
The Slinktail Way?

Zephyr and Dain followed the others on foot. They weren't foolish enough to bring the horse with them to a gang of demons that wanted them dead in the last 24 hours. While walking, Zephyr kept a lookout for escape routes to their destination. They might have joined these demons, but he did not trust them to turn on him at any given chance.

He also didn't plan on being their punching bag. Not this time around. Things were going to change whether he was a lower-level demon or not. 

The snow crunched beneath their boots as the downfall eased up. It was odd how the weather didn't feel cold to Zephyr, especially considering he wasn't wearing much. The cloak was thin and ragged, and the hood remained atop his head to shield him from the snow going into his eyes. 

There were probably a lot of things he had to get used to.

It had been over a week since waking up in this new world, and he'd been processing everything day by day. His body was so weak that once he lay down after a day of just sitting on his ass on a horse, he'd pass out. Dain had turned into a grumpy fuck, waking him to bathe in the inn they'd stayed at, complaining he was sleeping dirty again. 

Considering the era and the state of some of the streets, these demons really were clean freaks. 

Anyway, his burst of energy and strength in the fight against Fig was unexpected, fuelled merely by anger and a need to survive. Yet, even that was useless. The female Slinktail had been acting defenceless. It made sense, really. She was clearly a fighter, whereas he passed out from riding a horse for too long.

Weak. So weak. Zephyr despised himself for it. 

Whatever, despising himself and acting like a loser all his life never got him anywhere. Zephyr had to start thinking and acting differently. But firstly-

"Why are we going to a camp?" Zephyr whispered, watching the other Slinktail hobbling behind the trio of Draegorths, Fig carrying their bag. 

Although Zephyr suspected Garzon wanted to make a mockery of him for being a bit of a smart ass about getting into the gang, he was surprised Garzon didn't try and get rid of the Slinktail ahead that had been beaten up to such a degree.

The Slinktail could barely walk, and it was painful to watch. 

"They're not welcome here. That tavern only accepts them for a few days. We can come in and out of the towns, but those guys stir up trouble. Like they did with us yesterday," Dain explained in a grumble, frowning at Zephyr as though he should really hold such knowledge- amnesia or not. 

Dain wasn't in the same state as the severely injured Slinktail ahead but had fought hard for this spot in the gang and now had a slight limp and clutched his arm as though it was broken. Good thing they were demons, and their injuries would heal within a few days.

The camp they were to stay at while in this village of Iron Hold was on the outskirts and just before a forest. A forest that was kept separated from everyone by the iron wall to keep the fae and other creatures from entering the land.

Upon seeing the tall trees, stretching out creepily like black shadowy arms towards them, swaying in the breeze along with the occasional howl, screech and melodic voice whispering along the wind, Zephyr knew without asking that they were camping beside the Dark Forest. He didn't know much about this new world, but this was transparent to everyone. In this area, the temperature had dropped further, but it didn't make a difference to the demons. 

It only revealed how sinister and dangerous the location was. A sense, a thrumming energy permeated from the forest, warning those nearby not to enter yet also trying to entice them to.

Garzon and the other Draegorths stopped and turned to Fig, dishing out orders before turning towards the forest. Fig returned to Zephyr, Dain and the other Slinktail. She was rattling on about something, but his attention was on the Draegorths that literally hopped over the large wall like it was only a fence reaching hip height. 

"Oi." Zephyr's gaze snapped back to the demoness in front of him and barely caught the bag she shoved into his chest. "Get to work."

The four Slinktails set up the tents- well, Fig bossed them around. While they worked, it was clear the injured Slinktail couldn't do much, but they did aid in small tasks. There were only four tents, two large ones, which were clearly for the Draegorths and two smaller ones. 

"Where did the others go?" Zephyr questioned as he strolled out of one of the bigger tents.

"To get firewood," Arikig, the injured Slinktail, replied in front of the middle of their camp, where he'd piled up some tinder.

Zephyr paused. Why did they need to build a fire? Their body heat brushed off these minus temperatures like it was a bit of flint. "They went into the Dark Forest just for wood?" He asked with a hint of scepticism. 

"There's no danger so close to the wall," Fig answered as she crouched beside Arikig and started inspecting their ankle. 

"Why question it? We just follow orders," Arikig shrugged.

Hmmm, was this typical Slinktail behaviour? 

Zephyr stared at the trees that loomed over the wall, the wind blowing their branches to scrape against the iron. He could almost hear screeches as though by touching the wall, the trees were in pain. Did he need to be wary of trees here?

His body remained alert, trembling occasionally in response to the threat of the Dark Forest. Why did he fear more about what he knew nothing about than the vampires in Shadowmere? There, he heard their cries, and here, he felt that strange sensation almost throbbing off the trees, trying to lure those nearby into its deadly trap.

"Whatever you do, don't go in there," Dain warned. Zephyr's gaze flicked back to the Slinktail who'd been watching him. "Or do. I don't care."

Zephyr held his gaze and then cracked a smile. "You know I'm starting to think you like me, Dain."

"Don't be preposterous." The Slinktail then added, "Anyone who enters never returns."

Zephyr's smile halted, then cast his gaze to the wall once more. "Ah, so our new masters are either overconfident and got themselves killed, meaning we just wasted our time and energy, or you mean to say anyone but level 3s and above."

Fig scoffed. "They'll be fine. We've ventured in countless times before."

"You? As in… all of you?" Zephyr asked, his eyes roaming over the female Slinktail, landing on the daggers by her sides.

"Ah, they've already returned," Fig ignored his question and started in the direction of the Draegorths, who had only been gone twenty minutes.

"None of us go in there. Only Fig can," Arikig explained. "She can defend herself. Besides… Why would we go in there?"

Garzon and the others tossed the firewood between the Slinktails and started inspecting their tents, aware that Dain and Zephyr were the ones to set them up. Garzon nodded, then spoke to Manatee, pointing his skull head in the direction of the forest again while Fig lingered nearby. Bull nodded along to their discussion. 

"You, survey the area. Check other taverns and nearby villages," Garzon ordered, flicking his oversized hand in Arikig's direction. 

Did Skullhead know the Slinktail's name? Probably not. 

How was he going to survey the area when he could barely walk? 

Yet Arikig nodded, no questions asked, and started limping away from the camp. Zephyr didn't know what to think about the Slinktail. He was either a coward or intelligent enough to understand the Draegorths could have easily had him killed earlier and still could be killed by their hands if he argued with them. 

Why were they doing this again?

"We're going back into the forest to hunt. You two make yourselves useful. See what you can get here. You said you're a thief. Prove it," Garzon tossed them their orders and began turning away with the others, Fig skipping behind them. 

"No," Zephyr answered, making them stop. 

"This is why we should have just killed them," Bull sighed, red eyes glaring over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Dain hissed, then looked at the trio coming towards them. "He doesn't speak for me!" He stepped away from Zephyr, hands raised.

Zephyr snorted and ignored the adrenaline now pumping through him, urging him to run. "I want to join you guys," Zephyr explained before they could take two more steps and beat the shit out of him. 

Garzon stopped and grinned, his teeth flashing maliciously. "You want to die that badly?" 

"Bring 'im," Bull said, smirking. "One way to get rid of 'im."

Manatee also said something. Again, only Garzon and Bull understood. The leader nodded in response. "You're an annoying little shit. We'll protect you here, but in there… You're on your own. If you're attacked, don't expect us to save you. You included Fig!"

They knew she had thrown the match earlier! Of course, they did. She was a skilled fighter.

Bull snickered as he followed their leader. "I can't wait to see what happens."

"Oh, you," Garzon pointed at Dain before he could grumble to Zephyr about his idiocy. "Stay at camp. Get the fire going."

Zephyr glanced at his travel companion, who looked at him like he was a fool, and it was their last farewell. Obviously, there was no hearty goodbye; the Slinktail got straight to work on the fire. He probably thought it was one less mouth to feed.

Let me know your thoughts so far (I know its only 10 chapters) but how is the pace? Too slow, just right?

Kelly_Starrzcreators' thoughts
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