

Lucas squinted, scanning the distant where the paparazzi had been hiding. The telltale glint of camera lenses was gone, replaced by what looked like a huddle of excited photographers.

"Huh," he mused, a bemused smile playing on his lips. "Looks like our little show put them out of commission."

Jennifer leaned in, following his gaze. "Really? They've stopped?"

Lucas nodded, chuckling softly. "Guess that cheek kiss was too much for them to handle. Probably think they've struck gold."

Jennifer groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Oh god. I can already hear my phone blowing up. My mom's going to have a field day with this."

She peeked through her fingers at Lucas. "And don't even get me started on my agent. I can practically feel the lecture coming."

Lucas's eyes twinkled with mischief. He adopted a mock-serious tone, "You know, Jen, this is pretty serious. Your parents might start planning the wedding. I should prepare my tux."

Jennifer snorted, playfully shoving his shoulder. "As if! My parents aren't nearly that old-fashioned." She paused, a hint of worry creeping into her voice. "At least, I don't think they are..."

Lucas wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "Hey, look on the bright side. At least we gave those vultures something to really squawk about."

They shared a laugh, the tension melting away as they turned their attention back to the breathtaking Hawaiian vista before them, momentarily forgetting about the media storm brewing on the horizon.


The Turtle Bay Resort lobby buzzed with activity as luggage was piled high and final hugs exchanged. Lucas found himself in the center of a group hug, Sam's booming laugh mixing with Stephanie's soft giggles.

"Don't forget us little people when you're accepting that Oscar," Alan joked, clapping Lucas on the back.

Jennifer stood to the side, her own bags ready. She caught Lucas's eye, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips.

"Text me when you land?" she mouthed, and Lucas nodded.

One by one, cars pulled away, carrying cast members to their respective flights. Jennifer's taxi was last, and Lucas watched it disappear around the bend, a strange emptiness settling in his chest.

Hours later, Lucas found himself on an airplane with the production team. As Hawaii's lush greenery gave way to endless blue, he pulled his hoodie lower, adjusting his face mask.

The plane touched down in Los Angeles with a gentle bump. Lucas hung back, letting the crew disembark first. He tugged his hood further forward, ensuring it cast a shadow over his eyes.

Stepping into the terminal, he kept his head down, weaving through the crowd with practiced ease. A few curious glances bounced off him, but no one stopped or called out. Just another anonymous traveler in a sea of faces.

As he approached the exit, Lucas allowed himself a small smile behind his mask. Sometimes, the best disguise was simply not looking like you had anything to hide.

Lucas weaved through the airport terminal, his hoodie pulled low and mask securely in place. He was almost at the exit when he felt eyes on him. Glancing sideways, he caught a young boy staring, then quickly looking away.

The boy's gaze kept darting back, his hand clutching a phone nervously. Lucas raised an eyebrow behind his mask, quickening his pace slightly.

"Ex-excuse me?" A small voice piped up behind him. Lucas turned to see the boy, maybe ten years old, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Are... are you Lucas Knight?"

Lucas blinked, taken aback. How had the kid seen through his disguise? He cleared his throat, pitching his voice slightly lower. "Sorry, kid. Think you've got me confused with someone else."

The boy's face fell, disappointment etched in every feature. Behind him, his parents watched with concern, ready to intervene.

"Please," the boy whispered, his voice trembling slightly. "I know it's you. Just... just one photo? Please?"

Lucas felt a twinge in his chest. He glanced around - no one else seemed to have noticed. The boy's eyes were pleading, hope battling with the fear of rejection.

With a small sigh, Lucas crouched down to the boy's level. "Alright, buddy," he murmured, pulling his mask down slightly. "One quick photo, okay?"

The boy's face lit up like a Christmas tree, his earlier nervousness evaporating in an instant. As he fumbled excitedly with his phone, Lucas couldn't help but smile.

Lucas glanced around the bustling terminal, then leaned down to the boy's level. "Hey, how about we find a quieter spot for that photo?"

The boy's eyes lit up, and he nodded eagerly. His parents, looking both surprised and pleased, guided them to a less crowded corner near a potted plant.

With a quick scan of their surroundings, Lucas pulled down his hood and removed his mask. The boy gasped, his face splitting into a grin.

"I knew it! I knew it was you!" he exclaimed, bouncing on his toes.

Lucas couldn't help but chuckle. "Alright, detective. What gave me away? I thought I had a pretty good disguise going."

The boy pointed to Lucas's head, grinning. "Your hair! I saw a bit peeking out from your hood. It's so... you! No one else has hair like Lucas Knight!"

Lucas ran a hand through his hair, a mix of impressed and amused. "Well, I'll be. Guess I need to invest in a hat next time." He winked at the boy, then crouched down beside him. "Ready for that photo?"

As the boy's father readied the camera, Lucas draped an arm around the kid's shoulders. "Smile big, buddy. This one's going on the wall, right?"

After the flash, Lucas stood up, nodding respectfully to the parents. "What's your name, sharp eyes?" he asked the boy.

"Tommy!" the kid beamed.

Lucas smiled, committing the name to memory. "Well, Tommy, it was great meeting you. Keep those eagle eyes of yours peeled, okay?"

As he turned to leave, he heard the boy whisper excitedly to his parents, "Wait till my friends see this!"

Lucas pulled his hood back up, a small smile playing on his lips as he melted back into the crowd.

Unbeknownst to Lucas, Tommy had posted their photo on social media. Within an hour, it had gone viral, attracting significant attention. This surge of interest was further fueled by the recent images of Lucas and Jennifer's intimate moment on the balcony in Hawaii, which were now circulating widely across the internet and news media.

Online forums buzzed with activity:

"OMG! Lucas is back in LA!"

"Did you see how close he was with J-Law? #Relationship Goals"

"Anyone know where he's staying?"

Fan accounts exploded with activity, dissecting every pixel of the airport photo for clues about Lucas's whereabouts in Los Angeles. Hashtags like #SpotLucasKnight and #LucasKnight began trending.

However, the media machine was already several steps ahead. Seasoned journalists, armed with their network of sources and years of celebrity-tracking experience, quickly pieced together Lucas's likely trajectory. They cross-referenced recent sightings, flight patterns, and known celebrity haunts in the city.

What Lucas hadn't realized was that his disguise, while effective against direct recognition, hadn't completely shielded him from notice. Several bystanders, uncertain but intrigued, had snapped discreet photos of the hooded figure they suspected might be the star. These grainy, ambiguous shots now served as breadcrumbs for those determined to locate him.

"Possible Lucas Knight sighting at LAX, headed east on Sepulveda," read one social media post, accompanied by a blurry image of a hooded figure.

"Anyone else think this might be Lucas near the Chateau Marmont?" another user questioned, sharing a distant shot of someone entering the iconic hotel.

These fragments, seemingly insignificant on their own, formed a mosaic that led journalists straight to Lucas's temporary residence. By the time the sun set on Los Angeles, a small contingent of paparazzi had already staked out positions near the hotel entrance, cameras at the ready.


The hotel suite's luxurious living room buzzed with laughter and the clink of glasses. Lucas lounged on the plush sofa, his manager Neil perched on an armchair across from him. Jack and Simon, Lucas's security team, stood nearby, their postures relaxed but alert.

"So there I was, dangling from this harness," Lucas was saying, gesturing wildly, "and the director yells 'More anguish!'"

Neil chuckled, shaking his head. "Hollywood, I swear..."

A sudden, insistent knocking cut through their laughter. Lucas started to rise, but Simon held up a hand. "I've got this, Lucas."

The burly security guard approached the door cautiously, peering through the peephole. His body tensed instantly. He cracked the door open, only to be met with a barrage of flashing lights and shouted questions.

"Lucas Knight! Can we get a statement about your relationship with Jennifer Lawrence?"

"Is it true you're engaged?"

"Lucas, over here!"

Simon slammed the door shut, his face grim as he turned back to the group. "Paparazzi. At least a dozen of them."

Neil's brow furrowed deeply. "How the hell did they find us so quickly?" He turned to Lucas, his voice sharp with concern. "I thought we agreed you'd stay off social media for a while."

Lucas held up his hands defensively. "I haven't posted anything in months, I swear. I don't know how they found out."

"Well, they didn't use a crystal ball," Neil muttered, pacing the room. "Someone must have tipped them off. But who? And how?"

The persistent knocking continued, the media frenzy waiting just beyond the door. Lucas sank back into the sofa. The peaceful reunion with his team had evaporated, replaced by a tense atmosphere thick with unanswered questions and the looming specter of unwanted attention.

"What now?" Lucas asked, looking between Neil and his security team.

Neil pinched the bridge of his nose, his mind racing. After a moment, he straightened up, a determined glint in his eye. "Alright, we're going with Plan B. Deny, deny, deny."

He turned to Simon and Jack, his voice low and authoritative. "You two, go out there and convince those vultures they've got the wrong room. Be firm, but don't engage more than necessary."

The security guards nodded in unison, their faces set with grim determination. They approached the door, standing shoulder to shoulder like a human barricade.

"Listen up, folks!" Simon's voice boomed, tinged with practiced annoyance. "You've got the wrong room. There's no Lucas here!"

Jack chimed in, his tone equally exasperated. "Yeah, we don't even know who this Lucas guy is! You're disturbing paying guests!"

A muffled voice from the hallway shot back, "But we have a reliable source! Someone saw Lucas enter this very room!"

Simon's voice grew louder, a hint of mockery creeping in. "Oh, a 'reliable source,' huh? Well, your source needs their eyes checked! Now clear out before we call hotel security!"

The hallway fell silent for a moment. Then, a hushed debate could be heard, punctuated by disappointed sighs.
