
Chapter 7: Rising Star

Ye Fan and Wang Hu stood in the corridor, observing the zombies below. Among them, Ye Fan noticed a tall male zombie devouring its meal with remarkable speed.

This zombie's strength surpassed others; it easily fended off fellow zombies and consumed a considerable amount of flesh and blood. As its eyes turned increasingly red, Ye Fan grew uneasy.

Addressing his concern, Ye Fan commented, "This zombie looks unusually strong, doesn't it?"

Wang Hu, too, focused on the male zombie and concurred, "Sir, this one is indeed more formidable than the others."

Upon closer inspection, it became evident that this zombie could overpower its counterparts during confrontations. It swatted away a female zombie with its claws and sent an old lady zombie tumbling, showcasing its heightened strength.

"Living zombies won't kill each other, but feeding on their dead counterparts may enhance their strength," explained Ye Fan. He couldn't be certain if zombies evolved, but the tall male zombie displayed distinct characteristics—an ever-so-slightly darker skin tone.

"We can't let it develop further. Wang Hu, can you eliminate it?" Ye Fan asked.

"It's possible, but I may need to use a firearm," Wang Hu responded.

Aware that gunfire could attract more zombies, Ye Fan hesitated. Suddenly, distant gunfire erupted, accompanied by the roar of engines. Survivors on the other side of the street seemed to be attempting an escape.

Although the gunshots weren't intense, they resonated frequently, indicating a struggle. Ye Fan, situated on the outskirts rather than an urban area, considered the possibility of breaking out.

The gunfire stirred nearby zombies, diverting their attention to the distant street. Seizing the opportunity, Ye Fan suggested, "Wang Hu, it should be safe to shoot now; the zombies are drawn towards the gunfire."

Wang Hu extended the gun barrel from the second-floor window, mere meters away from the approaching zombies. With a resounding shot, he skillfully took down one of the feasting zombies.

"Good marksmanship!" praised Ye Fan, impressed by Wang Hu's accuracy.

Returning to the task at hand, Wang Hu admitted, "I initially aimed for that big zombie."

Ye Fan sighed in response, but Wang Hu assured him that it wouldn't happen again. A subsequent shot, however, missed the tall zombie, which had become alert.

The Type 56 submachine gun, akin to the AK47, wielded immense lethality at close range. Yet, this shot only grazed the tall zombie's shoulder, causing it to stagger but not fall.

The repeated gunfire agitated the zombies, prompting them to abandon their feast and advance towards the second-floor window. The tall zombie, particularly, pounded on the unit door, its relentless attacks threatening the door's structural integrity.

Faced with the dilemma of a deteriorating unit door and an obscured shooting view, Wang Hu proposed a solution, "Sir, I'll divert these zombies away by jumping down."

Eager to protect Ye Fan, Wang Hu considered self-sacrifice trivial. Ye Fan quickly formulated a plan, instructing Wang Hu to knock down a specific middle-aged female zombie and lead the others to the community gate.

Wang Hu, resolute, shot the designated zombie and then leaped from the second-floor window. Over twenty zombies pursued him, providing Li Biao, the newly mobilized soldier, an opportunity to shoot calmly.

The ensuing collaboration between Wang Hu and Li Biao significantly reduced the zombie numbers. With only two remaining, including the tall zombie, Wang Hu alerted Ye Fan about his diminishing ammunition.

Ye Fan swiftly produced another mobilization soldier, Private Li Biao, instructing him to join the battle. Li Biao, armed with a Type 56 and a military backpack, immediately engaged alongside Wang Hu.

Their coordinated efforts dwindled the remaining zombies, and when only two remained, Wang Hu announced his nearly depleted bullets. With a single bullet remaining, Ye Fan directed them towards him, prompting a retreat.

As the duo approached with the zombies in tow, Ye Fan opened fire from the second floor. The revolver discharged all six bullets, with three hitting one zombie's leg.

While the injured zombie staggered, Li Biao's shot slowed it further. Wang Hu delivered a swift kick, breaking its legs, and with a final gunshot to the head, they neutralized the threat.

Collecting jewelry from the fallen zombies, Ye Fan gained 13 units of money. Wang Hu, sustaining an injury, received an anti-viral serum injection from Ye Fan, alleviating the potential consequences of the scratch.

Unexpectedly, Wang Hu revealed his promotion to a one-star soldier, earning two additional magazines with a total of 90 bullets. The rapid ascent was attributed to the high value of the evolved tall zombie he had eliminated.

Pleased with Wang Hu's upgraded combat abilities, Ye Fan considered the newfound strength and ammunition a significant advantage. The prospect of acquiring the coveted fire axe seemed more attainable with the enhanced firepower at their disposal.

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