
Frenzy Frenzy Boar Hunt

During our way to the forest, Megumi and me also meet our second monster ' Dire Wolf'. Unlike the Frenzy boar, the Dire wolf spawn in a group of 2.

Its a bit nimble than the boar but has less HP than it. We just need a little team work and dodging and manage to kill it.


EXP 10

COL 15


2x Beast fang , 2x Wolf hide


I thought only the Frenzy boar drop Beast fang but the Dire wolf also drop this material too. I guess we cannot avoid it. After a few more battle with Frenzy boar and Dire wolf, we reach the forest area.

"What are you going to do in the forest,M?. Isn't better to farm at the grass area. It make us easily to spot monster too"

"I am here to fulfill one of my dream. A dream that it is very hard to fulfill in real world. I think maybe it can become truth in this world."

"M-sama dream. I will help you with all my might. Please let me help you fulfill your dream."

"In fact I also need your help also. If we managed to do it, it will boost our farming by many level. We will be doing a 'Thunderclap Flash Unlimited'."

"First we need to put all our available stat point to 'Agility'. We will mainly focus on speed. As for damage we leave it to our weapon handle it"

"We also need tree, a lot of tree and the tree cannot seperate too far from each other. Hence the forest."

"I will demo to you one time. Let see, that boar will do."

I started to run toward it. Once I near the boar, I dash past the boar and slash at the side the same time.

After I past the boar, I then kick the middle part of the tree which boost me back to the boar in time for another slash.

After I slash it, my leg landed in the middle of the tree and I kick again for another boost and slash. Landed another tree, kick, slash and done. All 4 hit done in 2 second.

Megumi clap her hand"Sugoi M. So we will be doing that non-stop."

"Yes, me 2 hit and you 2 hit. After we kill it, we immediately dash to another boar. You just need to follow behind me and follow up my attack."

"I found this move from a friend called Zenitsu. He can only do this six time straight with using string as it will put too much burden on the body.

"Here with the stat parameter and with tree all around, we can do it unlimited. Although i say unlimited, it only as long as our stamina last"

"Wow, your friend my be very strong and cool. Let do this,M"

"Yes Megumi, Let's start our Frenzy Frenzy Boar Hunt."

As we continue our hunt. There will be boar scream from time to time which scare and stop many player from entering the forest. The player has decide to walk around.

I am surprised that there is only boar in this forest, no wolf or other monster at all. Only boar so I decide to call it 'The Frenzy Boar Forest'

Once in a while after we hunt a certain number of boar, an elite Frenzy boar will spawn. Which we will take it as a rest time as it will take some time to kill it.

An Elite Frenzy Boar is three time stronger and of course the reward is also three time better.

Although it call an elite, it just that it's HP is a lot more than the usual but it still have only same move so we can take breathe as we kill it.


EXP 15

COL 10


4x Beast fang , 1x Elite boar hide,

1x Boar Fang Dagger


This time we are lucky to have a weapon drop. The weapon drop rate is very low. We didn't get any weapon drop at all until now. Megumi also joke around say it's a boar what weapon it have.

As Megumi already have Eagle Dagger so I switch my short sword with the Boar Fang Dagger. ATK+40. Just a little bit stronger than eagle dagger.

I still don't know what weapon should I use until now. I guess I just have to try one by one. After I switch the weapon, we continue our hunt. With this Dagger, it's has make our hunt even faster.

After don't know how many boar we hunt, we level up to Lvl 5. I guess we must have hunt a lot. Even the weapon durability is already dangerous low.

"Megumi, Let's stop. We need to go back and repair our weapon. You quite enjoy it ain't you Megumi after all those scare" I laughed.

"Ok, let go back. I meant this really get my blood boiling. We almost like flying you know. So exciting. You are right, we should enjoy as we are alive in here right now."

Just as we were ready to go back, suddenly we got teleport back to the 'Central Plaza'. Now only us, other player too. I guess this it it. Where the death game really begin.

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