
CHAPTER 60: Weapon Soul

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In class, everyone panicked.

Who knows what happened above the sky, it was very dark.

Lightning even started striking and reaching the entire city, terrifying.

The people on the streets were as panicked as they were, immediately hiding under buildings.

"What happened?!" said teacher Nana frantically, not knowing anything.

Turning around and looking at the students, "All students listen, do not leave this room." her tone was serious.

Worry struck her heart, and she was afraid that her students would get hurt.

Besides, if they got hurt wouldn't their parents blame her? She didn't want that to happen!

Therefore she did not want to take any chances, and continued to stay here. Hope the thunderstorm subsides soon.

In class 3-1. Iris, she is now sitting in her chair.

It was in front of the center, its gaze became sharp.

Very angry, knowing what had happened.

"Grrr..." she growled softly while gritting her teeth.

'Those bastards! How dare they!' Iris cursed in her heart, feeling like she couldn't hold it in anymore.

Without needing to think twice, she stood up from her chair and immediately left the classroom.

Don't care about the teacher's reaction, feel stupid.

"w-wait, student!" The teacher in the class panicked, but he didn't dare to move.

As if something was restraining his movements, he fell silent.

In that class there were several people that Ethan knew very well, namely Aurora, Celestia, and Athena.

Their expressions were complicated, not knowing what they should do.

Realizing that this is a very messy situation.

'There are two gods fighting in the sky...' the three thought simultaneously. Moved their heads and immediately looked up.

Their eyes changed color, it was beautiful.


Their faces were filled with frowns and shock.

Realizing what happened.

"Ethan?!" said the three of them in high voices, seeing a gray-haired man fighting with a blonde-haired woman.

The people around them didn't understand what happened, some of them were shocked.

It's just that there are also those who act indifferent as if this is just a normal situation. feel like don't care.

The three of them immediately stood up from their chairs, without caring about the teacher's reaction.

The teacher in the room remained silent, unable to do anything.

Currently the three of them were running around the school corridors, and wanted to immediately catch up with Iris.

That's why Aurora and Athena were so worried about that man. They didn't want anything to happen to him.

"Tch! What should we do?" said Aurora irritably.

"Whatever it is, now we can only calm her down or she will destroy this place." Celestia answered frantically, her expression serious.

Gelt this situation very strange, seeing Ethan possessed by a powerful god.

She knew what consequences a person would suffer after being possessed, they weakened and died.

Of course, it depends on the body of their respective container. If any of them get a weak body they automatically die after the god who possessed them comes out.

But Celestia was sure Ethan wouldn't die that easily, because she realized something.

Suddenly she stretched her right hand forward. Not long after, a cane came out.

"You guys don't worry, I will handle this." she said confidently as she looked back.

Seeing the two of them who were now panicking, filled with worry.

It's just that Celestia was a little surprised by Aurora's expression, which was different from her usual self.

However, she quickly forgot about this and returned to focusing on taking care of this problem, not wanting to waste time.

Without hearing their answer, she immediately cast an unreadable spell.


Soon, she disappeared from their sight without leaving the slightest trace.

"W-Wait-" before the two could finish their words, unfortunately it was too late.

Seeing Celestia disappear, their expressions immediately became irritated.

"That damn woman!" Aurora muttered with an annoyed face, veins starting to appear on the top of her head.

"..." Athena was the same, although not as bad as her.


Ophelia, she now continues to pressure Zeus non-stop.

Even so, she still held back all her strength, not wanting to kill Ethan.

Trying to minimize the damage, hoping nothing happens.

"Cough-" Once again, Ethan's mouth spat out a mouthful of blood. His body could be seen covered in wounds.

"guh... you're crazy." Zeus said coldly, without caring about this body.


Ophelia's eyes narrowed, feeling like she couldn't take it anymore.

Raising her hand above. Immediately, something bad happened.

An object appeared, golden in color.

Very sharp and big.

"soul spear."

Zeus, his face suddenly changed in fear when he saw what was above the sky.

"t-this... How do you have it!" he said frantically while looking at Ophelia as if he wanted an explanation from her mouth.

Unfortunately he didn't get anything in return other than insults, "very unfortunate, Zeus. But, since you dare to go too far I have no choice but to use this." Ophelia answered coldly.

This time her face didn't show any emotion anymore, and continued to stare at Zeus very sharply as if he was an enemy that had to be defeated.

"Today, you will die."

Ophelia's voice suddenly resounded through the sky, reaching human ears.

It's just that the voice she made was different from the ones she had previously shown, heavier.

The spear suddenly started to get smaller, until it became like a normal spear.

It landed right in front of her.

Ophelia immediately grabbed the handle, shining.

The light emitted is very sparkling, it can even be seen around the streets.

"Zeus... This is the result of your courage to disturb what I want to protect." Ophelia's tone still sounded the same.

The way she looked at Zeus had changed, there was no fear anymore.


Zeus didn't know what to do, all he could do now was run away.

"Want to escape?" Ophelia noticed this, and immediately approached him.

In an instant she was in front of him, pointing her spear directly in front of him.

"Tch.. Alright! I'll go!" Zeus said in an angry tone, not intending to continue this crazy matter.

Sensing the danger from the spear Ophelia was holding, realizing that it would hurt him.

Before he could escape, Zeus somehow felt something strange.

Only, it didn't come from Ethan's body but from within his soul, it hurt.


Zeus reflexively held Ethan's head, trying to endure this pain.

Inside Ethan's soul, he was currently filled with a big smile.

Seeing the creature in front of him starting to get seriously injured. He held a sword in his left hand.

It's just that it's different from the sword he once used, it's black.

The aura it gave off was very strange, dark.

"Good Job! System." Ethan shouted in joy, seeing that his attack had such a big impact.

[... Host, your debt has increased again! And that's already around 20 thousand!]

"... I know, so please calm down. After all, this is all for our sake, isn't it?" Ethan answered calmly, not really caring.

[...] the system fell silent, although it was still annoyed by the owner's words.

It's just that he didn't intend to say anything. However, Ethan still has to pay.

And he was aware of the consequences if he didn't, so he wouldn't say anything.

Ethan, he kept looking up to see the creature's body moving.

Soon, his voice once again sounded extremely heavy.

"Kid... You're so brave!"

Zeus was so angry, even a vein could be seen on the top of his head.

"Hehe, sorry, old man with beard. I hope you don't feel any resentment towards me." Ethan said in a playful tone while showing a big smile.

It felt good to see this old man's reaction. satisfied.

"Bastard-" Before he could say another word, the creature disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

Outside of Ethan's inner world, Ophelia is seen stabbing his body.

It hit him right in the stomach, but no blood flowed out.

As if nothing had happened, and immediately retracted it.

"huft-" heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that this situation had eased.

Even the thunderclouds above had disappeared, returning to normal.

Suddenly she saw Ethan's body fall and she immediately flew after him.

Unfortunately someone appeared and immediately rescued him, in a carrying position.

The woman had green hair, and a beautiful body.

Even Ophelia lost to her. Not her match.

"Vice principal, wouldn't it be bad if you had to hurt him like this?" Celestia asked coldly, feeling annoyed.

"… Daughter of the Witch of Destruction, what are you doing here?" Ophelia asked calmly, not feeling any ill will from within her body.

"Why? Because this human is also my friend." she answered calmly, her expression returning to normal.

She was well aware of the situation that happened earlier, but she was still angry.

Seeing this woman made Ethan very hurt.

Currently she flies using her cane, making it easier for her to carry Ethan in her lap.

After that, she stretched her hand directly towards his chest. Soon, a green light shone.

It's almost like what Athena does, only it's a little stronger. Warm.

Instantly, Ethan's body, which was initially injured, began to heal, all his wounds disappeared.

Celestia's eyes once again glowed, green.

Her vision were slightly different from those of her colleagues. Almost saw Ethan's entire body.

Even his soul too, he was fine.

"Hah..." Celestia immediately took a deep breath, feeling that nothing serious had happened.

Luckily it wasn't his soul that was injured, or it would be difficult for her to heal it.

For creatures who are not gods, being injured in their soul is very dangerous. it is enough to make them suffer for the rest of their life.

And that is also what Zeus experienced.

Even after death they will continue to feel it.

Celestia continued to heal Ethan for half a minute until it was finally finished, all his wounds had disappeared.

His face was back to normal, clean. No defects.

Unfortunately Ethan still hasn't woken up from his coma. he continued to fall asleep.

There were no signs of him waking up any time soon.

Suddenly a dangerous feeling appeared around them, coming from below.

They reflexively turned to that place, seeing a woman in pink whose expression was filled with darkness.

"oh no..." both of them muttered at the same time, they panicked.

"Ethan!" said Iris in a high tone, and immediately floated towards where they were.

Her eyes turned as sharp as swords, a killing aura radiated.

'The situation is getting out of control.' Celestia thought to herself, her heart filled with nervousness.

After all, she was the one currently carrying Ethan. didn't want to let go or he would fall.

In the end she gave up, hoping that this woman would not go crazy.


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