
Chapter 7: The Visit


The King's words cause a stretch of silence to spread in the cell.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

He gets up abruptly and paces the cell.

"You," he points at me, disbelief in his features, "you are my mate."

Mate? The word struck me with the force of a physical blow. He couldn't be referring to me. I can not be his mate. That is absurd. I can't be a King's mate.

I scoff at his words, shaking my head in disagreement.

"You must be mistaken. I am a Beta, and as such, in no way suitable to be the mate of a King."

"The mate bond does not work like that. It doesn't follow rank nor position. It does not care for such trivialities. It recognizes truths our eyes cannot see." He sounded so certain, but I was filled with alot doubt.

"But... I... I didn't feel it." I argue, desperation creeping into my voice. I didn't feel any bond, pull nor spark of recognition." I haven't felt any sort of attraction towards this man.

I may have slightly acknowledged his obvious physique, but I haven't even seen him properly and I know nothing of him to feel any sort of attraction.

"It is not uncommon for the female to feel the mate bond at a later stage. But I know what I felt. A surge, a connection undeniable and powerful. I am certain, you are mine. You are my mate Rebekah."

"You can't be serious." I insisted, voice trembling. "There has to be a mistake somewhere."

"The bond manifests differently in everyone." He explained, his eyes searching mine. "It wasn't instantaneous for me, so yours might take some time. You may need more time, to feel some sort of connection you haven't been able to acknowledge yet. Just like I needed a connection to identify you as my mate."

"But.. This can't be right." I stammer. "There has to be a mistake, a misunderstanding somewhere."

The idea of an invisible cord tying me to this stranger was unsettling, unnerving even.

This can't be true. It is definitely impossible. I, a mate to a King. A King I have no knowledge of infact. Fate sure has a cruel way of playing horrible and games on me.

"Now, I most definitely can not let you go in your state."

What? This can't be happening. I struggle to get on my feet and he rushes over to my aid but I push him away.

"I don't need your help." I rage. "I don't need anyone's help. I just want to leave this place." I drop back down on my knees, my body resisting my attempt to get up. "Just let me be on my way."

The King sighs, but in his eyes I see resolve.

"I am sorry, but I will not allow it. If I am to let you leave this place, I will be doing so only when you have been nursed back to health."

Tears welled up in my eyes, the sole purpose of my journey seeming farther away than ever.

"Even if this bond exists, I cannot stay here. I am not a damsel in distress you need to worry about. I really need to get going."

"You are in no condition to travel Rebekah." His shoulders slump. " I cannot in good conscience, allow you leave in the state you're in. Your injuries are severe, and letting you go would equal me sending you to your death."

"A fate I am ready to accept." I retorted, my voice filled with resignation.

"Unfortunately for you, you have no choice in the matter."

"No!" I yelled. "You can't do this to me." Tears begin to stream down my face. "You don't understand, I need to leave here. I need to continue my journey."

The King stares at me, sadness and a hint of sympathy in his eyes. I don't need his pity, I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

"The earlier you accept my decision, the better for you. I will be discussing this no further." He says voice full of determination. He walks out, his guards on his heel, leaving me to the emptiness and quiet of the cell.

This can't be. They can't do this to me. How could my mission have taken such a drastic turn.

I think of my family. My Lord, I worry for their safety, because if the beast attacks again while I am locked up here, then my family certainly is done for.

There has to be a way out of this, a solution. I look around me, trying to find some sort of escape route but I end up with nothing in sight. No weakness in the confines of my prison and no place to escape to. I am trapped.

I lay on the floor, crying my eyes out in dread of what is to come. I have failed. My family, my pack, and myself. I have failed everyone.

I try to sit up but my body protests. Maybe the King is right. Apart from the bond and mate nonsense, maybe I do need some rest.

If his men can handle me in my state, I don't even want to think of what the beast could do to me.

I rid my face of the tears, a new resolve residing within me. I will stay, and I will accept his care, but only till I am strong enough to leave this place in order to track and end the beast and save my family. Now, I just have to hope the beast does nothing to harm my people within that time.

A wave of sleepiness overcomes me, and try as I may to fight against it, I end up falling into a deep slumber.

I am awakened by the sound of the cell door opening, which puts me on high alert. I may have decided to trust the King, but I am not foolish enough to trust anyone else nor let my guard down.

The King walks in, followed by a young maiden holding a tray of items I am unable to see because of the covering on it.


"How are you feeling Rebekah?" The King asks, his face etched with concern and regret and his eyes pleading for understanding, his voice echoing in the dimly lit cell, bouncing off the walls and settling around me like an unwanted blanket.

I remained coiled in silence, refusing to respond nor acknowledge his presence. I have decided to stay silent until I am able to make sense of everything that is happening.

The King walks to me and lowers himself. He outstretches his hands towards me but I flinch, recoiling from his touch like it would burn me, the movement sharp and instinctive.

A mix of disappointment, hurt and sadness briefly takeover his features but he masks it up almost immediately with a practiced neutrality.

"I understand your reluctance." The King said, voice gruff but laced with a hint of desperation. "I sincerely do apologize for my men's behavior and the torture you faced. They acted rashly because they have unfortunately been thought to strike first before questioning. I hope you understand where they were coming from and that you do not take anything to heart."

I remained silent, eyes downcast and my body taut with tension, the only movement the rise and fall of my chest.

His apology rang hollow, a mere salve on the raw wounds of my pain and humiliation. I yearned the comfort of silence and the ounce of peace my slumber brought to me.

His presence, and me being awake, reminds me of the impending danger that would result from me being stuck here as a prisoner.

The King cleared his throat, awkwardness setting in from my lack of words, but he continued to speak nonetheless.

"I know apologies may not heal your wounds," he continued, his voice softer now, "both physically or emotionally," he pressed on, "but I offer it nonetheless. And I assure you that they have been reprimanded accordingly."

I closed my eyes, the ache in my heart mirroring my physical wounds, the throbbing pain in my body.

His words were sincere, I could sense it. But for how long could I trust it? For how long would his intentions be pure?

Taking a deep ragged breath, I look at him and the maiden he stands with, but I still refuse to speak a word to him. I have said all I want to say.

He must've seen the earnest question in my eyes, or maybe I simply wore it on my face, either way, his next words confirmed that he knew what I was asking with my eyes.

"I cannot force you to put your trust in me, Rebekah," he said, his voice tinged with sadness. "But know this, that I am sincere in my actions and I value you, not just as a… a potential mate, but as an individual too."

"Take all the time you need to heal, to process what has happened. When you are ready, the doors will be open. You are free to leave, to continue your journey, if that is your choice. But not until you have fully recovered and you are at your peak of strength."

I wish he would let me leave now, that's all I really want, to be left to be on my way. He owes me nothing and neither do I to him, so even if something happens to me, it should not concern him in any way.

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