
Army of One

"You may want to return to the ship," Veirik suggested, holding up a tricorder. "There's one Trill and a few dozen others inside."

"Like hell I am; I can get a few dozen Jem'Hadar here in seconds." Neil countermanded.

"You do that, and they'll kill the captain; he's still alive," Veirik instructed with a serious face, unholstering his phaser pistol. "He needs a quick, precise, and silent strike. This is a solo op, sir. I'll get him out."

Neil nodded in silence, and in the black darkness, Veirik leapt the height of the two-story wall and snuck to an open window in complete silence.

Approaching a window on the upper floor, Veirik peeked in. He saw Anzyl only in his boxers, struggling on a long operating table, strapped and restrained. 

Veirik knew he did not have a lot of time. He fired a thin beam with his phaser, unlocking the window, and crept in. He needed to take out the opposition without alerting them, or else Anzyl would surely be killed.

He crept along in complete silence, at a speed that a normal person would need to sprint. A guard stood watch, looking out over the warehouse. In the blink of an eye, Veirik incapacitated his target and proceeded, with not even a whimper or moan from his victim.

Silently moving without a sound, he crept behind his next opponent, and with three jabs to the spine, the Orion fell over and collapsed noiselessly.

"No! Get away from me! STOP!" Anzyl yelled out below, his cries and pleas landing on unrelenting deaf ears, echoing throughout the warehouse.

Veirik silently sprinted to his next target and removed them from the scene with a silent snap of the neck.

The sound of a scalpel beam beginning to fire.

Veirik sprinted in absolute silence, and with three fast and well-placed hand chops, disabled and took another down.

"No! Get away!... GRAAAAAH!!!" Anzyl's blood-curdling screams of agony filled the warehouse. He was fully awake, coherent, and being operated on.

Flashes of his parents' screams filled Veirik's mind. It was now or never. Leaping over the edge of the upper warehouse walkway, Veirik fell to the ground, firing and phasering all pirates his enhanced sight and reflexes could see.

The doctor operating on a screaming Anzyl, held a bloodied 7-inch slug, the Praxas symbiote, in his hands. The doctor watched Veirik land on the ground as he teleported away.

Veirik rushed to Anzyl's side, "Veirik!! It's gone!" Anzyl cried in agony, "It hurts so much! It's gone, they took Praxas and it hurts so much! I can't feel it anymore! I'm so alone!" he writhed and winced in gut wrenching agony. A gaping incision on his midsection. 

Veirik looked at his leader in horror, "Veirik to Nexus, I found the captain, two for an emergency beam-up directly to sick bay!" Veirik looked at the man he so looked up to; he was screaming in agony, covered in his own blood. A flash of white, and both teleported away.


In Sickbay aboard the Nexus, Two of Three rushed to a bed as the Captain writhed, thrashed, and convulsed in excruciating pain. His abdomen sliced open, covered in blood. Two of Three placed a Hypospray on his neck, and he began to physically calm down, but instead, he started to cry, wail, and bawl inconsolably.

Veirik and Neil both stood in shock and horror, the man Veirik looked up to, crying like a child.

"Two… what is wrong with…?" Veirik muttered.

Two of Three spoke to them, with his back facing them. "This fear and emotional reaction is typical for an 'Unjoined Trill' who has been forcibly separated," he continued, "The neural link and symbiosis have been violently torn apart and broken. In essence, imagine having five-sixths of your total personality, mind, and psyche forcibly ripped and torn away from you." As he walked and stood in front of Neil and Veirik, "And he and the Symbiote are both in grave danger…" All three looked at the leader of this vessel, screaming madly in Sickbay, "He needs the Symbiote back immediately," Two emphasized, "or he WILL die."

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe. with a slight crossover to Avatar the way of Water.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry, and Avatar: The Way of Water created by James Cameron.

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