
Chapter 40

Chaeyoung's eyes swung open hearing the loud noise coming from her phone lying on the bed stand.

She reached for it and checked the time, 6am.

She rubbed her eyes and stood up from the bed, groggily walking to the bathroom.

She looked at her reflection on the mirror and realized how bad she looked.

Her hair could be compared to a bird nest that was destroyed, few strands fell unevenly to her face while few were tangled.

'How bad was her sleeping habit?'.

She arranged her hair and watched her face, to wipe the sleepiness off her eyes. She quickly brushed her teeth and left the bathroom.

She took her phone from the bed and checked the time again, 6:45am.

She left the room and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

She took a bottled water from the fridge and drank the entire content since she was thirsty. Her gaze shifted upstairs as stared at the guest room door which was locked.

She wondered if the man in the room was awake.

Curioused, she went upstairs and knocked on the door.

'..It's opened'.

She heard his low sleepy voice.

She opened the door and peaked inside the room before stepping in. He was still in bed, covered with the quilt.

"Did I wake you up?". She asked and leaned on the closed door.

"No, I was already awake, good morning". He pulled the quilt away from his body, and sat on the edge of the bed.

Chaeyoung's breathe was caught in her throat as she saw him without a shirt on, exposing his muscular upper body. His bare muscled chest on display, his biceps and shoulders toned and clearly defined.

She was unable to tear her gaze away from him.

Yoonjin unaware of her hot gaze on him grab his shirt from the bed and slipped it on before turning back to her.

"Are you hungry?". He asked walking towards her.

"Mmmm.." She answered subconsciously.

"Are you alright?". He touched her shoulder, taking her out of her delusional thoughts.

She blinked a couple of times before answering.

"Yea-Yea, I am, what were you saying?". She asked looking at his already clothed upper body.

"You said you are hungry". Yoonjin answered.

Chaeyoung raised a brow and finger, pointing to herself.

"I did?". They stared at each other for a while with both confused about what the other was saying.

Chaeyoung quickly spoke up to escape from the strange situation.

"Oh, yea food, yes like real food, yes I did". She smiled nervously, rubbing the nape of her neck.

Yoonjin confused by her strange attitude nodded and held her shoulder.

"Then what do you want to eat?".

Chaeyoung was confused, wasn't she the one supposed to ask him if he was hungry since he was a guest, then why was it the other way round.

She took his hands off her shoulder and opened the door.

"I should be asking you that, what do you want to eat?". She held the door knob waiting for an answer.

Yoonjin chuckled. "What ever you prepare".

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and walked downstairs, with Yoonjin behind her.

She made two plates of egg sandwich and some fresh juice which they both ate on the kitchen counter.

"You said you were heading to the airport right?". Yoonjin asked as he watched Chaeyoung do the dishes.

He was leaning on the counter next to her with his hands crossed.

Chaeyoung nodded.

"My cousin is coming over". Yoonjin nodded and the kitchen became quiet, in a comfortable way.

"I'm done, I'll go take a shower". She said taking off the gloves and apron.

"Mmm, me too, I'll drive you to the airport".

Chaeyoung shook her head in protest.

"Don't you have to go to work?, it's fine I'll drive myself". She felt like he was doing way too much for her and no she was slightly not comfortable with it, or maybe during her relationship with Elvis she was the one doing a lot for him….

"I'm not going to work today, I'm resting so I don't mind". He pecked her cheek and ruffled her hair before climbing the stairs. "Aren't you going to take a shower?". He asked, turning to look at Chaeyoung, still standing on a spot, staring at him.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and walked to the stairs, Yoonjin chuckled and entered his room and Chaeyoung did same.

She quickly took a hot bath and got out from the bathroom.

She cleaned her body dry and rub some lotion onto her skin and did a light makeup before wearing a white tight shirt and black pegged pants, she tied her hair in a neat bun with few strands down her face.

She wore a white basic sneakers and took her purse before heading out of the room.

Yoonjin came out the same time she did and they both looked at each other's outfits, they were both matching.

"Shall we?". Yoonjin asked.

Chaeyoung nodded and they went downstairs to the garage were Yoonjin's car was parked.

Chaeyoung set the location before the car accelerated.

They soon got to the airport and Yoonjin drove to the garage.

"You can just wait here, I'll be back". She opened the door and went out.

Yoonjin stared at her retreating figure, he was already comfortable and feel like he can start something with her and he wished she could do the same. He knew that she was still slightly distant from him but he would wait for her.

He took his phone from his pocket and dialled Lucas' number.

"Good morning sir". Lucas greeted.

"Good morning, give a call to Mr Smith let him know I already accepted his proposal, I'll meet with him tomorrow".

"Alright sir, by the way, the news headline today is about you and Elvis' wedding congratulations sir". Lucas was happy, his anti romantic boss was finally off the market.

Yoonjin was surprised how fast his grand aunt was in doing as she had said.

As the call ended he check the internet and it was true, trending number one was 'The Parks Grandsons finally off the market' , he was not that surprised, he had expected that if an announcement was made concerning their wedding it was definitely going to cause an uproar.


"Oh my God, Chae.!".

Chaeyoung heard someone scream her name, she turned her head and behold, he cousin Jia, the beauty of the Seo family.

Her long black her was tied in a high pony, she had a light makeup on enhancing her already perfect facial structure, long dark lashes, high bridged nose and small plump lips, a definition of beauty.

She wore a blue loosed shirt and skinny jeans defining her long legs.

She walked to Chaeyoung dragging her luggage behind her.

"You look so pretty Chae". She said and engaged her in a tight hug.

Chaeyoung forced a smile on her lips and took the luggage from her.

"Mom said you are taking a break from work". Chaeyoung cut straight to the point

"Yea, and I also want to help in mom's birthday, but I must admit you look pretty baby sis". Jia chuckled and took her phone from her bag.

"We definitely need to take a picture". Jia pulled Chaeyoung back, holding her hand and smiling for the camera.

Chaeyoung pulled away from her after the first shot and walked forward.

"Let's go to the garage". Jia rolled her eyes watching Chaeyoung distinct behavior toward her, but she did not care since she did not come to the city for Chaeyoung neither for Mrs Seo.

She had heard rumors about Chaeyoung dating one of the Park's grandson and she wanted to find out who he was, and when she was on the plane there was a news headline about the marriage of the two Park's grandsons, followed by a call from her mom telling her Chaeyoung was getting married and of course comparing her to Chaeyoung, she wondered what exactly was so special about her.

She needed to find out which unlucky Park had fallen for her beloved cousin, and also do what she knows how to do best, Charm him.

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