
The Lance

The Inter-Choir tournament ended with a lot of fanfare, but for Rain the experience of it was oddly alien when seen through a screen.

Objectively he knew it was live video, but part of him thought of it like reading a book. What did the moment mean when he could just revisit it whenever he wanted? Thus, he watched the matches in a staggered fashion, sometimes with Cassiel and sometimes on his own, during the two days it took to decide amongst the six participating Choirs.

It was only after the spectacle of the finals that Rain realized his eyes had stopped hurting when watching screens.

In fact, ever since absorbing the threads of Helios' body, Rain's entire view of the technology around him had started to shift. It was a subtle thing, the surety with which he now operated mana panels, the precision with which he could now set the heat of the showers or navigate the city...

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