
Spoils of Victory

"Captain's Log, Stardate 87395.8.

It has been a week since First Officer O'Reilly claimed victory in the Nexus Exhibition, and the addition of the event into the holodeck programs has been a resounding success. There have been no outbreaks of pent-up emotions or brawls in the mess halls or the Melting Pot since.

We find ourselves still traversing the Nekrid Expanse, with stellar-cartography indicating our location at the 'Bullseye' center of the expanse. This signifies that we have passed the halfway mark in our mapping endeavor. With two and a half months elapsed, the crew of the Nexus is now facing another two months in this uncharted territory. All systems remain stable as we continue our exploration. The borg nanites tirelessly work to regenerate and combat the corrosive effects of the nebula, ensuring our ship remains in optimal condition. The only system showing signs of strain is the holodeck, as it has been running non-stop for nearly two months.

Speaking of which, Commander O'Reilly has invited me to join him for some holodeck time, making use of the 'Priority Access to Holodecks' prize he rightfully won from the Exhibition. I wonder if he's looking for a rematch?"

Captain Praxas and Commander O'Reilly approached holodeck 1, both clad in workout gear, Anzyl was unsure of what to expect from the unexpected invitation.

"All right, Number 1," Anzyl addressed his first officer, eyeing the closed doorway to holodeck 1. "What's on the agenda this afternoon?"

"I heard about those new gadgets you got from the science team" Neil replied typing into the holodeck console, "And I thought we could challenge each other to a game on the phaser range," His expression turned grim as he examined the program interface. "But it seems someone's already inside..."

"Of course someone's inside; these holodecks have been running around the clock for months," Anzyl remarked, glancing at the adjacent console.

"The Depths of Phantasma Keep," Neil read the active program's name, his curiosity piqued. "That sounds... interesting." Shrugging, he continued, "Priority Access Boot."

"Hold on, Commander," Anzyl interjected, restraining himself from pressing the "Deactivate" button. "Let's check it out. It might be fun." He then turned to the holodeck gateway and commanded, "Computer, open. Joining a program in progress."

With the door to the holodeck sliding open, Anzyl and Neil stepped through, eager to explore the virtual adventure that awaited them.

Inside the holodeck, midday cast its light upon a lush and vibrant forest of the north, still damp from the morning dew or a recent rainfall.

Anzyl and Neil, clad in their workout attire, found themselves amidst the dense foliage of the forest, with deciduous trees towering overhead and mushrooms dotting the forest floor. Light filtered through the dense canopy above, creating a speckled pattern on the ground.

Amidst the rustling leaves, the faint echoes of a heated argument could be heard emanating from just beyond the trees.

"If you had used mitigation, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Tey'un's voice carried frustration as he emerged from the foliage, garbed in the attire of a medieval earth fantasy archer – leather vest, hat, and pants, with a bow and arrow slung across his back.

"Relax, brother. He's just an NPC, limited by his programming," Kayuli retorted in their Na'vi holographic form, dressed in flowing dark purple and black wizard's robes, his staff adorned with a crimson jewel. "He did the best he could."

Following behind them were a human knight in weathered armor and a human cleric clutching a scepter, their expressions devoid of emotion, true to their non-player character status.

As Tey'un caught sight of the Captain and First Officer, his demeanor shifted abruptly. "Captain, Commander?!" he exclaimed, straightening up to attention alongside Kayuli, though still clad in their fantastical attire.

"It's okay, gentlemen, at ease," Anzyl reassured them, glancing around the forest. "Quite a program you two have going on. Sorry to intrude."

"I was just about to override your time here and play a round of phaser range with the captain," Neil explained, folding his arms.

"Aw, but we just got here," Tey'un complained like a teenager.

"It's true sir," Kayuli added, his head sulking, "We had to wait 15 days just for this slot, and we've only been here for 4 minutes," Then, an idea popped into his head. "But you two are more than welcome to join us!"

Anzyl and Neil were taken aback by the invitation.

"Yeah!" Tey'un exclaimed with excitement. "Our computer Tank and Healer suck! We could use two more people!"

Confused by the request, Neil replied, "Tank as in, military tank? Here in this forest?" He looked around, thoroughly puzzled.

Chuckling at the miscommunication, Kayuli explained, "No, sir. A Tank is a type of player in a fantasy role-playing game. They act as the shield of the party, absorbing attacks and damage from enemies to protect the rest of the party."

"Party?" Anzyl asked, equally perplexed. "Like... a birthday party?"

Laughing again, Kayuli clarified, "No, sir. A party is the group of players in the holoprogram. Myself, Tey'un, and you two would make up the party."

"And what does this party... do?" Anzyl inquired.

"We explore the deep, dark dungeons and caves of the castle! This particular program is called 'The Depths of Phantasma Keep'," Tey'un explained. "If you two want to join us, I can explain the backstory of the campaign." He glanced at the NPC knight and cleric. "And please do. These two programs that come with the story stink."

"So, we would be replacing... these two?" Anzyl motioned to the NPCs.

"Dibs on the knight," Neil declared, grinning down at the captain.

"And we HAVE to be... these two?" Anzyl asked, not thrilled with the idea of being a priestly cleric.

"Oh no, sir!" Kayuli interjected. "There are tons of classes you can choose from. We can even create some from scratch to fit your style!"

Anzyl looked up at Neil and smiled. "This does beat a dark room with flashing lights," he remarked.

Neil nodded in agreement.

Anzyl then turned to Tey'un and Kayuli. "Sure, why not? We'll join this 'party' of yours."

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe. with a slight crossover to Avatar the way of Water and Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry, Avatar: The Way of Water created by James Cameron, Final Fantasy Endwalker created by Square Enix.

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