
GOT : Chapter 145

( Nymeria POV )

The Great Sept of Sunspear was not the largest, nor the most luxurious of septs in the Seven Kingdoms. It was laughable compared to the Great Sept of Baelor or the Starry Sept of Oldtown, and it was not even the largest sept in Dorne, that honor belonged to that of Yronwood.

Yet, it would be in this smaller sept that history would be written.

It was in this sept that King Aegon, Sixth of His Name, and Queen Daenerys, First of Her name, would wed, and finally unite their claims.

The Sept of Sunspear was still, like many buildings of the Faith throughout the realm, richly decorated.

Ornate glass windows depicted the many deeds of the Seven, and the great legends shrouding them, with vibrant colors allowing light to shine through the nave in a powerful rainbow.

Large sculptures also watched over the assembly, each one representing one of the Seven.

The assembly that took place in the nave, under the gaze of these sculptures, wasn't as large as one could usually think of during a royal wedding.

In such a case, there would be thousands of people crammed into the sept, but there would be nowhere near these numbers here.

A quick look around the nave showed only a hundred people, all of good standing.

All of the Dornish nobles were there: Anders Yronwood, Franklyn Fowler, Trebor Jordayne, Nymella Toland, Ned Dayne, and Quentyn and her father, of course, along with smaller nobles and knights.

Shireen Baratheon, Davos Seaworth and Jon Connington were also present, along with Monford Velaryon and the main leaders of the Golden Company.

Also present were Prince Trystane, clad in a simple orange-gold veston, and Princess Myrcella by his side, in a green and orange Dornish dress that matched her eyes, carefully avoiding the Lannister red and gold colors. Princess Sansa stayed with these two, wearing a dress that complied more with Northern standards than those of Dorne, a lovely blue and grey long-sleeved set with fox fur adorning the upper parts, which in no way diminished her beauty.

A simple ceremony, if one wished it so.

And at the center of it all, the two newlyweds. They looked about the same, yet everything pointed to them being so different.

King Aegon was clad in the colors of his house, of course, red and black, looking ravishingly beautiful with his short, silver hair perfectly cut.

Queen Daenerys opted for a lavish Dornish-style dress, ruby red, with ornate dragon patterns, with each dragon's eye being dotted with a precious stone. A wonder to the eyes of all, who could admire the Dragon Queen's unabashed beauty.

The two stood at the altar, but there were no smiles. Only the apprehension of what was coming next.

No doubt, the apprehension of being bound for the rest of their lives after the few words exchanged there.

Aegon took both of Daenerys' hands as the septon of Sunspear, not used to such a marriage of important guests, struggled to find his footing.

No matter, the words left his mouth anyways, immediately repeated by the two dragons in front of him.

"Please, Your Grace, cloak the bride to bring her under your protection."

Nymeria could tell Queen Daenerys didn't particularly like this part, but she still accepted the large cape painted with the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen, covering her shoulders and a large part of her until then open back.

Aegon smiled for a moment, looking at Daenerys, as their hands met again.

"We stand here today to witness the union, under gods and men, of a man and a wife. Let us pray and rejoice as they embark on this new journey, as now they shall be united for eternity," the septon's words flew in the wind, the audience staying silent.

"As of this moment, King Aegon, Sixth of His Name, of House Targaryen, and Queen Daenerys, First of Her Name, of House Targaryen, are now one heart and one soul, as the Seven bless their union and bind it for eternity."

Then, the moment all had been waiting for.

"The wedded must now say the words."

Almost simultaneously, and without a hitch, Aegon and Daenerys repeated the words that had become so commonplace throughout Westeros.

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stanger. I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."

Aegon looked down at Daenerys and said the words that all of the audience was waiting for.

"With this kiss, I pledge my love."

Their lips met. It was a little bit of an awkward kiss, certainly sweet, but without the passion or length that usually characterized Dornish weddings.

Nevertheless, it was enough.

The words had been said, and the kiss had been made. King Aegon and Queen Daenerys were bound for life.

A soft applause rang in the sept, echoing through the nave, as both Aegon and Daenerys made their slow walk out in the center of the sept, on a bright red carpet.

A few steps out to greet the crowds amassed in Sunspear, and then it will be the long road back to the castle, likely hampered by thousands of flowers thrown on the newlyweds.

The sept's bells started to ring, and they would not stop until the King and Queen had joined the castle.

Nymeria took Quentyn's arm, and, following the other Dornish nobles, stepped out into the streets of Sunspear.

She had never seen anything like it. The scenes of joy were unrivaled, as thousands of smallfolk, merchants, septons and artisans flooded the streets, chanting and clapping.

As she predicted, thousands of flowers were thrown on the path of King Aegon and Queen Daenerys, on top of their sand steeds.

The procession was slow, but she was sure that the two dragons enjoyed every moment of it.

Aegon, the smooth-talker he was, did not spare any opportunity to distinguish himself. He gave gold and silver without looking at the expense of it all, whether to the old or the young, drawing many thanks or tears from the surrounding populace.

Daenerys was a bit more reserved, but certainly accepted all the gifts thrown her way, trying to do her utmost to bring smiles to the little girls by kissing them or giving them flowers, food or silver.

It took them three hours to join Sunspear castle, in a journey that usually required a tenth of the time. And the day was far from over.

As they arrived, a gigantic feast was thrown, in the purest tradition of royal weddings. Luckily, they did have a break before that, and Nymeria took the time to change in her rooms, and even take a quick shower.

Quentyn was waiting for her when she came out with a small smile on his lips.

"It's done," he sighed.

"Thank the gods," Nymeria replied while putting on a gold-lilac dress she found particularly attractive, all the while desperately trying to dry her hair, "now they'll be forced to work with each other."

"That's my worst fear," Quentyn admitted, "that they'd grow to hate each other. They're not exactly a match made in the heavens."

"They'll learn to love each other, I am certain," Nymeria said, running a hand through her braid and fixing her jewelry.

"I thought about giving them some time alone, at the Water Gardens." Quentyn's brown eyes met hers. "It would be a sort of vacation, to get to know each other better, without the burdens of kingship weighing down on them."

"It's not a bad idea." Nymeria nodded, admiring her cousin's inventiveness. "But would they accept?"

"I doubt anyone would refuse a trip to the Gardens," Quentyn said as he smiled back.

Nymeria approved. She and Quentyn never diverged on that subject: the Water Gardens were the most beautiful place in the World.

Quentyn came to help her with her hair, making sure it was perfect for the feast. The festivities were planned to last a good part of the night, and she intended to be perfect for the occasion.

Her cousin's attire was much of the same. Yellow-gold vest and red shirt, all embroidered with various exotic animals.

Nymeria stared at him for a moment and smirked, giving him her arm.

Quentyn kindly accepted it, and they made their way down towards the Great Hall, where the feast would be thrown.

Before reaching the dais, Nymeria stopped to talk with her mother, who had recovered from her emotions at Volantis.

By the color of her father's face, a mixture of white and red, she had recovered rather well. Her garments were beautiful, a dress of pure white with curls of dragon scale-like patterns on each side, in green and gold.

After a few words, she went to take her seat beside Anders Yronwood's wife, Lady Isabel.

Everyone looked to find their own seats, then.

As Prince of Dorne, Quentyn had the honor of sitting beside the King, while her father sat beside the Queen.

As for her, it was out of the question to be elsewhere than at Quentyn's side. And, to her right, they had given her the Stark girl for a companion.

To her right were then Prince Trystane, Lady Myrcella, Lord Anders, Lord Trebor and many others, while at the Queen's side, to her father's left, sat Lady Shireen, Ser Jon, Lord Monford, Lord Edric, Lady Nymella and a lot of other Dornish nobles.

All in all, every single one of the Targaryen allies were here, in a show of unity and strength, all under an auspicious sky.


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