
Chapter 9

After discovering that the second task would be held in the Black Lake and he would need to swim underwater for an hour, Harry decided to get himself acquainted with both the arena and the environment. He had not yet figured out a way to breathe underwater for so long but he could certainly get started.

As such, the next morning found him standing in a secluded shore of the Black Lake right beyond the canopy of the Forbidden Forest that faced Hogwarts. It was private enough for him to not attract any attention from the Hogwarts populace and yet not intrusive enough into the territories of the creatures that inhabited the dark jungle.

Applying a warming charm for good measure, he stripped to his boxers and dived in with a splash. A loud hiss emerged as he was engulfed in freezing water. Even the warming charm did nothing in the late-December winter of Scotland and the freezing water.

Breathing deeply and letting himself get accustomed to the cold, Harry waited, remaining submerged under the water up to his neck. He needed to get himself acclimatized to the cold in the two months he had and even explore the lake as much as he could. The better prepared he was for whatever challenges he might face under the surface, the easier it would be for him to extract whatever they were planning to take from him.

He remained stationary for over ten minutes, doing nothing but looking around before finally deeming himself ready to traverse the lake. With his wand in his hand, he applied the Bubblehead charm on himself and dove underneath the surface.

Although he had no intention of using that charm in the task itself, he did not have any other alternative right now if he wanted to explore. He found himself proven right as well. The Bubblehead charm, although enabling him to breathe underwater with perfect ease, did not aid his movement. He still felt as if he was an alien in these parts, which, as a land dweller, he was. He wanted something more efficient, and the Bubblehead charm was not the answer.

Resolving to look into the matter sometime later, Harry refocused on his task at hand. His wand remained pointed forward as he swam further, fully submerged under the surface.

Already, there was a noticeable lack of light. It did not help that it was winter with cloudy weather, which meant there was no sunlight reaching the surface and as such, visibility was much lesser than it should be.

'Seems I'd need a flashlight as well,' he thought, opting to use the Lumos charm for now. The tip of his wand glowed a luminescent white as Harry swam, and he started looking around at everything in sight.

The most obvious was the massive outgrowing of hedges under the lake. They grew from the lake bed and encompassed the entirety of the lake as far as his eyes could see.

It seemed he would need to traverse through those hedges to reach the colony of Merpeople that Daphne had been talking about. He did not think they would be anywhere near the shore, which meant he would need to swim a considerable distance to reach his destination.

'Also means I'd need to look out for any surprise attacks from creatures. Those hedges are perfect for sneak attacks,' he thought.

He had half a mind to cut off the hedges but he refrained. Being pants at Herbology, he had no idea what kind of plants those were. For all he knew, they might grow back instantly or perhaps even attack him in retaliation. The more cautious he was in this adverse environment, the better off he would be.

He slowly descended even further until he could see the hedges properly and as the lights fell on them, he paused. The leaves were shaped like claws and they were contracting and relaxing every few seconds. He was fully confident that they would fully grab anyone who came too close.

Fortunately, there was enough space between the hedges for one person to pass without coming too close.

He could not see much further into the murky waters of the lake. His visibility was limited to what the Lumos could help him see, and as such, he heard it before he saw it.

The sound of displacement of water as something swam beneath the surface.

Harry paused, shooting a silent Lumos Maxima into the water and illuminating everything around him. His eyes took in the sight before him, and if he were faint of heart, he would've started panicking right then.

He gazed calmly at the swarm of grindylows that were coming toward him. His hunch had been correct. Those hedges were perfect for a sneak attack, and he would have been caught unaware if he had ventured further.

A wordless stunner caught one of the creatures right as it emerged from the foliage, sending it slowly back and down into the murky depths of the Black Lake.

The creatures, seeing one of their brethren fall, let out shrill snarls and shot toward him, their malicious eyes glowing with lethal intent.

Harry reinforced his Bubblehead charm and began to slowly backtrack as he kept firing stunners to keep the incoming horde at bay. He did not want to needlessly wound them. However, given the way they were still coming in droves without any care for their well-being, he felt he'd soon have no other choice.

The red bolts kept colliding with one creature after another but instead of scaring them away, it merely emboldened them. It made him confused.

According to every text he had read, grindylows liked to attack in groups but were quite easy to scare off. He had figured a few stunners would be enough to scatter them away but this behavior was entirely contrary to what he knew about these creatures. He'd also read that grindylows did not venture far beyond their territories and would attack only when someone intruded on them, but here they were, taking the prerogative and attacking him before he'd even done anything. Unprovoked attacks were not something these creatures were known for, and it made Harry a little perturbed regarding what was up with them.

He did not have the time to think about it though as the creatures kept coming for him with reckless abandon. He truly did not want to hurt them but he felt he would have to. It was truly a shame.

Suddenly, twin bolts of red hit the incoming horde from a little distance away from him and Harry whirled toward where the spells had come from. He could not see much far into the water but he could easily make out two figures flinging stunners toward the creatures.

Deciding to figure out who they were once he had dealt with these creatures, Harry refocused on stunning them. Together, the three managed to whittle down the number in no time. It took them a little over five minutes when the final stunner hit the last grindylows and it fell into the deep abyss.

Once their little exercise session was done, Harry turned around to see who the two people who had helped him out were. His eyes focused on their approaching selves and they widened slightly when he saw who they were.

The young woman pointed toward the surface with her finger. Harry nodded and began to swim upward as the other two followed suit. They emerged from the surface a few seconds after him, the bubbles around their heads disappearing as they did. Silently, they swam toward the shoreline nearest to where they were, which happened to be the secluded spot he had left his clothes in.

"Looks like you had the same idea I did," Harry remarked as he emerged from the lake and stepped toward the shore.

"Da, seems dat way," Viktor Krum replied as he too stood knees deep in the water before helping his girlfriend up. Harry could not help but give the beautiful Russian woman an appreciative glance. She was truly a perfect specimen of a ravishing female with generous curves in all the right places. He'd already seen her in a tight ballgown during the Yule Ball but right now, he was seeing more skin than before.

She was wearing a white two-piece bikini that left very little to the imagination and Harry repeated what he'd thought the first time he'd seen the woman.

Krum was one lucky bloke.

He averted his gaze before he was caught checking her out and walked toward his clothes.

Unbeknownst to him, the woman did not miss the way his eyes had been lingering on her body and she smiled to herself. As he turned around and walked away, her eyes remained trained on his toned back. Her boyfriend walked right beside her as she checked out another man.

Natalia did not often find herself intrigued by British men but something about Harry Potter captivated her. She'd only met him once before and it had been during the Yule Ball, and she felt a spark when he was around. It was strange.

Once they walked out of the lake and onto the shore, she waved her wand over her body and dried herself before she conjured appropriate clothing and donned it. She felt eyes on herself as she dressed and glanced out of the corner of her eye, smirking when she caught Harry Potter checking her out once again.

She did not know what came over her but she decided to tease him a bit. As she pulled her top on, she made sure she squeezed her large tits more than necessary, giving him a nice show as she flattened the fabric over her belly. She did not stop there though and made a show of bending over while facing away from him so he had the perfect view of her pert, round arse as she pulled the pair of jeans over them, making her bubbly butt jiggle. The jeans were a bit tight but she was sure the view was appreciated.

All the while, she kept her eyes on him while making sure he could not see she was watching, and she could not help but bite her lower lip gently when she saw the obvious bulge he was sporting.

"I didn't know men took so long to put their clothes on, Mr. Potter," she remarked teasingly as she stood straight, pulling on her jumper. She stared at him in amusement as she pulled her hair out of the jumper and fixed it.

Harry chuckled and merely dressed himself, ensuring he was turned away from them. She was one distracting woman, alright.

Once he was done, he turned around, smiling at the woman before looking toward Krum who had also dressed back up.

"Thanks for the help back there," he smiled. "Otherwise I'd have had to hurt the grindylows."

"Vat made you disturb them?" Krum asked.

"That's the thing," Harry replied as they began walking back toward the Hogwarts grounds. "I didn't. I was just outside the foliage when I heard them. Seconds later, they were attacking in groups. I was content with stunning the lot of them but when they showed no signs of stopping, I thought I'd have to curse the whole lot. You know the rest."

"That doesn't sound like how those creatures should behave," Natalia remarked, making Harry glance toward her. "Grindylows are cowardly creatures. A few stunners should've been enough to get rid of them."

Harry frowned. He believed the same, and he was confused as to why the creatures were acting the way they had. He could not help but feel there was more to this than they knew.

"Ven did you know vat is the task, Potter?" Krum asked.

Harry emerged from his ponderings and chuckled.

"Actually I've got to thank you for that," he replied, earning curious looks from the couple.

"How come?" Natalia asked.

Harry smiled, "I saw Krum yesterday taking a dip in the lake with his egg. Now, you might be from far up north but even you wouldn't be that big of an idiot to dive into a freezing lake in the middle of winter just for a swim, and with that egg, no less. It was quite simple to figure out that you were working on the clue."

"Da," Krum chuckled.

"How did you figure it out, by the way?" Harry asked.

In response, Krum wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's waist and pulled her closer.

"Helps ven you've got a smart girlfriend," he replied. Natalia chuckled.

"I recognized the scream," she supplied helpfully. "Our family deals in magical creatures."

"That makes sense," Harry replied. "One of my friends figured it out soon after as well. Her family also deals in creatures."

"You're friends with Daphne?" Natalia asked interestedly. "We're involved in trade. Our families coordinate imports and exports in Eastern and Western Europe for ingredients and creatures that are native to our respective regions."

"Really?" Harry asked interestedly. "You learn something new everyday. Is that why you've barely got an accent?"

"You can say that," she replied. "I've stayed in Britain for a while so I've learned to speak without an accent."

Harry hummed.

"I think I need to have a nice chat with her, by the way," she continued, smirking. "She never told me she was friends with the Harry Potter."

Harry shrugged as he let out a chuckle.

"You do that. I'll be taking my leave for now."

Turning toward Krum, he said, "I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot more now that we know what the task is."

"I vill win this one," the Bulgarian replied with a challenging smirk. Harry could not help but smirk back.

"Try your best, big man," he replied, and with a parting look toward Natalia who gave him a smirk, he walked away.

Once Harry was beyond the small hill a few yards away from where they stood, Krum turned toward his girlfriend and pulled her close.

"Don't think I missed your antics back there," he whispered in her ear thickly, making her swallow.

"You mad?" She whispered back.

Krum leaned back and regarded her with a raised eyebrow.

"We'll be discussing this later," he replied and walked away toward the Durmstrang ship, leaving his girlfriend standing on her own in the middle of Hogwarts grounds.

Natalia shook her head as she turned back toward Harry Potter who was walking in the distance toward the entrance to the castle. She smirked to herself and walked away.


Harry walked through the doors of The Three Broomsticks, hoping to see Hagrid there. Ever since that article had come out, no one had seen him. However, he'd hoped to see the man around Hogsmeade.

To his disappointment, the man was nowhere to be seen and as he looked around the pub, he could find no sign of his friend. Sighing, he walked in and took a seat at one of the tables in the corner.

As a champion, he was not restricted from venturing outside the castle and he did not feel any need to be overly obedient and refrain from enjoying the privileges his position came with.

He looked around the sparsely occupied pub. It was evening and there was already a chill in the atmosphere. Perhaps that was the reason why there were not many people inside the pub at this hour. He could only spot a few students from Durmstrang sitting at the opposite end of the pub, not so subtly checking out the busty hostess of the pub. It wasn't as if he could blame them. Madam Rosemerta was the subject of attraction for almost every straight male and quite a lot of females at Hogwarts, and for these foreigners to be enchanted by her alluring self was no surprise.

She never hid anything either. Her generous cleavage was as always on display and he could not help but stare at the way her tits jiggled as she walked with slow, purposeful steps. She knew what she was doing, that tease.

But that was all she always did. Kept her patrons on their toes, roused their emotions, and left them pent-up. It was often common to find queues outside the toilets of her establishment whenever it was crowded, and not for the usual reason.

Harry reluctantly pulled his eyes off her. He was already aroused from the vision Natalia Ivanov had presented herself as when she had emerged from the lake. He could still recall how the water droplets had been cascading down her succulent frame and how her perfectly toned and yet curvaceous body seemed to shine even in the little sunlight Hogwarts was receiving. And then he had been blessed with the reverse striptease she had inadvertently put. He could feel himself hardening even now as he recalled it all and he forced himself to calm down. He'd become too much of a horndog recently and although he loved this life, he didn't want to perpetually stay aroused.

Refocusing his gaze around, he spotted something odd in one little corner of the pub.

Ludo Bagman was sitting with a bunch of goblins in a shadowy corner. He looked to be talking a bit too fast in a low voice to the creatures who sat with their arms crossed and looking rather menacing.

Harry was surprised to see the man here right now. There would be no task or any event associated with the tournament for about two months now if he had his schedules correctly memorized, and for him to be here of all places with goblins was indeed fishy.

Just as Harry was about to avert his eyes, the man spotted him and his eyes lit up. Harry inaudibly groaned when he saw the man speak something to the goblins who gave him disapproving stares. The man quickly trotted over to him and planted himself on the chair right opposite his.

"Harry!" He greeted brightly. "How are you? Been hoping to run into you! I never congratulated you, did I?"

Before Harry could reply, he continued, "A mighty fine performance you put with the dragons, I must say. Although it's a shame such a mishap took place in the middle of it, something you handled quite admirably, I must add. Don't you worry. The workers have been properly reprimanded for their subpar arrangement and something like that won't happen again."

"Thanks," Harry opted to settle on in the end.

"Tiring business with the goblins," the man sighed. "I'd prefer to be miles away from them… can't do that though… responsibilities, as you must know…"

"What do they want?" Harry could not help but ask.

Bagman looked slightly uncomfortable as he made to speak, "They're… err… they're looking for Barty Crouch."

"Mr. Crouch?" Harry asked in surprise. "He doesn't strike me as a man who'd come to a pub, much less like this one."

Bagman chuckled.

"He doesn't, does he?" he replied. "Anyway, his assistant, what's his name… Percy! Ah yes, Percy said he's ill. Been sending correspondence via owl. Don't mention this to anyone, by the way, okay? Rita Skeeter's been poking her nose everywhere lately. Won't surprise me if she spun this little matter into something more sinister."

Harry bristled at the mention of the woman. She better hope she steered well clear of him.

"Anyway, Harry… how goes it with the egg? Figured out the clue?"

Harry blinked, confused as to why the man was asking him about it.

"Err… yeah, did it yesterday."

Bagman looked at him in surprise for a moment before a wide grin crossed his face.

"Attaboy, Harry!" He crowed, furthering his bewilderment. "Knew you had it in you. Never should've doubted you, what with how you performed in the first task. Anyway, if you ever want any advice, feel free to contact me. After all, we all want a Hogwarts victory, don't we?" He finished, winking.

Harry merely nodded, more than a little confused.

"I'll be taking my leave now, but you, young man, you prepare yourself well for the task, you hear?"

"Sure," Harry replied, watching the man stand up and rush back toward the goblins whom he quickly engaged in another conversation in no time. Barely a minute later, they all left the pub, looking rather put out. Bagman shot him a parting look as he made his exit.

Harry could not help but notice that the pub had gone empty by the time Bagman had finished his chat with him and he found himself all alone inside.

"Quite an exuberant man, isn't he?" A sensuous voice came from behind him and as Harry turned around, he came face to face with a pair of sizeable tits almost spilling out of her gown. He leaned back just as the woman walked around and leaned with her plump rear against the table. Harry could not help but take a glance.

"Uh yeah, he sure is," he replied.

"And an idiot as well," she continued. "He's got a huge debt with the goblins, I hear. Been trying to get it cleared by any means. Poor man's in a bind."

Harry nodded absently.

"Only a moron lets himself get indebted to the goblins," he remarked.

"Quite right," Madam Rosemerta chuckled.

"You seem to know quite a bit about things that should remain private, Madam Rosemerta," Harry could not help but state, prompting the woman to chuckle.

"I'm a barmaid, Mr. Potter. There are all sorts of people that come here, talking about one thing or the other, and barely anything remains unknown to me. It helps that I'm but an unassuming beauty who merely goes about her work. There's nothing anyone has to be wary of in here."

Harry nodded.

"I can see you're looking for something," she said. "Ask away."

"What do you know about Rita Skeeter?" He asked bluntly.

"Ah," Madam Rosemerta smiled. "I should've assumed you'd be interested in her. You're quite like your father in many ways. Even he couldn't stand it when someone hurt his friends."

"You knew my father?" He asked in surprise.

"Not as well as I would've liked," she replied coyly. "He and his friends came here frequently, just as other men do, yourself included, I hope."

Harry dragged his eyes up to meet hers and he easily saw how amused she was.

"Can you blame us?" He asked confidently.

Madam Rosemerta blinked at him, not expecting this honesty or candidness before she smirked.

"I sure can't," she replied. "Back to what you asked. I do know a thing or two about Skeeter. She's a vile woman with no regard for others as long as she gets her scoop."

"I believe that's public knowledge," Harry replied with a rueful chuckle.

"Ah, I believe it is," Madam Rosemerta replied with a sigh. "Sadly, that's all the free knowledge I have for you."

"Pardon?" Harry asked with a small frown.

"My information ain't free, Mr. Potter. You should know better by now," she replied, smirking.

Harry pursed his lips before pulling out his bottomless bag from the pocket of his jacket. He put it on the table and looked at the woman expectantly.

"Should be enough in there for you to get a few months' holiday without worrying about any lost business," he remarked.

Madam Rosemerta glanced down at the bag of galleons before she smirked and pushed it back toward him.

"I'm not interested in your gold. Keep that in your pocket, Mr. Potter."

Harry stood up just as the woman turned around and began walking away.

"What other price are you asking for then?"

The woman glanced over her shoulder toward him and smirked, "My price depends on who's asking."

"And it's not gold in my case?" He asked.

The woman merely chuckled.

"Follow me, Mr. Potter," she resumed walking. Sighing, Harry followed after her and he noticed, to his immense surprise, that she led him beyond the threshold that was barred for customers.

As he followed her into the room, her meaning became immediately clear to him and he stood, staring at her.

She turned around with a sultry smirk on her face and flicked her wand. Immediately, the pub's doors and windows shut and so did the door behind him.

"I'm sure you've had your fair share of women back in the castle," she said, swaying her his seductively as she approached him. Harry kept his eyes trained on her lustful orbs as she closed the gap between them, pressing her voluptuous frame against his. Her hand planted on his manhood that had already hardened inside his jeans. "You want your information? Well, you better fuck me like you fuck those girls of yours."

Harry stifled a groan as the woman gave his cock a sound squeeze.

"That's your price? Seriously?" He asked gruffly.

"I didn't get your father, Potter," she replied, her breaths hot against his lips as she leaned upward. "He'd had eyes only for your dear mother, even though he used to come here with his friends."

"So you're happy to have the son instead?"

"On point," she replied lecherously.

Harry's eyes glinted and he pulled her firmly against him, making her gasp. Breathless, she gazed at him wildly as he grabbed hold of her large, round arse and gave them a firm squeeze.

"I should've known you were such a vigorous slut, Madam Rosemerta," he growled. "It's a fucking you want, hmm? Well, a fucking you will get."

"Call me Rosie please," she replied, smirking.

Harry merely grabbed her arse and lifted her. He effortlessly carried her over to her bed and mercilessly threw her on the mattress where she bounced a couple of times before coming to a stop just as he took off his jacket and shirt, leaving his upper body bare. The woman's eyes feasted on his half-naked frame before Harry pounced on her.

He pushed her back and grabbed her upper arms, burying his face deep into her cleavage. He nuzzled and kissed her firm, round globes of flesh, keeping her firmly pressed against the bed as she moaned erotically, brushing her fingers through his hair and pressing his face deeper into her cleavage.

"Ahh yesss…" she groaned as Harry began to nibble on her mounds and let him feast on her unblemished skin.

A few minutes later, she pulled him up and Harry wasted no time. He pressed his lips against hers in a passionate kiss and pushed his tongue out, probing her mouth. She was all too eager to allow him entrance and met his tongue with hers, wrapping it around his as they kissed erotically.

Harry's hands pawed at her tits unashamedly and he grabbed hold of her bodice. As they kissed, he pulled the fabric down and her massive tits spilled out, bouncing around before he pressed his naked frame against hers, mashing her large breasts against his chest. His hands did not remain idle though as he palmed her round arse over her skirt, mauling the supple flesh through the thin fabric as they kissed hotly.

A long while later, Harry pulled back and gazed at her half-naked frame. Her tits were the largest he'd ever laid eyes on, and he'd seen his fair share of them. They jutted out proudly on her chest, displayed in all their naked glory. Her pink puffy nipples were hard with arousal, protruding forward, and Harry pinched them, coaxing a loud moan from the woman. Her eyes twinkled madly as she gazed at him in lust.

Grabbing hold of her dress, he pulled it down her belly and tapped her ass twice in quick succession. The woman eagerly lifted her hips and Harry tugged the dress down, pulling it over her wide ass with a little struggle as it refused to be let go.

"Quite an arse you got there," he remarked, making the woman chuckle as the dress finally slid over her arse. He pulled it entirely down her legs and threw it somewhere behind him, leaving her entirely naked on the bed.

His eyes feasted on the buxom bombshell of a woman as she lay there, her dripping womanhood bared for his viewing pleasure.

"No bra or knickers underneath? Oh you slut," Harry said lecherously as he pushed a finger through her slit, making her sigh. "You get wet at the thought, don't you? That all it'd take is one little accident and you'd be fully exposed in front of an entire crowd. It gets you hot, doesn't it, you filthy whore?"

The woman moaned when he pushed another finger inside her and began thrusting in and out of her. The squelching of his digits moving back and forth filled the room as Harry prepared her for what she'd asked for.

"All you needed was to say you wanted me to fuck you and I'd have done it in a heartbeat. There was no need to play that silly information game with me, Rosie," he whispered promisingly.

"Good to know," she replied, gasping when he pushed another finger inside her. "I'll be sure to just let you know from now on!"

"I'm going to fuck you now," he declared, pulling his fingers out of her and Rosie watched, her arousal spiking, as he licked her juices off. She saw his hands go to his belt and quickly shot to her knees, grabbing his hands and stopping him.

"Changed your mind already?"

She shook her head and pushed his hands aside. She unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans before pulling the zipper down. With one strong tug, she pulled his jeans and boxers down and freed up his cock.

"Merlin, you're massive," she whispered in awe.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," he replied with a chuckle.

The woman did not seem to have heard him as she gently pushed him so that he was lying on the bed before she licked her plump pink lips and wrapped her hand around his shaft, feeling it throb in her grasp. Her mouth watered at the sight of his manhood and she leaned forward, taking the head of his cock in her mouth and wrapping her lips around it.

Harry hissed as she sucked and his hands went to her hair, caressing approvingly as she descended further, taking more than half his length inside her mouth. Her tongue, hot and wet, swirled around his manhood as she began to suck him off.

She glanced up at him through her eyelashes, her lust-filled eyes making his manhood lurch inside her hot mouth. He watched her stretched-out mouth wrapped around his length as she descended and he keenly observed the progress she'd made already.

"You're one fine cocksucker. Shame you didn't make your move sooner. I'd have loved to have fucked that mouth of yours sooner," he grunted as she began to bob her head back and forth, feeding his massive rod into her mouth as she blew him off.

His fingers caressed her blonde locks and he watched his spit-covered manhood slide out of her mouth until only the crown remained inside before she dove back again, shoving his rod deep inside her gullet. She was taking his cock deep inside her throat with ease not even Fleur had displayed so far, and it made him marvel at the woman's skill even more.

"Fuck, Rosie," he grunted. "You're really good at that."

The woman preened at the praise and eagerly began to bob her head on his length, feeding his manhood deep into her throat every time she pushed her mouth forward. She expertly maneuvered around her gag reflex, leaving him breathless.

With a loud 'pop', she pulled his length out of her mouth and began to stroke his saliva-covered cock hard and fast.

"I need this big boy inside me now," she declared and straddled him quickly. Harry's cock made contact with her damp, glistening pussy and he felt it slide against her, pressing against her eager core.

He found her large, round tits right over his face and reached up, grabbing and mauling them. Rosie moaned and dragged her slick folds over the entire length of his rigid cock, teasing him further. She kept humping his cock against her slit as Harry feasted on her tits, his tongue swirling around her hard nipples one by one as he pinched and pulled them before sucking her hardened nubs yet again.

She reached behind herself and grabbing a hold of his length by the base, she aligned the tip against her wet entrance.

"Oh Merlin fucking yesss!" She cried out as she pushed the tip inside her and slammed her ass down, burying his entire length inside her in one firm push. "Oh Morgana! Fuck!"

Her sweltering depths hugged his manhood intimately as she threw her head back erotically and moaned. Her inner walls wrapped around his length, accommodating it with perfect ease. Harry could feel her lips furiously sucking his neck as she kept her face buried therein, his hands holding her by her arse and gently caressing her bare back.

Finally, when she deemed she had adjusted to the feeling of his length inside her, she raised her arse with a moan before slamming back against him, pushing his cock inside her once again. It did not take long for her to develop her rhythm and Harry merely lay there, taking in the heavenly sight of her bouncing tits right in front of his face and her sexy visage with her head thrown back in sheer pleasure as she rode him like she'd never rode anyone before.

"Ah Harry… ohh fuck… Merlin… why did I wait so long… ohh…"

Harry grabbed her hips as he planted his feet on the bed and began to meet her thrusts. Rosie moaned in delight as he began fucking her just as she fucked herself raw on his length. The sounds of her round arse slapping against his body reverberated around the room as Rosie wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her entire front against his. With their sweaty fronts flush against each other, Harry began to furiously thrust inside her, making her let out a furious howl of satisfaction.

"Aaahhh yesss! Fuck me! Oh fuck me Harry! Merlin yesss! Fuck me like no one ever has! Aaahhhh!"

Harry's breathing grew more labored as he kept thrusting upward, feeding his entire length into her gushing womanhood. He could feel himself getting close to his release and he believed she was close herself.

Rosie was closer than he thought, and Harry was surprised when she suddenly started to tremble on top of him. Her pussy walls clenched around his manhood as she let out a keening wail, her orgasm crashing through her violently.

He held her tightly as she convulsed on top of him and once her orgasm ran its course, Harry decided to take it up a notch. After all, he had not cum yet.

He flipped them around so that he was on top and pulled back. Keeping his cock buried inside her, he grabbed her knees and pulled them apart. The sight of her sodden little cunt wrapped around his jutting manhood made him lurch inside her.

Rosie could only lay there, half-delirious, as Harry furiously fucked her on the bed. The mattress under her was already soaked by her orgasmic juices and all she could do was stare at him. Her body writhed on the bed, her large tits shaking and bouncing all over as he thrust mercilessly inside her, sending her over the edge once again. All she could do was lay there, moaning incoherently as he fucked her just as she had asked him to.

He breathed heavily, his thrusts slowing down until he let himself fall forward, mashing her large bouncing tits against his hard chest, and Rosie spread her legs before wrapping them around his waist, pulling him close. Harry thrust deep inside her and finally, he let himself be sent over the edge.

The head of his cock expanded inside her before rope after rope of his thick, hot cum splattered her insides. Rosie moaned in satisfaction at the feeling of being creampied and her hold on him tightened. For his part, Harry wrapped his arms as tightly around her buxom frame and sucked harshly on her neck. He knew it would leave a mark but he didn't care.

The final vestiges of his cum shot deep inside her and Harry let himself roll over to his left, taking her with him. Their bodies still wrapped around each other, holding the other as close as physically possible, they retreated into a peaceful slumber.

Any information exchange could wait.


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