
Chapter 22: The Royal Marriage 3

Chapter 22: The Royal Marriage 3

Part 3: The Answer

The Maharaja smiled, and said, "My dear princes, I am very pleased and honored by your choices. I can see that you both have chosen the princess who is most suited and compatible with you, and that you both have the same feelings and preferences as them. I can also see that you both have the same respect and admiration for each other, and that you both have the same happiness and fulfillment with them. You have both made the right choice, and I respect that."

He paused, and then continued, "However, as you know, marriage is not only a matter of personal preference, but also of social and political significance. It is not only a union of two individuals, but also of two families, and two states. It is not only a source of happiness, but also of responsibility and duty. It is not only a decision of the heart, but also of the mind. Therefore, before I give you my answer, I have to ask you one final question, and I expect you to answer it truthfully and sincerely. Are you ready?"

Raj and Rahul nodded, feeling very nervous and curious. They wondered what the Maharaja was going to ask them last, and what his answer was going to be. They hoped that he would approve of their proposal, and that he would let them marry the princesses of their choice. They also hoped that their choice would be the same as the princesses', and that they would be happy and compatible with them.

The Maharaja smiled, and said, "Very well, then. Let me ask you the final question. How do you plan to marry one of my daughters? What are your arrangements and preparations?"

Raj and Rahul looked at each other, and then at the princesses, and then at the Maharaja. They knew that this was a very important question, and that their answer would show their commitment and readiness. They also knew that they had to be honest and sincere, and not say anything that would disappoint or upset the other one, or their brother, or the Maharaja.

Raj decided to speak first. He took a deep breath, and said, "Your Highness, I plan to marry Princess Kaveri as soon as possible, with your permission and blessing. I have already made all the necessary arrangements and preparations, and I am ready to take her as my wife and my queen. I have informed my mother, the Dowager Begum, and my ministers, and they have all agreed and supported my decision. I have also prepared a lavish and grand wedding ceremony, and I have invited all the dignitaries and guests from both our states, and from other friendly states. I have also arranged a special and romantic honeymoon, and I have booked a luxurious and secluded palace for us. I have also bought a lot of gifts and jewels for her, and I have written a lot of poems and songs for her. I have done everything I can to make her happy and fulfilled, and to show her my love and devotion."

He looked at Kaveri, and said, "She is the one who I want to marry as soon as possible. She is the one who I want to take as my wife and my queen. She is the one who I want to make happy. She is the one who I want to show my love and devotion."

He looked at the Maharaja, and said, "This is my plan, Your Highness. I want to marry Princess Kaveri, and I have made all the arrangements and preparations for both our brothers' marriage. I am ready to marry her, and I hope that you will approve of my proposal."

The Maharaja listened to their answers and nodded. He was moved and pleased by their commitment and readiness, and he could see that they had made all the arrangements and preparations to marry his daughters. He looked at Kaveri and Godavari, who were also listening attentively, and he noticed that they had the same reactions. Kaveri seemed to be excited and eager by Raj's words, and she nodded. Godavari seemed to be excited and eager by Rahul's words, and she nodded.

The Maharaja then smiled, and said, "My dear princes, I am very pleased and honored by your plans. I can see that you both have made all the necessary arrangements and preparations to marry my daughters, and that you both are ready to take them as your wives and your queens. I can also see that you both have done everything you can to make them happy and fulfilled, and to show them your love and devotion. You have both proven yourselves to be committed and ready suitors for my daughters, and I commend you for your dedication and enthusiasm. You have made the final choice, and I respect that."

He paused, and then continued, "And now, I have made my choice, and I will give you, my answer. I have decided to accept your proposal, and to grant you my permission and blessing. You have both won my approval and consent, and you have both won the hearts and souls of my daughters. You have both made me happy and proud, and you have both made them happy and fulfilled. You have both made the right choice, and I respect that."

He paused, and then concluded, "You may now marry my daughters, and take them as your wives and your queens. You may now share your life, your heart, and your soul with them. You may now make them happy and fulfilled and be happy and fulfilled with them. You may now show them your love and devotion and receive their love and devotion. You may now marry them and be happy with them.

But I have one condition, as I don't have a son to inherit my title and the kingdom, so I want your elder brother Rahul to be a Ghar-Jamai (Son-in-law who stays at wife's home) to inherit it. He will rule Mysore together with his wife and my daughter Godavari."

Raj looked at his brother thoughtfully because as a Nizam he agreed but as brother he didn't want to humiliate him, then he looked at the Maharaja, and said, "This is my choice, Your Highness. I want to ask my brother about his decision as it concerns his life. I hope you understand."

Rahul frowned then continued, "I agree to your condition, Your Highness."

He then stood up and clapped his hands. He said, "Let the wedding ceremony begin!"


After his return from Mysore kingdom, for the preparation in Hyderabad state for the grand wedding ceremonies. Raj has been contemplating on his father's words from before in which he sarcastically said to choose to exchange land though it sound absurd. He is planning his future in that direction.

Raj looked at the map of Australia on his desk, tracing the outline of the vast continent with his finger. He felt a surge of pride and ambition as he imagined the future of his adopted homeland. He had come a long way from his humble origins as the illegitimate son of the Nizam of Hyderabad, the ruler of a wealthy and powerful Indian state that had defied the British Empire for decades.

As he is from future he knows what significance australia had on this planet.


I hope you enjoyed my story. 😊

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