them. But beyond that, there wasn't much told to him. He assumed he was supposed to read up on the Bible or something, but…

Vanessa raised her hand, "Oi, Griselda! Are you sure that Vin can handle a stray already? I mean, I've fought him before, his crystals kinda suck. No offense, Vin."


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