
Magic Natures

As for how I spent my days, they weren't really interesting as I was still a 6 year old boy, My body had more limitations and restrictions and even my Freedom, We were each granted two hours outside the Orphanage, free to explore the village but if the person that left didn't come within the two hour mark, Well the turn for the next day would be confiscated.

For now, Doing missions and gathering creation points were the top priority. With Creation points, I could do a lot of things. I would start by making an item that would increase my magical talent by leaps and bounds.

We were a total of 15 children in the Orphanage and out of everyone here, My magical talent sucked the most. I guess that was because of my bad luck too and as for Hoki, she had the best magical talent out of all of us.

Now for my concerns, a threat to my peaceful life in the Orphanage and the woman that treated us as her own was her 16 year old son, Drew. 

Drew was a young man with shoulder-length blond hair and average looks, If I grade it on a scale of one to ten, I would say about six or seven. 

He had always tried to convince his mother to sell us off as slaves to a local slave trader, After all, Slave traders bought young children with magical talent for a high price and if she decided to sell us, She would earn thrice or quadruple the times of money she had spent on establishing this Orphanage and taking care of us but the old woman had refused so many times, It was uncountable.

I feel like Drew hated us, not because we did anything bad to him, It was just that he didn't like his mother wasting her time and money on children that had no blood relations with her but I didn't care, She would never give in to selling us so I didn't have to worry.

I sat down on my bed and opened the System, A translucent screen appeared in front of my face. 

I clicked my tongue looking at my Creation point balance: 250. It wasn't much and it wasn't small either, All I had to do was to create an item that would increase my magical talent first, It wasn't hard to think of it.

I opened the 'Creation Page' which had two sections, The drawing area and the description area. In the drawing area, I drew a bottle for one of those high level elixirs I found in anime and then in the Description section, I wrote some stuff. Shortly after, the Creation page glowed.


[Name : Potential Release Elixir]

[Description : Increase your magical potential to the maximum upon consumption]

[C.P cost : 250 / 120]


This Elixir cost me almost 3 years of performing E-rank missions for the System although I didn't do missions that much. I guess the price is agreeable though.

I purchased the item and reached for the Creation page, the drawing area and grabbed the bottle, bringing it out with ease.

[Creation Points have been paid, Thanks for your purchase]

Fuck you, Can't you give a discount?

I removed the lid of the bottle and then pushed the contents down my throat, the fluid rushed down my throat and then through my entire body. I felt regular.

'I guess this meant that the effects would take place quietly and not knock me- Pain suddenly coursed through my veins and I rolled myself into a ball.

I blacked out.

I awoke, my eyes a little bit tired. Beside me was a worried Hoki who put a wet cloth on my forehead.

"Huh? What's all this?" I asked.

"Umm, Your body was hot all over so I put a rag with cold water on your forehead," Hoki replied, "I'm glad to see you're all right now,"

I shifted my eyes to the side.

'Don't get any wrong ideas, You're only six years old dude,' I thought and then nodded to Hoki.

"Thanks for taking care of me," I said and the girl smiled.

'Status,' I called out inwardly.



Name : Light ---

Age : 6

Class : None

Speed : 8

Strength : 7

Vitality : 8

Defense : 5

Intelligence : 10

Charm : 9

Magic : 10

Skills : None

Talents : [Fire Magic Nature] [Water Magic Nature] [Ice Magic Nature] [Wood Magic Nature] [Earth Magic Nature] [Light Magic Nature] [Dark Magic Nature] [Gravitational Magic Nature] [Infinity Magic Nature] [Healing / Support Magic Nature]


My eyes widened a bit but I wasn't complaining, No it was just right and these weren't all the Magic natures present in this world, surely my body would be able to adjust to them soon but for now, I'll start training in magic.


Author's Note:

If you want to add any magic natures, Please feel free to leave some Chapter comments on the natures that you want to be added. I'll try to add them in the later chapters. 

Power Stones, I want Power stones, They're motivation!
