
010 genes won't be inferior_1

"So, how often do you eat meat usually?"

The simpleton asked with an embarrassed face.

Lu Qingyi: "I barely eat meat."

"Come on, have more."

Lin Yuanhang picked up the serving chopsticks and added a lot of meat to Lu Qingyi's bowl.

Looking at the meat piling up in her bowl, Lu Qingyi frowned.

She had said that she hardly eats meat.

Did this idiot not understand?

Lin Yuanhang seemed utterly oblivious: "You must have suffered a lot, poor child."

"The kid doesn't like to eat meat."

Xu Boyan calmly took all the meat from Lu Qingyi's bowl and glanced at Lin Yuanhang.

Lin Yuanhang: "..."

Was he really that dumb?

He didn't notice that at all.

After lunch, Lu Qingyi didn't linger and went straight back to the dormitory.


She looked at the room number and pushed the door open.

Since there were fewer boarders in the high school, the dormitory conditions were better than other high schools. There were four people in a room, similar to a college dormitory.

The three girls in the dormitory were chatting. Hearing the sound of the door, they all turned to look at the door.

"Are you Lu Qingyi?" asked a girl with a schoolgirl haircut.

She was Lin Yiran, the dorm leader of Room 202. The dormitory auntie had told her about the new roommate.

Lu Qingyi nodded, without saying anything more.

She opened her suitcase and casually sorted her things.

She didn't have many belongings: toiletries, several sets of clothes, a few pairs of socks and shoes, and a few novels.

Very simple.

The school provided all the bedding, which you could use by paying a fee.

"That's so impolite, couldn't you greet us?"

The girl with a facial mask, Qi Zhen, commented disapprovingly.

The other long-haired girl just glanced at Lu Qingyi and then continued reading the book in her hand intently.

"In the future, I hope you could treat me as a Vernier Caliper. I am Lu Qingyi."

After a moment of slight pondering, Lu Qingyi said.

She didn't come to high school to make friends.

Vernier Caliper?

What the hell is that?

Qi Zhen and Lin Yiran looked at each other, completely baffled.

Forgive them for their poor academic performance.

They had no idea what a Vernier Caliper was.

Luo Jia explained: "A Vernier Caliper is a piece of physical equipment."

The people in Dormitory 202 came from different classes. Luo Jia was the top student in Science Class 1. Lin Yiran, the top student in Humanities Class 2, didn't have a clue about science. Qi Zhen was a student of Humanities Class 18, a parallel class, with poor grades.

There are twenty classes in the senior year of high school. Odd numbers are science classes and even numbers are humanities classes. Of course, Class 20 is an exception; it's a science class.

Because there were nine humanities classes and eleven science classes, Class 20, an even number, was a science class.

Pausing before continuing, Luo Jia said: "A Vernier Caliper makes no estimate reads."


Qi Zhen and Lin Yiran looked at each other, they really didn't understand.

"What she means is, she is not lonely, so she doesn't need to make friends."

Luo Jia closed her book and looked at Lu Qingyi with interest.

Quite interesting, she actually applied physical equipment to express her attitude.

Does a Vernier Caliper work like that?

Qi Zhen asked: "Then, which class are you in?"


The thin lips opened slowly, uttering two words.

"Hahaha, are you joking? You're studying in Class 20 and yet you're showing off your physics knowledge."

Qi Zhen could not help but laugh, crinkling her facial mask.

What kind of place was Class 20?

Everyone at that school knew.

Not even considering it a parallel class, its overall grades were horrendous. They were purely slackers, with no ambition at all.

Show off?

Lu Qingyi silently rolled her eyes.

"You are Lu Jiayue's biological sister, aren't you?"

Luo Jia's gaze fixed on Lu Qingyi.

Lu Qingyi and Lu Jiayue do have similar features. But Lu Qingyi is more good-looking.

Lu Qingyi raised her eyebrows: "Do I have a choice?"

"How come you are not even half as smart as Lu Jiayue?"

Lin Yiran said somewhat regretfully. She knew Lu Jiayue well.

Not only is she versatile, but her grades also consistently rank in the top five in the science class and she is the best among the girls.

If Lu Qingyi's grades weren't exceedingly bad, even going to a parallel class wouldn't be a problem. Why on earth would she go to Class 20?

"Lu Jiayue? I don't think she is that amazing."

Qi Zhen removed her facial mask, and after a smack of her mouth said.

Lu Jiayue was beautiful, versatile, had excellent grades and was gentle and kind…

But honestly, she didn't really like Lu Jiayue, nor did she hate her.

The topic of the three of them swiftly shifted from Lu Qingyi to Lu Jiayue.

Lu Qingyi was reading her novel indifferently.

Both her grandparents were teachers before retiring. Her grandfather was a university professor, her grandmother was a high school teacher. Yao Meishu also graduated from a prestigious school. Lu Yao and Yao Meishu were schoolmates.

Lu Jiayue's genes were naturally not bad and she was normally outstanding.

If her sister was outstanding, she, as the elder sister, wouldn't be any worse.

The problem lies with Lu Jiayue, who was scheming and constantly trying to trip her up.

The small fights now were trivial to her. But if someday Lu Jiayue crossed the line, she wouldn't be as easy-going as she is now.

"Lu Qingyi, fill in this form. What's your QQ number? I will add you, then you can join our dormitory group."

Lin Yiran picked up a form and a pen from the table and gave them to Lu Qingyi.

The high school has a rule that boarders must fill in their basic information and submit it to the dormitory manager.

Lu Qingyi put down the novel, scanned the form and filled in her information quickly.

"I don't have QQ." she said coolly.

Yep, she didn't add unnecessary people.

Lin Yiran paused for a while then said. "Apply for one."

Saturday night is free, they can party in the dormitory or go out to shop and eat.

They also have Sunday afternoon off.

As a dorm leader, she naturally hoped that the members of the dormitory could get along harmoniously.

Gatherings could facilitate communication among roommates.

Plus, as a benefit for boarders. The school provides an activity fund to each dormitory.

"No, thanks. You guys can ignore me. I prefer being quiet and don't really like making a fuss."

Lu Qingyi shook her head.

"Ew, what's the point of putting on airs? The only reason you are boarding is that your parents can't stand you."

Qi Zhen sneered. She pretty much disdained Lu Qingyi.

Her family has some connections with the Lu Family, so she knew all about the young lady of the Lu Family.

She didn't grow up in the Lu family, but in the countryside.

Her parents didn't care about her. It was only due to her grandmother's death that Lu Yao reluctantly brought her back from the countryside.

Keep in mind, Lu Jiayue had a designated driver to pick her up and drop her off every day. Picking up Lu Qingyi along the way was just a matter of convenience.

But what about Lu Qingyi?

She was still arranged to board.

Anyone could see that Lu Qingyi was not being favored at home.
