
Chapter 236 Settlement of Exams

"With how many points will I end up this time?" Anko squeezed into the crowd around the grade board with a hopeful mood, accompanied by her two good friends.

Anko's large eyes quickly scanned the grade board, successfully locating the scores for their Class 1-A for the year, and then she searched for her own score among them.

"Oh, only 81 points." Anko scratched her head in dissatisfaction.

This time she had truly studied for two days straight, not going out to play on Saturday or Sunday but focusing on reviewing, yet the result was about the same as before.

Next, Anko looked to see how Hagane Kotetsu, who had previously claimed to have done average, had fared. She saw a bold 97 written above, causing Anko to involuntarily clench her fist.

Then Anko checked Kamizuki Izumo, who had said he did somewhat poorly. She found a score of 98, one point more than Hagane Kotetsu, and again her fist tightened in response.

As for Shisui's score, Anko had already seen it when she was checking their scores - it was a perfect 100.

"Alright, alright, so 97 is considered average, and 98 is called 'doing poorly,' huh!" Anko immediately wanted to shock her two good friends with some practical wisdom.

"Shisui said it was just okay, but ended up scoring 100. Why don't you go pick a fight with him?" Kamizuki Izumo sensed trouble and wanted to use someone else to solve it.

"Because he always scores 100 every time. Even if he says it's just okay, it actually makes sense," Anko said, rubbing her hands together.

Of course, the main reason was that her relationship with Shisui wasn't that good, and also because she couldn't beat him in a fight.

"We always score the same every time too," Hagane Kotetsu said indignantly.

"But you guys are just show-offs!" Anko prepared to deliver a heavy blow.

"Wow, look, Might Guy and Uchiha Obito actually completed a B-Rank mission once, and even two A-Rank missions!"

"I remember Sensei saying that D and C-Rank missions are for Genin, Chunin do C and B-Rank missions, and even Chunin can't take A-Rank missions. How did they manage to get A-Rank missions?" The students, who were also interns, were very puzzled by this.

The discussion at the grade board instantly turned to the astonishing mission records of Might Guy and Uchiha Obito.

Among a sea of intern D-Rank mission records, their two A-Rank and one B-Rank missions were incredibly eye-catching.

In fact, not only were the students who looked at the grades amazed, but even Senseis, when he saw their records during the grade announcement, were deeply shocked because they had only done a few B-Rank missions and no A-Rank missions.

Anko, who loved to join in the fun, temporarily spared her two good friends and squeezed over with them to watch Obito's grades.

Uchiha Tekka wasn't accustomed to checking grades, but because of Obito's boasting earlier in class, he was curious and came over to the grade board to see the spectacle, wanting to see how Obito would fare. As a result, he heard the students' astonished remarks.

"How is this possible?" Uchiha Tekka frowned deeply. This was completely un-Ninja-like.

Seeing is believing, Uchiha Tekka pushed forward with sheer determination, searching for Obito's grades.

"Really completed A-Rank and B-Rank missions, even two A-Rank missions and one B-Rank mission!" Uchiha Tekka's expression instantly revealed immense shock.

He never expected that Obito's seemingly false words were actually true.

"How is this possible? Even official Genin can't get missions like these, how did an intern manage it?" Uchiha Tekka racked his brain but couldn't make sense of it.

"Could it be that he was worried about his lie being exposed early on and changed it himself?" Uchiha Tekka thought to himself.

He would rather believe that this was fake than accept it as reality because it completely contradicted his understanding.

It wasn't just Uchiha Tekka; there were many people who came specifically to see Obito's grades.

There were classmates from Obito's class, as well as interns who had previously thought Obito was boasting.

When they saw the grades on the board, they were instantly shocked, feeling a phantom pain of being slapped in the face by the void.

"How could there really be two A-Rank missions? Does Yumi-sensei not only have strong teaching abilities but also strength surpassing that of ordinary Jonin?" The interns who had initially questioned Obito felt their faces burning with embarrassment.

"It's true just like Obito said. I really envy Obito and Guy. This internship is so thrilling. They've actually battled Jonin during missions." Shiranui Genma looked at Obito's impressive two A-Rank missions with an envious expression.

"The Jonin should have been handled by Yumi-sensei. Obito and Guy must have mainly dealt with enemies below Jonin level or assisted Yumi-sensei in battles with the Jonin," Ebisu said with rational analysis.

He believed that no matter how strong Obito and Guy were, they wouldn't be at the level to directly confront Jonin, who are the elite forces of the Five Great Shinobi Countries.

"Anyway, this is too amazing. We're all interns, but while we're doing miscellaneous tasks, Obito and they are out there battling enemy village ninjas," Ebisu concluded.

Shiranui Genma sighed, feeling like he and Obito were not in the same world.

Ebisu nodded in agreement, acknowledging that their records were explosively strong, surpassing all other interns in their cohort.

The facts were clear before everyone's eyes. Even those interns who had doubted Obito before had to admit they had underestimated him.

Just then, Obito and Guy appeared with Rin and Kakashi by their side.

Meanwhile, the students gathered around were still discussing how Obito and Guy managed to complete the A-Rank missions.

"Hehe, Guy, it seems like they're all talking about us," Obito listened to the students' discussions and smiled.

The reason Kakashi appeared here was because Obito specifically brought him over, wanting to show off in front of Kakashi.

Having been constantly shown up by Kakashi in various ways before, Obito had long wanted Kakashi to experience how it felt.

"But it's true that we are outstanding. Not everyone has the privilege of doing higher-level Rank missions ahead of time," Obito added, before Guy could say anything.

"I actually think Yumi-sensei has a lot to do with this," Kakashi, who couldn't stand it, said lightly.

"Yeah, in the end, even Hokage-sama asked Yumi-sensei before granting us the privilege," nodded Guy, stroking his chin.

He not only acknowledged his own excellence but also felt that Mutsuki played a significant role in it.

Because there were too many students gathered around and it was chaotic, not many noticed Obito and their arrival. Even those who did see them mostly just mentioned it to their friends casually, without suddenly shouting, "Look, Uchiha Obito is here!"

It was only as the group squeezed in that more people gradually noticed them.

"Obito, Guy, Rin-chan, hello! Oh, Kakashi, you're here too. Long time no see," Shiranui Genma looked at Kakashi as if he had seen something rare.

Unlike Obito and Rin, he didn't have a close relationship with Kakashi, so it had been about three years since he had seen Kakashi.

"Hmm, long time no see," Kakashi nodded casually in response.

"I knew everything you said must be true Obito. You're really strong," Shiranui Genma patted Obito on the shoulder and smiled.

"I never tell lies. It's just decent, really," Obito grinned broadly upon hearing Shiranui Genma's direct praise, trying hard to keep his smile from becoming too obvious, and modestly replied.

"How about it, Kakashi? This is something you couldn't do back then," Obito smirked, pointing towards the number of missions he had completed on his record.

"When I graduated, there wasn't an internship system for Ninja. Of course, it wasn't possible," Kakashi replied calmly.

Although he felt that even as an intern Ninja, it would be difficult to replicate such a record, facing Obito, Kakashi had no flattering thoughts and just wanted to strike back hard.

"You talk as if you could do it as an intern. Weren't you the one who said C-Rank missions couldn't go wrong?" Obito sneered.

Obito's words silenced Kakashi. This was something that he still hadn't figured out to this day.

While it was true that accidents were more likely to happen during wartime, having all three missions end in accidents, encountering elite Jonin candidates and even the future Raikage, seemed a bit exaggerated.

"It's because of the wartime conditions and perhaps some bad luck. Normally, it wouldn't be like this," Kakashi offered what he believed to be the most reasonable explanation.

Then Kakashi looked at the grade board, finding a point to attack Obito.

"There is indeed one thing you did that I couldn't."

"Oh, Kakashi, you finally admit..." Obito's smile grew brighter.

But before Obito could finish smiling, Kakashi continued,

"I couldn't score 40 on a theoretical exam. That's something I truly couldn't achieve. Even with a simple test like that, I would still score over 60 no matter how casually I did it."

Obito's smile froze on his face, realizing he had messed up. He had been so focused on confidently challenging Kakashi today that he forgot about his poor theoretical score.

'Throughout this semester, I've been training under Mutsuki-sensei. The reason I scored only 40 on the exam is because the exam content was covered in the last semester, and I also did the exercises Mutsuki-sensei assigned.'

"So what if you are a little bit worse in theory? Even if you are good at doing questions. You still lost to me in actual combat."

Seeing that Kakashi was targeting his weaknesses, Obito also talked about the last time he defeated Kakashi.

Not to mention Kakashi's mood, the students who were watching the results were shocked by Obito's words.

"Obito defeated Kakashi in actual combat?" Shiranui Genma was stunned with surprise.

Any student who is in the same class as Kakashi knows how strong Kakashi is. He is not just ordinary strong, but otherworldly strong for their age, giving people a feeling that no matter how hard you try, you can't surpass him.

When others had not yet mastered the clone technique, Kakashi was already able to use shadow clones. When others were still trying to get the shuriken or kunai on target, Kakashi could already casually throw out all the shurikens in one hand and hit them all.

While others were still in the ninja school, Kakashi graduated early, becoming a Genin at age five and a Chunin at age six. His promotion speed left behind many who had long been Genin senpais.

That's why Shiranui Genma was so surprised to hear Obito claim victory over Kakashi in combat.

"One victory doesn't mean you'll win every time. I'll reclaim it sooner or later," Kakashi admitted his defeat.

Their conversation left the fourth-year students around them in silence, wearing expressions as if their worldview had collapsed.

Especially the interns who knew Kakashi was Obito's teammate. They had thought Obito was being carried by Kakashi, but now it turned out Obito's strength might surpass Kakashi's.

"My dear friend, keep striving. I've been waiting for your challenge," Guy flashed a big grin, giving Kakashi a thumbs-up.

"That day won't be far off," Kakashi said seriously.

He was already close to grasping Thunder Breathing's Total Concentration Breathing. Once he completed his training in Constant and learned to enhance his reflexes with Nature Transformation, his strength would undergo a qualitative change.

Guy and Kakashi's conversation shocked those around them once again.

The fact that Kakashi and Guy's fight ended with Kakashi in a challenger's stance meant he had lost to Guy.

However, considering that Obito, who had defeated Kakashi, had also lost to Guy, everything made sense.

"They're really pulling farther and farther ahead," Shiranui Genma sighed inwardly.

During summer special training, he had still harbored thoughts of catching up to Guy and Obito. Now, those thoughts were completely gone because the gap was too large, and he couldn't muster the desire to catch up.

To defeat a Chunin before graduation, and to be a genius ninja like Kakashi, was truly remarkable.

"No wonder every time I watch Guy fight, he seems unbelievably strong. It turns out his strength has already reached such heights," Shiranui Genma seemed to understand everything now.

Kakashi noticed that some people were looking at him with peculiar eyes, as if they were witnessing a fallen star they had once admired. However, Kakashi paid them no mind.

Since that incident, the only useful thing he had learned was to ignore the gazes and words of irrelevant people.

After checking the results, accompanied by the exchange of words between Kakashi and Obito, the group returned to the forest to begin training.

[Disciple Uchiha Shisui diligently practiced and achieved a perfect score in academic assessment, receiving rewards: Chakra +300, Ninjutsu Proficient scroll]

[Disciple Uchiha Obito diligently practiced and achieved a good score in academic assessment, receiving rewards: Chakra +170]

[Disciple Might Guy diligently practiced and achieved a good score in academic assessment, receiving rewards: Chakra +230]

After receiving the assessment results, Mutsuki also received his exam reward settlement. He gained a total of seven hundred points of Chakra and a useful Ninjutsu Proficient scroll.

Although Obito's practical results were not much different from before, his theoretical results had dropped slightly due to some time without studying, but Mutsuki didn't mind.

During that time, he and Obito earned much more Chakra doing missions than from the exam settlement alone.

As usual, Mutsuki trained his disciples for three days. On the sixth day after the exams ended, Mutsuki took his disciples to the Hokage Building for a mission.

Including Obito's birthday and exams, they stayed in Konoha for more than half a month this time, allowing them to engage in mission activities to stretch their muscles.

"Are there any C-Rank missions available? Any country and type will do," Mutsuki asked.

This time, he didn't have a specific purpose in mind and was prepared to go with the flow.


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