
Angel or Devil?

 Camille continued to shriek; her eyes shut tight. Unable to locate a pillow to use as protection, she resorted to firmly clasping her hands around her eyes as an extra layer of covering.

 The unknown male smirked and slowly approached the bed, as if he were a cat about to pounce on its prey.

 "I'm here to eat you up." He said as he grabbed her hands and pulled them away from her eyes.

 Pinning her down on the bed he stared down at her beautiful, shocked, reddened face, "You said you'd accept that as your fate. So, shush and let me punish you."

 His long blonde locks tickled her face as he got closer.

 She was too stunned to speak.

 Everything was happening so fast. Who was this stranger? Why was he naked? Why and how did he get into her home? What happened to her back at Neil's office? Was that a dream? Was THIS a dream?!

 His lips were hot. It felt like a tingling fire was taking over her body as he planted kisses along her collarbone.

 Her eyes rolled back as a pleasured sigh escaped her lips, her physical being giving in to the passion he was igniting within her.

 She'd never experienced such a feeling before; it was a sweetness that she felt deep in her nerves with every moment of contact his lips made with her skin.

 Her mind was in a complete haze, when suddenly, his mouth came into contact with her upper breast.

 Camille's eyes shot open as she was suddenly thrust back into reality, the situation finally setting in.

 An absolute stranger was naked on top of her, kissing her intimately and she was just sitting back and allowing it to happen?!

 She screamed and shoved him off.

 Leaning over her, the man stared down, absolutely puzzled.

 "Get off of me, you freak!" She screamed as she pushed him once more and kneed him in the crotch. 

 She realized now that he had managed to unbutton the top few buttons of her blouse and had pulled it open, leaving her maroon lace bra visible.

 The man recoiled and clutched himself, an irritated look appearing on his face.

 Despite her kneeing him with all of the force she was able to, he seemed to be pretty much unphased by her attack.

 Camille jumped off her bed and inched towards the door as she buttoned her blouse back up.

 He growled low as he pushed his long, golden hair back, "You're lucky I'm not a human. Otherwise, that would've really hurt," he sighed in frustration as he ran his fingers through his hair, "It's been such a long time too, I was really looking forward to it."

 "Listen, you freak! You stay right there! I'm calling the police!" Camille slid her hand into her pocket, only to find that her phone was not there.

 As she glanced around her room, the man stood up; towering over her.

 "Hey! You stay right where you are! Don't come any closer!" Her attention now shifted from searching for her phone, to searching for a weapon, as she continued to move towards the door.

 The man held his arms open and smiled devilishly.

 Although, he seemed to almost glow with an almost angelic light.

 It was odd. Despite the situation Camille was in, she didn't feel any fear at all. It was almost as if she were in the presence of someone, she was extremely familiar and comfortable with.

 In fact, she didn't even feel this comfortable with Neil himself.

 As the man approached, she noticed a few small blemishes on his skin.

 She squinted.

 No, they weren't blemishes, but instead, tiny little scars.

 'Huh? These scars….they're the same as…..'

 They were strewn across his chest and arms. Long white scarring appeared across his ribcage, and a few on his right wrist as well.

 Their placement was familiar, and Camille couldn't stop herself from staring as she visually investigated the man's body, searching for clues to confirm her theory.

 Confusion took over her face. How could she be correct? It was impossible.

 The man noticed that she was staring and knew exactly what it was she was staring at.

 He smirked and approached her quickly, before she could reach the door and dash out.

 Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her tightly to him, leaning down as he whispered in her ear.

 "Good girl. You've figured it out. That's right, the lion you saved…was I."

 Camille turned a bright red as she felt his body press against hers. She didn't appreciate that his manhood was also touching her while out in the open like it was.

 She looked upward and away from him, while also trying to push away.

 He smiled, and let her go, causing her to avoid eye contact as she took a few steps back.

 The man was confident now that she wouldn't run away and sat on the bed with a playful look on his face.

 Camille cleared her throat as she searched the ceiling, not wanting to stare at his nude body any longer.

 "So….you're Nimba?"

 Her mind was racing and she was beginning to feel intense fatigue.

 There were so many questions, more than she had before.

 How could that lion be in front of her as a human? Was that even possible? How did they get from Nei's office to here? What exactly happened in that office? Why didn't he have any clothes on?

 More importantly, she still couldn't even tell if she was in a dream or not.

 'Somebody pinch me, this is insane!' she thought as the male cleared his throat, in an attempt to get her attention.

 She glanced at him and quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed at having made eye contact with him.

 The best she could do for herself in this situation was turn around and face the other way, although she was nervous that this could also serve to be dangerous.

 "Yes, and no. Well, I am the one you called Nimba. Though, my name is Lyris."

 Lyris approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him, "You said you'd accept me eating you up. Why do you act flustered now?"

 Camille's face turned even brighter before as she yanked his arms away, freeing herself from his grasp.

 "I thought you were an animal! You're human! There's a big difference! I'm revoking consent!"

 Lyris stared at her confused, his head tilted as he tried to figure out what she was saying, "I'm not human, though I'm not an animal either."

 Camille turned her head slightly, staring at him out of the corner of her eye, "Of course you're human, look at you."

 He placed his fist in front of his mouth as he stifled his laugh, "I'm an angel, you silly thing."

 "Well, angel or human, you should still act accordingly!"

 Neil rubbed his chin in thought before sitting on the bed again, "Act accordingly? What do you mean?"

 "If you're going to be walking the earth, you should act normal. Like a normal human. You look like it, anyways. Otherwise, you should just go back to heaven where you belong!"

 Lyris looked up at the ceiling, although his sight was looking far beyond that, "I can't go back. Not yet anyways."

 "Why can you not go back?" Camille questioned.

 "Father grounded me. He said I act too animalistic and I need to learn how to behave. Not that I know what that means. Now you're telling me to act human? Everyone wants me to act this way and that, but I'd prefer to just act like myself."

 Lyris sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

 Camille grabbed her grey fluffy sweater off of the back of her vanity chair and placed it over Lyris' waist.

 "Well, for starters, we don't just walk around with our bodies hanging out for everyone to see. If you're going to be here on Earth, you're going to have to at least start here. You should embrace yourself too, but maybe tone it back a little."

 Lyris stood, allowing for Camille to wrap the sweater around him and tie it around his waist.

 Once she was finished, Lyris pulled at the sides uncomfortably.

The sweater just barely covered his member, and his back-end was completely exposed.

"This is annoying, I don't like this thing. Why are you humans so shameful about your bodies," he then tugged at the end of Camille's shirt, "Isn't it better to let everyone see? Especially someone like you, who has such a nice figure."

A devilish smirk appeared on his face again as he thought of her bust, which he'd witnessed earlier.

 Camille smacked his hand away and hugged herself tightly.

 She was feeling self-conscious at the fact he'd seen so much of her. She wasn't the type of girl to expose herself to easily to some random guy she'd just met. Even Neil had not seen that much.

 "Are you sure you're an angel and not a devil?!"

Hello dear readers~

Please remember, that consent is always important! If someone doesn't respect your 'no' or doesn't care to get your consent, stay away from that person! This also applies to you too! Make sure you get consent and respect other parties involved!

- Thalia

Thalia_Ilacecreators' thoughts
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